VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Katawa Shoujo [Final] [Four Leaf Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible in my opinion. The characters all have an incredible story and behaviour dealing with their own handicap. While there is not that many H-scene, the script give the impression that this sort of story could probably happen irl. There is not any princess or student that have the power of god, this is just some highschool romance. I mean this actually changed my point of view about interraction with other people.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been frequently stumbling upon this game's title while searching for good VN's and after finally playing It I can see now why.

    The game is very well written and has all the good elements from a well-made Japanese romance VN. The visuals for the most part are pretty basic but have a charm to them with good character design that compliments the writing well which is the main focus of this game anyway. The characters are lively and well written and while all five love interest, that have their own unique storylines, have some kind form of a disability, it is surprisingly not used as a crutch or exploitation but instead to enrich the characters personalities and motivations which I found to be a very clever use of it. And the music is good and very traditional as far as romance VN's go.

    Overall if you're interested in a well written and emotionally touching romance visual novel in a traditional Japanese VN style, this is one of the best ones I came across. Additional credit to the dev team for making this game completely free to download considering the high quality of it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A Masterpiece and a flurry of emotions. The romance flick was great makes you invested with each character/route. The environment, soundtrack and story was to behold, it was a great experience for me. To feel happy and sad at the same time was quite the feeling.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe my crispy bacon can be this cute!

    If you want to try this game, get some free days in advance because you're going to feel weird after you finish it for like another week, since after you play the game, the game will play with your feels.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute classic and maybe the best western visual novel, all the girls having physical disability is a daring choice but while it is a porn game it had lots of heart and doesn't treat the subject like a joke.

    This really has it all, great chara design, writing, the girls are all really likeable and some good music.

    Small gripe would be some of the background being real picture with some filter over it, i'm sure some people like it but not really my thing, and maybe some more diversity in the music would have been nice.

    But yeah would recomnand this to everyone, a must play !
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is not exactly porn game but excellent life learning game :)
    It subtly shows that "such things happen", and nothing can be done about it except to acknowledge them. The story is so addictive that despite the small number of choices I couldn't tear myself away from it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Maria Waller

    On the surface this game just seems like an inappropriate setting for an eroge. ESPECIALLY an eroge, but this is quickly proven to be a wrong way of viewing this game. It takes its time to tell the story and really makes sure to not just tell a story about disabled girls, but their life with said disabilities and how they overcome the obvious obstacles they are burdened with. The devs managed to tell a heart warming and at times very sad story, well five stories depending on who you spend your time with.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a VN about a boy who after suffering a severe cardiac arrhythmia is transferred to a center for students with disabilities, where perhaps he will find love.

    It is not a fetichistic game. Surprisingly respectful, insightful, and well written. It is a game written with a lot of heart and respect for its characters and their situations that will hit you were it hurts.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It might have sexual content but overall the best appeal about it is the story and the routes. They are bitter sweet and just make you feel happy inside when you dedicate yourself to one of the girls. Cause even if most the girls in the game have a disability, they all have beautiful personalities. This game makes you see the beauty hidden behind any disability and that even those with one have souls of gold that just need a little love and support. In the end, it was not the sexual content that made me love this but the story and characters in it..
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the Visual Novel that entered me into the world of Visual Novels. I still remember starting it on a whim on an aeroplane in 2012, saving after 68 minutes, and being like "This is awesome! I want more of this!". a truly great story that still stands as the greatest western made Visual Novel of all time. a true classic. needless to say, pretty much every one should play it :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is my go to dating sim. i usually end up on Hanakos route but i dont care because she is my fave. and before someone goes and tries to help me, yes i have completed every route in the game, got all cgs and every piece of music i could. i havce been playing this lovely game since the demo was released
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It didn't just service my crank, but also my heart. Ton's of fine broads. If you're a person of taste you'll give this game a try. It is best enjoyed if you don't skip the dialogue and enjoy it in multiple sittings.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The characters are flushed out well, they act appropriately to changes in relationship dynamics through a character point system that is invisible. The development of the protagonist through their relationship development is quite dynamic and helpful for giving the player the developing mindset of the play character as they pursue certain avenues of dialogue. The artwork is pretty good, the animations are superb, the extras menu certainly sheds a light on things you missed. It really is a heartwarming romantic novel told through imagery and dialogue, not as bad as some visual novels that don't have a means to determine what scenes you missed, unless someone like Lain's Mods makes a mod providing info and a scene count.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say except *UGLY CRY FACE*?

    Seriously, for being made by a forum board that is populated by degenerates that put us to shame, this game is the epitome of wholesome and adorable.

    The premise is unbelievable, but simple enough. You are Hisao, a blond haired Japanese boy (kek), whose heart is set aflutter by the confession of plot-point-chan, the cutest girl in your class. The main issue of this is that your heart is quite literally set aflutter. You have arrhythmia, a heart condition that causes your ticker to beat rather erratically when you become too excited or overexert yourself. (That'll never be an important thing to remember, right?)

    Worry not, however! Your mother and father, while you were whiling away the hours of your agonizing recovery, decided that it would be best to pull you from the school system you've been a part of for so much of your life to dump you into an entirely new school: the live-in school, Yamaku Academy, a place where even a filthy cripple like you can attempt halfheartedly to get an education.

    Great, well, where do you start? By meeting your teacher, of course, but not before meeting the head nurse, who seems to be potentially banging the mother of one of your possible waifus, Emi, but more on her in a moment.

    So, you met your teacher, found your bland, prison cell of a dorm room, and even have your trusty medication that makes it so your heart doesn't literally fucking die if you get too stressed, what next? Well, silly, next you get to do what is probably the most stressful part of being an adolescent male: Attempt to form meaningful relationships with the females of your age group. So, let's meet our lucky contestants!

    *Spoiler Warning*

    First up, we have my personal favorite, Hanako. Hanako is a timid, jumpy, burn victim with a complex about her parents not loving her. She has shiny burn marks along one side of her body, but that doesn't stop her from being a cutie. Once you work your way into her route, you'll peel back the layers of a terrified little onion to find a loving sweetheart of a girl in the center.

    Second is the very, very, extremely attractive Lily. What's her problem, you say? Well, she's fucking blind, which, over the course of her route, creates a number of situations that display just how capable, yet vulnerable, she is as a blind woman. Lily is definitely the most normal of the girls, though she apparently has a thing for older men, so keep an eye out for that. Also, remember to chase after what you love, or it might just escape from you.

    Third up is Emi. Emi is, well, there's no other way to say it; she's the loli of the group. An extremely talented runner, Emi's main disability is her lack of legs, which were removed in a car accident that took the life of her father. Her desire for independence and the inability to say how she really feels will put a damper on your relationship near the end, but if you persevere, you get a truly emotional scene where you visit her father's grave with her, a tradition she's fulfilled every year since he passed. Emi's route is perhaps the one that I felt left the most to be desired. The scene in the graveyard should have culminated in Hisao asking Emi to marry him, but it didn't. ~Le Sigh~

    Fourth up is Shitzune, I mean, Shizune. Nothing against the Shizune lovers of the world, but her route just didn't capture me in any meaningful way. Perhaps her being deaf, and therefor uncomfortable with talking, really damages the meaning in the conversations you have with her. Her sex scenes are a little weird, riding on the bdsm level, though she really doesn't take it farther than tying you up. Honestly, the part that really kills this route for me is her father, who makes a number of appearances. I found his character annoying and irrelevant at the best of times. Admittedly, the night of the festival where you sign to her to ask her out is really good, but amongst the others, her route really doesn't stand out as anything brilliant.

    Finally, we have the little oddball, Rin. Rin, right from the start, is weird. This gives players a good chance to see just what they'll be getting into when they go along her route. Hisao spends a good majority of the time trying to figure out what's on her mind. An impossible task at the outset, and one that gets no easier as time progresses. Rin, I believe, is autistic... well, aside from the unimportant fact that she has no arms. Her disjointed, often senseless thoughts offer the player a maddening experience as they watch Hisao try to get through to her again and again, failing each time, yet not ever truly losing hope. Honestly, I played through Rin's route just because I wanted to say I had played all of the routes to the end. I didn't like or dislike it, but again, much like Shizune's route, it just never really grabbed me.

    Oh, and there's Kenji. Kenji has a leaf for a crotch, and believes that women are trying to eliminate men and take over the world, which, looking back on it, seems scarily accurate. Oh well, in the context of this game he's a nutcase that one should be relatively quick to ignore, before he pulls you into his room to see his charts.

    The game is good, and was the first visual I ever played. It could be said that this VN is what made me such an avid porn game lover, so you should probably thank Katawa Shoujo, at the very least, for giving you my wonderful personality.

    An easy 5 stars, play this game, you're welcome.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is paired really well with the music. The game plays just the right type of instrumental music to go along with the mood of the situation. It's sad when there is depressing moments, happy on joyful events, and peaceful when there is contentment.
    All in all, this was a fantastic read and an emotional roller coaster (for lack of a better term).
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Heartwarming and authentic.

    There are like 2-3 lewd scenes with each girl and all happen after a couple of hours of playtime so nothing for a quick wank if u are looking for that kind of VN.

    You will shed a tear or two.

    defintely in my top10, recommended to play with a walkthrough since the first chapter is not intuitive after that its mostly a kinetic novel with 2-3 choices
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite VN of all time. An interesting premise and excellent writing makes KS stand out among other visual novels, and the "high production value" look for a game mainly developed by random people from 4chan is astonishing
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is so great and the girls so sweet i just cannot bring myself to pursue a bad ending just for the sake of 100% i just cant.... more than 10 endings and the girls are beautiful
    hanako is #1
    i usually find it rally hard to immerse myself in asian games but this is a gem...
    totally command it... its a special game who doesnt only have a good story but it changes the perspective in which we see disabilities and disabled people which is the message i think the devs where trying to get across.
    not recomanded for people who want a quick release...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game touches your heart and leaves you wanting so much more. Your playthroughs should be done with a walkthrough ( I would suggest first meeting all the girls to see which one catches your eye and playing through her story using said walkthrough. I will admit that the game is unforgiving with choices and one mistake can set you up for the bad ending. Besides this, Katawa Shoujo is a must play and a classic of the visual novel genre.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Who said adult games can't tell a damn good story? 5/5 this game made my soul brighten, heart lighten, and c*ck harden.

    If you're clicking on the reviews considering this one, please just take my advice and download it. The game has nearly universal acclaim for a reason, and it's not because everyone has an unawakened fetish for amputees/disabled characters. (Though to be fair, I'm sure some do). This game will hit you in the feels and then some, and you're gonna get a heartwarming story with just about any route you go for. For the sake of organization, and as I see some other reviewers doing, I'll try to give my thoughts on the routes individually, then summarize my thoughts as a whole at the end.

    Disclaimer: Haven't tried all of the routes, only the three that caught my attention on my initial play-through.

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    As for my overall thoughts, this game is probably the most important adult visual novel for anyone to experience, and I almost feel bad even labelling it as an adult game. If you were considering this game for the porn content, I would say that although there are well written/drawn h-scenes within these stories, it does elevate above what I'd consider fap-worthy content. This game eludes the stigma and stereotypes that many adult games fall under, and I don't say this as a way to look down on adult games that are focused on fappable content! Trust me, I don't typically come to this site looking for the story driven games ;). But considering this game masterbated my heart and made me somehow a better person, well, that's more than I can say about many big-release games and movies out there, let alone a visual novel written by some forum lurkers like myself. This game is awe-inspiring and something of this caliber comes along once in a blue moon, so take my advice and give it a shot, you won't regret it!