VN - Ren'Py - Kate [S2 v0.7.1] [WetMelonPlay]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    The premise is solid, the renders are decent, the animations are definitely on the weak side... but what kills this game is the absolute ton of unnecessary dialogue. There's just sooo many meaningless conversations that lag on forever that it quickly becomes painful to try and read everything.

    When you stop really reading and just click like a madman to try and find something more interesting, you'll really be blown away about how little there is to actually see in this game.

    The female MC with a corruption twist is exactly my genera, but the writing makes this game borderline unplayable.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game starts being good even if the plot being washed and used over many games but it's still attractive for a porn game, renders are good sex scenes are meeh, corruption is not bad, but once you reach a certain point in the game the text becomes gibberish, like a japanese game MTL peotry, sentences are not making any scenes and character sometimes talk about events you never seen, its a complete mess, i dropped the game midways since i can't follow the story anymore and it became incoherent gibberish.
    I think all the good reviews were coming from the earlier versions where only the "good" lines were available, as i said once you pass them the game is unplayable (unreadable since there isn't gameplay to begin with).
    My advice for the dev is to get a proper translator or a story writer that speak fluent english, VN have no game play only erotic scenes and story to follow. If the story isn't making any sense then what's the point at looking at silly mid quality porn 3d renders.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    great renders but soulless game.

    Render are good, the character is looking good....

    but the whole story is just tedious, impossible to follow, reading the dialogues gives you the impression of wasting your time.

    Sex scenes sometime are a pure checkbox exercise, again no soul, no building up sexual tension.

    Problem is easy to resolve: Dev should hire a story writer or copying like for like a success porn movie with plot (Italian/French).

    The dev's talent is creating good renders, but clearly not telling a story or representing good quality sex scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really my type of game. The female protagonist, corruption, slight ntr, and the new character (Liam) have gotten me hooked on this game. The renders are up there with some of the best and the MC is extremely hot. Some of the story is not very original, like the blackmail, and there are some typos but these can be easily overlooked. Still not a ton of content but very worth playing at this point. This game is progressing well and will probably have a place in my top 5 or 10 favorite games
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game still has little content for now, but it's amazing how much the dev has improved the story with the updates, I'm already looking forward to the next ones! It has tremendous potential to be explored!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    TL,DR = new girl in a town that is about to discover her sexuality (she will turn into slut). Pretty mediocre. Also not much content at this point.

    Story: 3/5
    + Story can be summarised as: New girl in a town that is about to discover her sexuality. Until now she was almost like a nun and the wildest thing she ever tried was missionary sex with her boyfriend. But she moved to new town so now she will enjoy being gropped by random perverts. She will also try filming amateur homemade porn. She will try kinky sex position and she will try some lesbian sex. She will definitely descend into depravity. Blah blah.
    - Although the story sounds interesting at first, but unfortunately on the second look it is pretty mediocre. Nothing different from all the other porn games with similar story.

    Graphic: 4/5
    + Main heroine is hot.
    - Game uses pretty standart Daz models. Character will feel very familiar, because developer reused some basic models.
    - Sex scenes still need some work done. Camera usually catches them from boring angles. (I dont remember even one decent pussy shot)

    Gameplay: 3/5
    + Game is straightforward VN with some choices. (not many choices atm)
    + English is decent.
    - Unfortunately the game is still early in development so there isnt much content. I played through entire game in 10-15minutes.

    To sum it up:
    This game has interesting premise. But if you have played similar games then this game will feel mediocre.
    Also there isnt much content at this moment. Check game later.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Kate v0.3

    Nice artwork, MC is very attractive, also the other blonde girl in the coffee shop, I find equally attractive.
    Story is a little slow and boring so far and similar to many other games.
    It still has a lot of potential, if written well.
    One thing I find not realistic in this story.
    If pretty girls are working in a maid cafe where groping is accepted, provided you tip. The cafe would be so crowded with men, and the MC would be getting groped MANY times, not just not once (coincidently as husband arrived).
    I hope the developer doesnt make the MC an easy slut, and she resists having to cheat on her husband as much as she can, but has no choice, due to their financial predicament.
    Just 3 stars for now, waiting for the updates and maybe I will score more.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The render quality is very good. But the characters themselves are very boring and generic looking. I understand that daz has a limited library of assets but this literally looks like every character here was exactly copied from another VN that had a similar looking/feeling character. I'm not saying that the dev actually copied characters but there is no sense of originality in the game. So is the case with the story and setting. You can find multiple VNs out there having similar if not the same premise. Dialogue is okay but not really good. Maybe there's some exciting things in the future but right now not really interesting.

    Tldr; looks good but is kinda boring, has nothing new and feels hollow
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising start to what appears to be a classic corruption VN. A major positive is how hot the female characters are, especially if you like slender character models. I also recommend this game if you're into workplace corruption scenarios.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 Very beautiful and young mc
    4/10 Language
    10/10 Render quality, although renders are very few
    2/10 Story

    Personally the only selling point of this game atm are the mc and setting, its not a unique setting either but its the one we rarely get to see nowadays. Gave 5 star feedback because despite its negatives i still liked having spending time with our lovely mc.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    don't want to be negative i always appreciate female mc games where the mc also looks acutally fine with some curves. but i have to be honest.

    the mc looks damn fine and better than half of most other fem protag girls (not in the top 10 for me but very close)

    the renders are nice, the english is good, its easy and not complicated so whats the problem?

    the "problem" and i i gave it just 3 stars atm is that its pretty much the same like some other fem mc games. similar story, similar location, similar look, similar job, similar timeline, similar direction and plus all that its still very early in dev with only little choices and options yet.

    don't get me wrong i don't mind such a game but for know its too much the same of everything till there will be more content, but even then i feel like it will be pretty much the same like 3/4 other games. i wouldn't still don't mind but again too few content to balance this lack out yet.

    but i will keep an eye on it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like realistic and logical storytelling
    And this game has done it with the best quality of illustration and graphics

    I think you should pay more attention to the issues of corruption and strengthen the multiple choice section

    And please do not cuckold her boyfriend
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