I didn't want to give this a full review as I've not played for long, but I'm really not sure what the point of the game is? It feels like the game is 95% padding.
The random encounter rate is absurdly huge. I'm not sure you can go more than 10 steps without one, in areas where encounters are enabled. Enemies also seem to ramp up in difficulty pretty quickly, and it seems like you need to grind a lot even in the first few minutes of the game - at least to get enough gold to hire one or more of the mercs near the start, then buy potions so you can venture deeper.
You get a game-over when the protagonist hits 0HP, even if you have a revival potion and other hired party members, and she seems to attract the majority of enemy attacks. I've only bothered to pick up the I-assume-knight-tank dude to roll with, but he hasn't got a taunt skill or anything like that, so I'm not sure if or how you're supposed to divert attention to someone better able to tank it. There doesn't seem to be many places where you can heal up, either - so far I've only found the early-dungeon merchant and one "you find some water" areas which heal a paltry ~5hp out of 500 or so each time. Basically, it seems like you're stuck with a lot of grinding and retreading, at least until finding a deeper merchant to base off of.
The H-content seems to be (mostly) limited to walking in on other girls who are working as prostitutes(?), at least one of which near the start triggers a pretty hard fight after boring unskippable animation. There's a couple of H-scenes of the protagonist in the game folder, but I have no idea how you trigger those - probably deep in the game and in some sort of prostitution scene like the others, would be my guess. This is maybe a blessing, as MTL rarely gives us great prose, but there's bugger all story or buildup in the scenes I've seen, too. I don't think you're missing out much if you just rip the pictures folder and discard the rest.
I gave this a go because I thought the art might be cute but simple, and while it is, the game around it is just... bleh. I don't feel like the game respects my time whatsoever. The H content seems minimal. I'm actually kinda shocked that a game this seemingly badly designed was made as late as 2020. I was expecting this to be some +10 year old relic getting dusted off. I'd be fucking embarassed to be selling this today. That said, I've spent more time writing this than playing it, and not more than an hour has passed since I first opened it, so... *shrug*. What I've seen feels lazy enough that I don't even feel like putting the effort to format a proper review. Maybe the game gets dramatically better with some setting or option I missed, but I'm not seeing it.