RPGM - Khendovir Chronicles: Rinets Quest [v0.14.0] [StalkerRoguen]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the cast. Is diverse in appearance, background and personality. This is only made better with their interactions and conversations. Their design and art is also unique and really appealing. The plot and story is original, although some of the combat gameplay I do find tedious and quite difficult, tho you can make it easier via various means if you know what you are doing. Some of the maps are far bigger than they need to be, making travelling a bit of a chore. Nevertheless, the H scenes are really hot and very well made. All in all, a game well worth playing!
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3920068

    3-stars not because the game is average, but because all its strengths are its weaknesses.

    TL:dr; A lot more game than porn by A LOT.

    I will start out by saying that this is probably the most interesting game I've ever played from this site. I've deleted and remade accounts because addiction, so this account is blank, but I've played around ~50 of them from just this website (not including countless flash games, comics, etc, so I am a seasoned pervert), and this is the game I have deleted and downloaded the most. I've played through it 5 times but have never beaten it. I think that's because the game suffers from an identity crisis.

    It's a "porn game". Personally, I prefer the "porn" part of "porn game", but sadly most developers focus on the "game" part and do a sub-par job of it at best. They all feel like chores of click mazes, pointless mini-games, terrible navigation, etc.

    I don't find any porn games 'fun'. I've played them all with the simple purpose of getting off, which is why I prefer VNs. However, I do rather enjoy this one. It's like an adult version of one of the old Final Fantasy games, in terms of style,content, combat, and world-building--pretty much everything. Though missing polish, it blows every other Renpy & RPGM game I've ever played out of the water. That's not to say this is an absolute masterpiece like Breath of the Wild or The Witcher 3, though it's still very good. However, there is still a MAJOR problem.

    Not enough porn. I'm not saying that in a cute "the only problem with this cheesecake is that there isn't enough of it" kind of way, but more like "you charge me $20 for this slice of cheesecake? I can't even see the damn thing!" kind of way. StalkerRoguen definitely got the game part of porn game right, but he messed up on the porn part. In defence of the game, I again prefer VNs, but it still lacks porn content even when compared to other RPGM games I've played. Hell, I'd go so far as to say I've seen more content in a 3-minute MnF game than I've seen in 3 HOURS of this game. The art is great, but sporadic. You will do 40 minutes doing quests in this world that feels huge while trying to decide if you should help this guy or this other guy or buy this sword or that shield or whatever to make your group stronger to kill enemies to get more loot to get 1-3 porn pics...aaaaand then it's back to more quests. You get rewarded with more story, but...

    ...I personally play these games to cum, not beat dungeon bosses one-handed or learn about what happened to my twin brother after we got separated in that boss fight with the guy who's going to try to take over the world . When I want to play games, I go to Valve, Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony. When I want to cum, I come here and find a game I haven't played before. It's like it was developed without remembering that it's going to be played late at night by horny guys that can't figure out they need to stand on this tile and not the other to trigger the thing. And that happened multiple times to me, which is why I also mentioned it needed polish. It's supposed to make you orgasm, it's not supposed to be fun.

    But it is fun.

    If you like the idea of an adult Final Fantasy type game that you play for fun, this is for you. If you're looking for a porn game to jerk off to, unless you're 15 and you can cum in 15 seconds and don't mind grinding for an hour for those 15 seconds, this is not for you.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I have to say this game really wasn't for me. There's way to much talking and not enough fucking. I played for over four hours and only got three sex scenes that finished faster than a virgin on prom night.
    For the first three and a half hours I read every line of text and I still for the life of me couldn't tell you the plot. The game is so text heavy that I spent thirty minutes just skipping text and running from point a to point b before I realized I hadn't found another sex scene. Granted I probably missed one or two by skipping but I was so bored with the game I started playing RDR2 to keep myself from turning into a drooling mess and not in a good way. Yes the art work in the game is in my opinion above average it still doesn't do enough to subtract from the boring game.
    I wish the creator all the luck in the world but I doubt I'll be coming back to this one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent story telling, but this game stretches it's content way to thin by filling it with meaningless fetch quests with 0 indication of what you should doing or where you should go.

    Got stuck on the cart quest for 20 mins because the thing looks nothing like a cart and you need to stand on a certain tile to trigger it to continue which is not highlighted or indicated in any way.

    On top of that the dev narrows your vision so you can't see shit which adds nothing to the game and is just plain annoying.

    Artwork is good but few and far in between.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game !
    The world is well built, the story very intersting (it's not just : you are in a house with whores, fuck them all !).
    It's about respect the other, no pervet things like trick him/her to do him/her (or other dirty minded things like abuse, rape, mind control,...), so you don't feel like a piece a shit when you play this game.
    Even without porn it would have been very pleasant to play.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Too much game, not enough porn. 7 hours in and I've only seen 1 penetration scene, and that one was nonsensical and very easy to miss. Oh wait there was actually 2 scenes, but that last one was a GILF scene and kinda gross so I'm not gonna count it.

    The story is all over the place, with lots of jumping around between locations and it's very wordy. The writing is good, but after say 4 hours you start to get the feeling that maybe there should be a lewd in here somewhere.

    The story feels really schizophrenic. You're fighting ice giants and some evil dudes then suddenly you're teleported to some village and you get a bear as a sidekick. And it's time for fetch quests. Like, what?!? How does any of this make sense? I don't get this at all.

    The art is really nice, but there is wayyyy to little of it and way too many fetch quest, wondering where to go, and looooong dialogues. Oh and this dev really really loves this thing in RPGM where you cant see the map, only a small circle around your character and you have to navigate a maze. Like really really loves this shit. And there is a hunger mechanic. If you don't stock up on lots and lots of food early you may be in for some real problems. It doesn't really add anything to the game, eating is just a chore you need to keep track of. It's stupid.

    Theres lots of combat. It's kinda boring and I wish there was a way to skip it to get on with the story.

    All in all:
    Story/world building: 4/5
    Art: 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    Fetch quests 1/5
    Dark mazes 1/5
    Hunger mechanic 1/5
    Complicated and difficult combat, and lots of it 1/5
    Super long dialogues 1/5
    Where the fuck do I go now?-type quests with no hints in the quest log 1/5

    This game is in desperate need of a walkthrough. I've spent more hours than I care to admit trying to find characters and locations and trying to figure out where to go next.

    There is a gallery function but when I try to use it there is nothing. After 7 hours, absolutely fucking nothing. Weak.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Simoly brilliant, a real RPG, not just an adult game where everything is about sex. But the adult scenes are great because of the main heroine. A few typos in the text are not a problem. Nice style of drawing. A few levels of difficulty are great. Can't wait for the next update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a shining example of good game dev work. The plot rivals many mainstream commercial products. Even if you manage to play it so that you miss many porn scenes, this is still enjoyable game that I really like to get back to.
    The female protagonist is a deep and interesting character. The longer you're in the game, the more her personality makes sense.
    One of the best rape scenes I've seen. This is what I personally believe rape would be like for me, were I ever a victim, minus the kick their asses part.
    Came back here to elaborate on Diane. She's one of my favorite characters on this site. She is her own woman, with her own will and choices. Even if she's being played by others, she tries to make most out of it and make it her own path. Even if she is sometimes bit naive, she's no weakling nor is she wide eyed virgin that can't tell penis from garden hose. And lets be honest, in the non-chastise warrior community a girl would know sex as well and a boy. Which Diane does.
    The way dark events from her past are intertwined into main storyline is graceful and interesting. Makes for a good plot redundancy and wets appetite for more of her.
    So far I could imagine myself being her, if I was born in her world and had guts to become a warrior.
    Great game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    version 0.12.1 (technical issues from previous versions are fixed)

    Let's assume you're not allergic to RPGMaker.

    + Combat is good >>> generic RPGMaker combat
    + Story is interesting (that's not a common thing)
    + Characters are interesting
    + Unique skill system and character development
    + Interesting sex scenes

    About the H content

    This game is a good RPG in spite of the RPGMaker engine.
    It has a lot to offer as a RPG with some H-scenes as a reward but keep in mind the RPG part has a lot of content and the H-content might seem very scarce in comparison.

    Very good if that's what you're looking for, for a change.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing it right now, I'm in CH1 Diana and for now it is a really solid RPG.

    The gameplay is interesting, with a combat depth much better than the few other RPGM I played. The high miss rate can get annoying but the row and warp system outshines this little flaw.

    Map are generic RPGM tileset (I think ?), so pretty bland, characters sprites on map look stiff and not that great, however combat sprites are really nice, portraits are great (so many different ones ! Even for characters who die without any real importance !) and H Scene are awesome.

    Story so far is interesting, narration feels natural, pacing is good (except the 24 back and forth on this stupid stairs). Characterization, dialogs, plot, nothing feels wrong or out of place (which is better than many JRPG...).

    Overall, it's a real game, with a real plot, and I really like playing it. I find it better than Noxian Nights. Well, I'm only past the prologue, but whatever, keep up the good work StalkerRoguen and I really hope you'll find the success you deserve.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for quick easy sex scenes - then this game is not for you. There is dialogues, quest, battles at times to get to the sex scenes. People will die. Dark times - not horror but this game isn't all rainbows so if its not your kind of plot then please walk away. I feel like the sex scenes is more like a reward when you get to it. This is an RPG - in other words either battles, plot, quests to get to it.

    Though I would like it, the developer will NOT be adding incest.

    Great story that continues to get better with each update. Diana is very cool and funny main character to play. Each character has different dialogues that portrays them further. You can easily immerse yourself in this world. Hours of game play and replay. I look forward to each update.

    EDIT: Despite how dark the plot can be at times, just like real life there will be happy funny times too. Realistically you can't save everyone and in war someone has to die. At first I didn't like it either - very dark prologue, don't want to spoil people so just beware : plot has good times and bad. In the end, I feel like the developer has a good balance of ups and downs of the plot even though it may seem like he has more dark times.