VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Kidnapped Man [v0.2d] [LISAD]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    click bait first image, no idea why its rated so high. the character models are all hideous and the content is basically none, excusable seeing as it is marked as abandoned but I don't get why the rating is as high as it is
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried this out and while I realize it is in early development I don't like how it "progresses" too rapidly. For me, the best part of these corruption or transformation games is the slow change from one stage to another. Here we have a bewildered prisoner who at first is defiant and terrified and in the very next scene is compliant and even enjoying the situation. There needs to be a few stages in between.

    For example, the first scene of "corruption" could be after the man has taken his clothes off and spanked him. He leaves (without any erections involved), then that night the prisoner lays on the cold floor thinking about what happened (and seeing the man's huge dick). He goes to sleep and wakes up with an erection. Is this simply morning wood common to most young men of his age or is it a reaction to the events of the previous day? That is much more erotic than going from zero to ten in one scene. The trip is far more fun than the destination.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Aulo Vibenna

    Good start: a little boy forced by a man could be funny to play. How much desire to be forced is your choice. One path looks like too fast to me, the other one looks like much more funny. Unfortunately it stops right away.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Early stages gives you several choices on how you want to play.
    I think it's got potential on how it can go and how well it'll be done.
    Will keep an eye on how it goes with each update, how each route differs and how far it'll be taken.
    Personally wouldm't miind a bit of bondage and/or bdsm but that's just my no.1 fetish, so that's just my opinion.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This being a initial release, I'll be kinder.

    Pros: Models look passable, Themes are Dark, but not overt, Choice to fight back against Sisification is appreciated.

    Cons: Engrish is understandable, but needs a translator and an editor.

    I like that the dev is not scared to release a game with themes of Kidnapping, Rape, and Stockholm syndrome. As long as the themes don't go too dark like blood or intense violence, I think there could be a market for this. I'm going to keep an eye out for this game kuz I'm curious to see what comes next.

    I'm currently playing 3 Playthroughs: Submit, Fight, and Forgive. Looks good to me.