4.60 star(s) 28 Votes


New Member
May 4, 2019
I gotta say thanks for the gallery mode! The village seems really neat and I'm really curious as to how it'll be filled up and how the interactions with the villagers will be. I'm assuming the insides of the houses will be for when you unlock the ability to have fun with the friendly villagers?


Dec 26, 2018
update CE table please...
Sorry for being late

Here's a new version of the Cheat table.
I rearranged many things in this version, now both HP and max HP address seekers get activated simulteneously and max health cheat is activated separately. I also added alternative max health cheat (it basically sets your heath to 10 everytime you get damaged) and added and option that might make this cheat table compatible with wider range of builds (tested on 202004, 202005, 202006)

Here's how you enable full health cheat on this version:
activate "Health inject"
activate "always full health"
you might also want to activate "always full health alt", as it would essentialy disable damage, although it probably still won't affect instakills


Dec 26, 2018
Not necessary a bug, as I'm 99% certain it can not be encoutered in normal gameplay at this point, just something you might wanna fix:
When PC's health is over maximum and she gets hit you first decrease her health and only then check for overflows. Essentially game acts as if player had max+1 HP. You probably shoud check for overflows before applying damage


Dec 26, 2018
now, that's definitely a bug:
After dying in caves (fallen into thorns) cave music kept playing after death, so now I have cave music layered on top of jungle music
Upd. Seems like it might be damage-related somehow (I just got wall gring sound to keep playing after hitting the spikes wothout dying) and doesn't seems to be easily repeatable
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Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
how to get 2 animation?

- snip -
Get grabbed by a kobold and have another kobold run towards you until you see a big "<3 x3" and the kobold gets out his dong. Then press A (or whatever key you set for that button) and the kobold joins in.


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Weekly Roundup - Week 25

Art Packs
Hi everyone! ^w^

Null and I took a good chunk of last week to go over our design document to update it and work on a bunch open design issues we still had.

In the we included a bunch of photos and pictures from our work this week!


Monday and tuesday we went over our ideas list for abilities we had for Kincaid and decided on a final set of abilities.

We focused on three main areas:

  • Movement
  • Melee Combat
  • Blaster

A big issue we had was with the movement. We felt like sliding, rolling and then, another ability we need, the dash, would be in conflict or make each other obsolete.

Right now you can pretty much spam dodge roll, which makes balancing and enemy design difficult. So we played around with some ideas for balancing the dodge roll and open up design space for a Dash ability.

The design we came up with, which we will test in a prototype this week is as follows:

Dodge rolling will get "tokens" that need to recharge. We are going to play with the amount, but the idea is that you can dodge roll once or twice and then you have to wait until a token becomes available again after a short cooldown.

We're not yet 100% sure if we are happy with this decisions, that's why Null will figure it out using a prototype.

Dash will also not give you i-Frames, so you can't just dash through an enemy. The dash ability is mostly for dodging certain attacks, projectiles and getting across cliffs.

Double Jump was pushed down in the ability progression we came up with. When we started development, it was one of the first abilities we implemented because we knew for sure that we wanted it in the game.

But in terms of the final game design it makes no sense to get it this early because it opens up way more to the player than a dash or something else would.

So that's movement.


Next up is Melee Combat and we had a lot of ideas surrounding this. All viable, and potentially fun, but very different.

So instead we approached the issue from the other side and asked ourselves what's fun about Kincaid right now. And that is a medium to fast speed combat. It certainly feels more like a classic platformer, and less like a more slow and deliberate soulsvania game where the focus is mostly on learning timings and parrying.

The ideas we want to play with here are:

Make the third attack a real combo where you have to get the timing right to do extra damage.

Introduce charged melee attacks.

A charged melee attack can be used as a mini-dash+attack, a bottom slam or an upper cut. Charged melee attacks can also smash certain rocks to open up pathways.


The blaster sits at a very odd place right now. Null made it initially to see how it would feel to be able to shoot. Right now it just stuns and interrupts enemies shortly and opens locked doors.

We let ideas for the blaster marinade and went back and forth on cutting it or finding a place for it.

We could only tell that it feels good and right for the gloves to have a blaster, they just need a job. And a balance.

What we came up with is this:

Kincaid will have glove energy that charges up from melee attacks. The blaster (among some other abilities) can deplete the energy.

That way it is not just an unlimited thing you can spam.

Also there will be three ammo types:

  • Stun (which just deals damage)
  • Chain lightning (which deals damage that gets passed on to surrounding enemies. It does less damage but is great for taking out things like swarms of little flying insects for instance)
  • Ice (which can be used to freeze enemies. Some of which will turn into a solid block you can jump on)
We had some other ideas for the blaster, but they were either too violent for the tone we are aiming for (roasted kobolds?) or they were too puzzly, situational or redundant (for example a bubble shot that would trap enemies in a bubble which would double as a one-use platform!).

After we had the ability progression, our focus went to world design. We knew what Kincaid was going to be able to do fully decked out, so how does it overlay with our world design and the plot?

The first planet Kincaid is going to visit will be the jungle one we are working on right now.

After this the world opens up a little and we want the player to have two planets to choose from and both of them should feel different. You can also mix/match and jump back and forth between planets to make extra use of newly acquired abilities.

The remaining days we talked about secondary elements that interface with what we worked on early in the week:

  • Upgrades
  • Currency
  • Hub World
  • Cut Scene ideas
  • Side-Quest ideas for each planet
  • Game Modes
I'll talk about those in more detail later!

Web Build Bugfixing
Null also worked on fixing bugs in the web version of the latest Patreon build. You can expect an update on that on Tuesday or Wednesday, but looks like the biggest issues have been addressed!

Upcoming Poll
We're going to have another poll! You'll be able to choose from four of the minor NPCs who gets to have some fun with Kincaid first! More on that tomorrow!

Cookie & Null

Weekly Sneak Peek - Week 25

Since most of the week was focused on design sessions I thought it would be a fun change of pace to take you behind the scenes and show a bit of how we run things here in our little studio! ^w^

Physical Workspace

This is my desk, littered with sticky notes that we pushed around on the whiteboard to try out different designs for movement and combat as described in the companion roundup! And yes, I use an old shoe box as my tablet stand!

This is Null's initial brainstorming for currency name ideas. We have figured out currency and how it fits into the world we are building now, but he thought there are some cute and silly ideas on there that he wanted to share. His favorite being just "Moo-lah". And the bank's mascot would have been a cow!

Some notes on how swimming might work. We had a bunch of different ideas for swimming, but in the end, we decided to tone it down and make it a more puzzly part of the game. So there won't be any or much upgrades for underwater stuff.

This is a pretty recent brainstorming on the notable village NPCs.

This is a photo of Tuesday's session where we overlayed the ability progression we came up with, with the story flow and big picture world design. I censored some cut ideas and major story spoilers. ^w^

What's going on here...

Digital Workspace
To stay organized we use an app called Dynalist internally. It's basically an outliner that can accomodate any kind of task or workflow that revolves around list making. Null prefers it over Trello and some other things he tried. It is a bit like a mindmap that flows from top to bottom!

This is our design doc which is set up a bit like a kanban board. Fresh ideas are dropped into the top Inbox. We regularly review any ideas we dropped here and either delete them or push them towards more formulated designs. A lot of these have companion folders in Dropbox because that's where Dynalist is weak unfortunately. Open Questions get discussed and added to until we either cut them or flesh them out. Once we feel an idea is solid and has found it's place in the game, it is moved to "Final Design", which is basically what you'd call a traditional design document. From there we plan what art and code needs to be made and add those to our task lists.

This is Null's document that he mostly uses for coding. At the top he has an outline for the rough development plan, a backlog where bug reports, features, improvements and fixes go, followed by a build roadmap and the rest is your standard Kanban setup!

That's it for this week! Next week will be more art heavy again, but we really needed to put our heads together to update the direction of the development!



Oct 5, 2017
oh awesome an updated version to try out! I am loving this game and am totally gonna get it when it releases over on Steam. Keep up the amazing work, this is a fantastic one... Now to go play the update.


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
That post-it above the red shoebox though...so adorable. Sounds like you two are happy with each other. All the best to both of you. :giggle:


Poll open: Kinny's First

Hi everyone!

It's time for another poll! Instead of a lewd enemy I wanted to give you guys the option to pick who gets to be Kinny's first (at least in terms of NPCs~)!

Flight Instructor

In his workshop he keeps a lot of cloths & ropes he uses for making the flying contraptions. But I'm sure Kinny can find some other creative uses for them, too~

Berry Ale Vendor

What's the secret ingredient to the infamous Berry Ale? Can you find out? But be careful! Who knows what will happen if you get caught snooping around~

Florist & Guard Couple

These sweet boys somehow forgot to close the door behind them when they went home to make love... Or do they maybe enjoy an audience...?

Pottery Couple

After a day's hard work and getting all covered in clay and color, one of the best things in life is to hit the showers together! And what's more fun than sharing the cool water with a helpful friend..?
If you want to participate, the actual poll can be found here:
Consider if you enjoy the game!
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Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Sorry for the double-post, but:

The poll regarding who in the kobold village gets to have some sexy time with Kin first has come to a close: Winner is the Flight Instructor, which will involve some bondage.

There's now a poll running to decide what pose/perspective should be done for this. Whatever pose wins, let's look forward to it. :3


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
Sorry for the double-post, but:

The poll regarding who in the kobold village gets to have some sexy time with Kin first has come to a close: Winner is the Flight Instructor, which will involve some bondage.

There's now a poll running to decide what pose/perspective should be done for this. Whatever pose wins, let's look forward to it. :3
Rule breaking, hax, ban fast, smack butt first, so ruuuuuude. :O


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
Sorry for the double-post, but:

The poll regarding who in the kobold village gets to have some sexy time with Kin first has come to a close: Winner is the Flight Instructor, which will involve some bondage.

There's now a poll running to decide what pose/perspective should be done for this. Whatever pose wins, let's look forward to it. :3
I would choose D and C and A :)
  • Like
Reactions: Stuffie


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Weekly Roundup - Week 27 - Tangled & Messy!

Art Packs
Hi everyone! ^w^
Hope y'all had a nice start into the week~

Poll Is Still Running!

After a really close race against the Berry Ale Vendor, the Flight Instructor zoomed ahead and won by a hair!
After the poll result was in, I started sketching out ideas for the scene, which are also now up in their own poll.
The poll is still running, by the way, so you can vote here if you pledge 5USD or more:

Since this is all the lewd stuff I drew this month there is no Sneak Peek for this week! If you want to see the scenes but aren't pledging that much, you can also visit my Twitter to have a look. The options are there uncensored. ^w^

Interior Design

While I was waiting for the poll results to roll in I just did some more environment design. The hut insides still need some love, so I did some mockups to figure out how the kobolds would actually live!
Here are some of the ideas I came up with!

Progress on "Kincaid Fully Decked Out" Prototype

Meanwhile Null continued to prod away at the prototype! We got some of the new abilities we want in and are playing around with them. Next week we can probably show some first looks at everything!

Cookie & Null
Consider if you enjoy the game!
4.60 star(s) 28 Votes