4.60 star(s) 28 Votes


Jan 6, 2021
mmmhhh... my eyes have some troubles looking to the smalls letters of these papers,i think one of them said something about to go to some docks levels to enter a pirate ship to confront some shark pirate and others things to recover a special jewel can open the entrance of some cave or castle,i think others of the papers said about we need to explore a factory and defeat some scientist to get another jewel or some key to it.

for a cool metroidvania game,every idea they got for this game sound very epic and wonderfull journey for this game,the finished version is probably very enjoyable so i love it how everything is going.


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
My idea for the question for the Kincaid community:

Maybe you change things around on a different planet? We only know the jungle planet with the kobolds for now, but maybe on another planet, for that planet and its inhabitants only, you could make it so that Kincaid is the one getting things started.
Maybe for enemies that might not be too interested (or are too shy?) to have a go with our girl on their own - but with Kincaid's "adventurous spirit", she could be the one showing them a good time. ;3
Maybe the enemies are rather submissive and let Kincaid take the lead, you know. It would still be only one lewd scene for every enemy, as Kincaid would always have to initiate "sexy time" and there would be no option for the enemies to go for her.

I can imagine it would be a nice change if on one planet, Kincaid gets to take the initiative. Just throwing that idea out there though. If that's a no-go too, I'm still with how things are working right now. :)


Dec 31, 2019
I personally wouldn't like the change, but I'm a little biased as I'm into the defeat-rape stuff. Even with how obviously consensual the developers have made the sex animations I can still get a kick out of it but that would completely die with this change. That said, however, I'd be interested to hear what a more normal person (as normal as someone who's into furries and plays porn games can get) would think about this change.
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Dec 26, 2017
If they actually change it, instead of being dominated by enemies you'll be power bottoming them. The animations might be the same but the context would be completely different.


Jan 6, 2021
¿and what about a charm attack?,yeah,without it the enemies rape us but if we can charm the enemies and make them hipnotized by love where we can aproach them to be us who rape the enemies,well... make them happy,the charm ability to steal some health when we making love with them,without it the enemies raping us and damage us naturally,the charm attack can stun them to escape easily too while they are quiet daydreaming about us,for bosses,the charm attack probably can stun them to damage them,we can't make love with them during the boss fight so we need to defeat it and charm him/her to be our slave and get their power to continue or just making love with them without charming to got their power without making them our slaves,the ending can change depending of the numbers of bosses we got for slaves,the slaves bosses wait in our ship to go with us,we got an option to call them to help us during the battles doing some special attack to hurt others bosses or drain some of their healts or restore all of our heal or get a temporary barrier to survive a little more during the battles and etc... but if we don't charm them when we defeated them,we can let them be free in their respective planet and boss area where we cab ask them if we can have a rematch where we can fight the epic battle again and if he/she win they can rape us just for fun,¿is this ok for an idea?.


Jan 6, 2021
sorry for responding again.

the idea of charm ability is like she says them she came in this planet with peace,like she says she don't want to hurt or fight them,the enemies can be stunned with happy heart-eyes where we can pass them without fight them and or having fun with them so there are 3 style of doing sex with the enemies.

one is their defeating us and rape us,two where we defeat the enemy/boss and making love with them where they doing their part of the sex with us,the 3rd is where we charming them pacifically and doing sex with them,the first one give us a game over animation and/or hurt us,the second one just let the enemies defeated on the ground and the last one we can recover some health thanks to the charm ability where the enemy give us some help thanks to being charmed and happy to help us in peace.

Jason Bill

New Member
Jul 15, 2018
Changing the sex so it's player initiated would definitely make me less interested in the game. It removes a lot of the reason to actually bother fighting enemies if there isn't any potential for scenes when you mess up. Would definitely encourage me to just run past enemies in an effort to get to new areas quicker. Avoid fighting as much as possible in the interest of speed. When a new enemy is encountered, initiating their scene to see it once, and then moving on.

Feels like I wouldn't really be "enjoying" the different enemies, since at that point they're more just getting in the way of progression. Having the more conventional enemy initiated scenes means there's actually a reason to slow down and enjoy fighting your way through, since messing up will actually result in the scenes happening naturally. Having it be player initiated sorta feels like the sex is more of an afterthought, like a gallery with enemies inbetween acting as roadblocks. Much more engaging to have the scenes happen naturally while you play.

Now granted, I'm not actively supporting the project right now. It's been on my radar, and I've figured I might do a temporary pledge one of these months for the most recent demo build (probably a bit later in development once there's a bit more content implemented). Maybe even check in on it every so often with multiple temporary pledges throughout development. Done that with some other games where I'm not subscribed longterm, but maybe check in a few times per year with a few pledges just to see how things have progressed.

I've seen that the devs do check this site from time to time though. Gotta be a patron to comment on the post talking about the potential change, even though the post itself is fully readable without subscribing. Otherwise I would have posted this over there. So, guess it depends on how much they value the input of people who aren't supporting them. I suspect I'd be less likely to do those temp pledges if the change goes through, since I'd be less interested in the game overall. But I don't bring that point up with any intention to sound hostile. Not the case of me trying to make a point about holding my pledges hostage or anything silly like that. More so just being transparent about my own preferences and such.
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Jun 13, 2017
Changing the sex so it's player initiated would definitely make me less interested in the game.
a lot of people complain about the complete opposite so it's really impossible to please everyone.

It removes a lot of the reason to actually bother fighting enemies if there isn't any potential for scenes when you mess up. Would definitely encourage me to just run past enemies in an effort to get to new areas quicker. Avoid fighting as much as possible in the interest of speed. When a new enemy is encountered, initiating their scene to see it once, and then moving on.
how would it be different from being enemy initiated? nothing's stopping you from avoiding fights either way. and if we're talking about "interest of speed", i'd rather kill the enemy fast and initiate the scene and move on instead of just standing there, waiting for it to kill me just to initiate the scene. the only incentive for enemy initiation that i can think of is the domination aspect of it.
4.60 star(s) 28 Votes