RPGM - Kingdom of Subversion [v0.25.1] [Naughty Underworld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Stheno Seryhel

    An excellent game. An RPG with a more dynamic combat style. A funny story, with good dialogues. A great character design, with different very good scenes. I hope that the development continues with good proposals.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The developer has a sufficient grasp on how to write erotica. Doesn't make encounters too easy. There's a lot of space to learn, but he/she is on the right track. It's a big buggy, and not that well programmed, but most of the time these issues don't affect the playability of the game. The art work is okay. Some scenes are done fantastically, others are just okay. would recommend.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.13

    Truthfully I'm not a huge fan of corruption based games in general, but I actually think this is alright. At the same time though, I don't think it's much more than "alright" in its current state.

    I like the premise. We're a spy for the demon queen on a mission to corrupt a kingdom up to the very top. But I think I find everything too simplistic to really enjoy beyond being a decent enough time killer.

    The combat is just boring to me. The system of melee, ranged, or magic doesn't matter much when they all do about the same thing. The inclusion of the little minigames for the attacks further muddies this for me. I'm literally never going to melee attack because I don't want to button mash every time. Not a lot of skills or equipment to spice it up, and most battles are just random encounters you walk into.

    For every target of corruption, we're given a quest chain associated with it. But again, it's just too simple for me. Everyone is basically self contained, and most parts of the quests are just fluff to get to the scenes. There doesn't seem to be any form of alternative paths (such as more loved based corruption vs full deprived corruption), or any form of choice really.

    Everything is sort of streamlined in a way that gives the minimum amount of context to make the scenes feel rewarding enough to view, and that's the issue for me.

    If you're looking for more of a quick fap/fuckfest/whatever you want to call it type of game, and like corruption themes, this might be one for you. The art does its job and I always like the inclusion of monster girls. However, this isn't a deep RPG in any sense as of this version (though to be fair, maybe it isn't trying to be).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok I am going to make this semi-breif since the reviews here shine well enough already.

    This game is fucking kick ass.

    Usually when I download a game, it follows this pattern:
    1) Play for 5 minutes
    2) Get bored, skip all dialogue
    3) Cheat

    But every element in this game is so polished, I legitimately couldn't wait
    to reopen my save the next day. I like the writing, the story, the world is fucking HUGE and it feels alive, all the art is really clean and attractive (uncensored fuck yea)...

    I legitmately thought this game was finished until I saw the [coming soon] text bubbles. I cannot believe the amount of content.

    Of the few problems I have with this game, here are my biggest gripes:

    1) Bugs. Towards the end I got some game crashing bugs with certain H-scenes, causing me to lose unsaved progress. Not at all unexpected, since the game is still in development, but a bummed moment regardless.

    2) The combat is a little shallow, and after the first few boughts with enemies they become pushovers. I like the idea of incorporating "undertale" style combat elements into the RPGM battle system though, if this was fully realized I would love the shit out of it. (i.e. harder puzzles, something for taking damage, etc.)

    3) Skip text. I wanna speed through scenes I've already seen. Shift to go sonic mode would be lit. Page Down key.

    4) The method to skip time of day is a little wierd, its fast but it feels a little too OP. If there was a bench in the park that said "skip time?" I think that wold feel more appropriate. idk tho.

    Yea, 5/5. I wanted to finish this game. I have rarely ever had that kind of motivation, not since Karryn's Prison. Great Stuff.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of Version 0.11

    It's been a while since I last played this game. I think the only content back then was the night elf, some of Titania and I also remember the Kitsune Noble. Now it has quite a bit of content. Even with me using a save editor to make combat a trifle, I spent hours on this game without repeating content. I didn't keep track, but if I had to guess, I would say it was about 9 hours. Of course, not using a save editor to make combat easy could extend this by another 2-4 hours.


    +Attractive Artwork
    - Clean and looks good

    +Gallery- Something that should be in every game but the ones that don’t have it, you really notice.

    +Seasonal Content available year round- I haven’t played a lot of games with special seasonal content, but the ones that I have made you wait for the season to come around again before you can access it. This game gives you access to them year-round. The only pre-requisite being that you need to be a certain affection level with specific characters to activate them.

    +Next to no grind- the only thing in the game that will slow your progress down is combat. I circumvented this with a save editor so I can’t comment on if you need to grind levels at certain stages of the game. But I can say there are other games where making yourself max level, damage, and health; there’s still grinding in collecting things. While this game has missions to collect things, they aren’t complicated or long.

    +Some Titania scenes are animated- I loved the 3 animated sex scenes for Titania. I only wish other characters had something like this and hope there will be 1 or 2 for each character in the future.

    +Simple quest system- When looking up a quest, it easily explains what the next step is. You don’t need to have a walkthrough open in the background to look at just to advance at a good pace.

    +”Instant Combat”- when you reach a high enough level, coming into contact with lower level enemies just makes them disappear and you get the winning loot instantly for it


    -Repetitive combat
    - the little combat I experienced before editing my save file was boring and didn’t have much point except for some small loot for crafting. The way you initiate your attacks with little quick time events was new and interesting for a time but it wore off fast.

    -Some poor spelling- There were quite a few times where there were mis-spelled words or words that just didn’t fit in the context of the sentence. Not a huge problem such as a bad translation would be but it’s just noticeable enough to disrupt your attention wondering if you read that correctly and re-reading it to mentally make sense of it.

    Sub-Con: Doesn’t affect my judgement but something to know.

    No Pregnancy/Impregnation- The only reason I’m making it a point to put it on this review is because there are a lot of sex scenes that vocally emphasize cumming inside everyone, cumming into their wombs and some remarks about their womb being full after multiple creampies. With all that and the fact that this is a corruption game, it surprised and disappointed me that there’s no current plans for Pregnancy/Impregnation. Not sure why the dev isn’t doing this. Even just the verbal threat of knocking up that motherly dragon milf and a “sperm attacking an egg” sticker at the end of a scene would check this box for most people.

    Overall a fantastic game and one I’m looking forward to see continue. Would give 4.5 stars if the option was available.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    No serious issue other than soft locking a character by going to the village when you're not supposed to go there so soon. Other than that, great content so far and would love to see where it goes, because the potential of the ending and any other side quests/details to add. In short, minor fix of locking village prior to event and great potential with detailed content so far; I look forward to updates and think it is a solid.

    - Best luck and health to ones involved
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1702568

    I got roughly 14hours of quality content from this game in it's current release 0.8

    Thankfully there was not any weird grinding that you normally see in these rpg's, the quest where simple to do and was filled with a plethora of lewd scenes throughout them, which could be revisited in the memories menu in the pause screen so you never had to worry about where you should save to revisit a scene. The story was interesting enough that I paid attention during the dialog, and the cast of characters is so diverse I'm sure no matter what your taste is you would be able to find something you are into. Never misunderstood what to do or where to go because the quest menu explained exactly what I needed to do in order to progress with a character. Overall think this is a amazing adult game and look forward to future releases. If I had one wish it would be for the scenes to be animated but honestly the art is good enough that it doesn't bother me and if it slowed updates it probably wouldn't be worth the effort. Either way enjoyed my time, Thank you!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is amazing. unfortunately not animated. still very sexy.
    Gameplay... well the gimmick here is that every single attack you make in RPGM is a QTE. Only two things make it bearable. The fact that the melee attack QTE is to spam enter which means I can just use an AHK script that spams enter to win the entire fight. And the fact that after you overlevel an enemy it skips combat and lets you instantly harvest them for XP. so you can run around harvesting the lower level enemies to overlevel the tougher ones and avoid combat.

    The seduction is supremely sexy too. Honestly I must of coomed at least 20 times to this game. I feel wrung out. It just compensates for some bad design choices (like RPGM) with sexiness.

    I do feel guilty at how utterly degenerate the plot is. From a meta perspective I guess the player is also being corrupted alongside the heroines.
  9. 3.00 star(s)



    + Important NPCs have an exclamation mark, which is a nice way to know which NPCs should be talked to
    + Quest list gives excellent hints for knowing what to do. No walkthrough needed
    + Fast Travel within the city is nice
    + Low grind, but also very little depth
    + The H-scenes are images with text subtitles. They're good but it's hard to compete with animated scenes that a lot of games seem to have
    + You'll like this if you're into furries
    + Gallery
    + developer is very active and listens to community feedback

    - Combat is very basic and there doesn't seem to be much gear or combat skills available. You can't do anything with blue orbs to unlock new combat skills. Nor does there seem to be much of a need for combat. This game probably started as a combat RPG but evolved into a puzzle game over the course of its development.
    - Only the weapons shop seems to sell anything at all (a pickaxe as the only item) and it's useless. The other shop looks like it should sell single use items (like potions) can't be interacted with
    - City's map is overly big for its function. Many of the NPCs you need to interact with and the buildings they are in could have been placed in a single smaller map for less walking
    - odd bugs (church door to the bell tower that keeps opening if you try to walk through it but you can't actually walk through, walking on water tiles under the dock tiles, some minor objects that should be solid can be walked through in Sister Mary's original church, and there's an out of bounds glitch which puts you're character in state where you can walk through anything)
    - No H-scenes with the evil queen yet

    - a Load option in the menu would be nice. Instead you have to Exit to the main menu to just load a save

    This game is an average RPGM, with some puzzles. Most of the problems are solved by learning the right spell. The writing is meh. Later down the line, progression depends on solving puzzles. The H-scenes are ok. There's nothing glaringly bad about it, but nothing particularly outstanding either.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rating as of v0.8 on 2/17/2022]

    Well, darn. RPGM again. Curse my love of the corruption fetish; it keeps bringing me back to this.

    I do have to play a little nice with this review, although this game really teeters on the precipice. It certainly tickled my meat bone pretty nicely, because I have a thing for lewd corruption and scenes with women falling into their own lustful desires.

    I didn't actually cum, though, but that's not necessarily the game's fault. I was edging myself the whole time, waiting for one really, really good scene to pop the cork at, and I just, well... I went through the whole game instead. There were plenty of opportunities, you see, where I could have spilled my protein shake, but I just kept holding out for better, all the way until I learned that better just wouldn't happen.

    So I found something else to finish off with. Yay!

    That's not ideal when discussing a porn game, but hey, I can't blame the game's art or scenes. The artwork has some slight quality variation, with only one or two poses actually looking bad, but the rest of it is honestly pretty top notch. I'll just say, I'm pretty sure that the librarian elf's neck was broken during that blowjob. Rob Liefeld would be proud.

    The dialogue is serviceable, sometimes good even, but I noticed far more grammatical errors than I would have liked. The game needs a thorough proofreading for these mistakes. Artistic license with grammar is fine here and there, but double spacing, random prepositions, missing capitalization, and outright missing words are all atrocious looking errors.

    I also take issue with the hub town, Lumia, being too damn big and open for no reason, and the constant "go here" quests really highlight how annoying this can be to traverse. The horse carriages help, but they're clearly a band-aid for the poorly considered design. You can imitate grandiosity in video games at smaller scale for convenience, and they really, really should have done that here.

    The combat... is. It just is. None of the fights are challenging, and there's not very many of them. Each of your three attacks, whose ultimate differences appeared to be about as significant as bubblegum flavors, comes with a simple minigame of sorts when you use any of them. It's all way too easy, and barely avoids being tedious by virtue of being uncommon. This game does NOT have much combat in it yet.

    There's also parts where you're escorted by the titanous Royal Guard, wherein you literally walk them into enemies and watch the baddies pop like so many soap bubbles. I was tempted to say, "Hey, those were my kills!" ...but then I remembered that the combat is just another piece of meaningless drudgery between CGs, and I instead made a new minigame from those parts by trying to avoid all the enemies entirely. It was substantially more difficult to play by my imaginary rules than to play by the actual ones, and the end result was ultimately the same. Go figure.

    "Hey, didn't you write that you were going to play nice with this review?"

    Well, yes, and I am playing nice. This is not a good game. It just happens to have good porn. It also avoids having strictly in-cohesive design elements. However, the design elements that ARE in the game just... are. They just kind of float around one another, not interacting with one another in any meaningful way, not really helping the game's central themes or to create challenges for the player to overcome. Everything about this "game" is perfunctory, and a pre-text for the pornography and the character interactions leading to it. Good game design works to achive specific goals or fulfills functions in providing players with challenge, spectacle, or some other compelling element. The only thing compelling about this game is when characters' clothing comes off.

    Which, hey, I don't entirely mind that, but you gotta know what it is you're getting into: 4-star porn in a 2-star game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game with nice story and art, there are human milfs and furry milfs MC can rouse and NTR from their hubbies who neglected their sexual desires, there are some bugs but its early development and i think fundamentals are very solid for this game, promising title
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: .6Public 2
    Time taken: 3 Hours 22 Minutes

    This game is a more of a puzzle game than your usual RPGM games where you use your skills to unlock progress along the character routes.

    The combat has some interesting aspects where you play a small mini game to determine your damage amount instead of just selecting your targets and what to hit them with. Once you get more powerful, you can skip combat entirely for weaker enemies by one-shotting them from the map screen. There is a straightforward quest system journal that makes it very easy to get unstuck if you are ever unsure of what to do. There is an easily accessible gallery system right from the pause menu.
    The prologue starts with you and the dark elf and because of the story of the game, you are restricted to interacting with the high status characters of the town, (Elf inkeeper, kistune noble, orc guard captain, human nun) before you you can interact with their corresponding true targets of your conquest, (Elf priestess once you complete the nun, Dragonkin general after you complete the orc captain).

    Currently there are 7 characters you can have relations with, 3 of whom are married, 2 of which are unhappy, so there is some Adultery (minor cuckoldry without the partner finding out). There is a dark elf, 2 regular elves, orc, kitsune, human, dragonkin.
    The art is all centered about big buxom ladies. There are 32 scenes and many positions, Peeping, Groping, fingering, boob sucking, blowjobs, handjobs, Boobjobs, vaginal and anal sex, Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, Missionary, Doggystyle, Mother play.
    Once you complete a girl's route, there isn't anymore interaction with them, you can't even talk with some of them again.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. I always enjoy when there is some form of gameplay, problem-solving in this is a bit bland but still does the job of 'not just a porn' for me.

    At first, I was like "eww rpgm cringe" but then I realized that there is no dumb combat and grinding, which I can't stand and wish this continuous that way. Progression is a bit convoluted but thanks to dev there is good walkthrough in the game folder, but this could be done in game.

    Art is gorgeous and sexy, someone should update screenshots for the game with sex scenes in the thread. There is a bit of corruption with girls, but nothing too far, reverse ntr is always good in my book. Currently, not a lot but still quite a bit of content and a lot of it is sex, not just a slow build up, should be around 2 hours of gameplay.

    I also wish girls that already been corrupted would return in some way. Right now you have around 3 scenes with each girl, and then she's gone completely, can't even talk to her.

    The game could definitely improve in these aspects, but I'm still rating 5 stars for the art and good promises alone.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    So, I remember, if my memory is still good, when this game was made on Unity, it was alright with a few bugs but still had some good scenes. However, in the back of my head I always wondered why wasn't it just on RPGM, well now here we are.

    First off there is no combat as of the 0.5 build, this is kind of a problem for me since right now its literally just you walking around looking for more fap material. That fap material on the other hand is top notch. The writing is pretty solid across the board, the art is incredibly good. Honestly I have no real complaints.

    I do however have some constructive criticism.
    - The maps are currently very bland, add some texture into the walkways with cracked brick, restructure things so everything isn't so blocky, spread some of the greenery around outside of the park.
    - Combat, you need combat, I vaguely remember the original system and thought it was great but I don't know if you can do that in RPGM, regular combat would be fine but you just need something.
    - Story, some of the dialogue I feel needs to be rewritten, the quests for Titania seems strange, especially since I basically just corrupted Shel and now it seems like she's giving me a cold shoulder. Its all very strange.
    - Better implementation of Stamina and Mana, since I never saw my mana go down and when the game did decide to dock me some stamina it just came off as super annoying, either get rid of stamina entirely, increase the stamina, or get rid of the time skip with "T" since you can easily bypass some doors by just waiting inside before dark then using T, saving a lockpick

    Honestly that's it, I look forward to any future update, and suggest people give it a go.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First game i actually enjoyed playing and fapping to at the same time
    Quickly unlockable and insanely well made CGs
    Nice story and solid not too complex gameplay
    Highly reccomended for big breasts lovers like me
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed the demo. Art is good gameplay was easy enough to learn, just going to hope for some meaningful content updates that dont take an absurd amount of time. Nergal has done well in the past so im not too worried but you know how these things go with Patreon sometimes. Anyways as a beta its great give a try.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is updated from the 0.2 version.

    First off, love the art style of the characters in hentai scenes and in their 2-D art representation. They are a beauty to behold, especially their large breast. For example, love the design of Morati. She has such large breasts and huge ass that are a beauty to look at. You even go above and beyond and actually give her an interesting backstory.

    The geography of the world is okay. Definitely unique that will help it stick out from most other games on this website. Do have a few clipping errors where some rooms you enter, you enter outside the normal map. This happened once in one of the caves during the mission with Morati. And another in the kingdom (forgot the exact room).

    While during the first update, I hated the combat as it was hard to figure out. Yet in this next update, I have nothing but praise. The combat feels engaging and fair. If an attack hits you, it is your fault as the attack was clearly telegraphed. Your own attacks feel impact-full as you have to click/type the correct attack or risk losing time. Potions are great to heal up in a difficult part but are not given so often to where their is an endless supply. My only criticism with the combat now is it is just a bit to easy. I feel like the enemies attack is too slow and easy to click/type. Now, this is good for the tutorial and first few levels, but do hope later in the game, more challenging enemies are added.

    Enjoyed the story, partially how the Queen who gave you your power. She is the one you are even remotely a threat. And when she sent you on a mission with Morati, not only was she testing you in combat, she was also testing how your powers are manifesting. And not top of that, it was a way to punish a weak willed subordinate. She is greatly characterized as an intelligent for testing you, powerful as she can communicate with your mind, and creative for using lust to defeat her enemies instead of just brute force. Let's hope that lust ends up backfiring a little.

    My character still looks a little creepy smiling the whole time but this is still minor.

    One addition I would request is magical sealed doors to represent areas where the character cannot enter. Whether they are just not added yet or a character places a magical barrier to prevent you from sneaking around. This would feel a lot more immersive way instead of just trying to walk through a door and nothing happening.

    Also noticed how your character would sometimes walk backwards after combat. Not a big bug as you simply need to change direction but still a little distracting. I just had some trouble with the more technical aspects of the game. While I stand by with what I said in my review of the combat being much better. With both keyboard and mouse attacks that require a little skill. This felt a little to easy. I never once had to use a health potion. Also would notice some maps of the cave in the first level, you can see the limits of the map.

    Version 0.6 update

    Thanks for the update.

    Was a bit split on the different style of the map with the User Interface and map design all looking like a standard RGP. One on hand, this did make the game feel like it lost a unique design. On the other, this does allow the game to be much easier to play and explore. Your character also no longer has that creppy smile.

    Also REALLY enjoyed the combat. With melee, ranged, and magic all requiring different button presses to maximize damage. So the change from the previous system is still kept. Though just like the previous system, the fighting did get a little easy. I never really felt challenged. Also, would be nice if magic drained some of your magic so you have to prioritize how often you use your magic supply to your other attacks.

    Loved the sexy design of the characters. The holy knight dragon was really good. A bit naïve on this little one who just so happens to start sucking her breasts. Yet a motherly personality that looks past all these advances because she really does miss having children to take care of. She even saves your life from freezing in the mountains. She was actually the one I felt that was corrupted the least as I do not feel like her motherly personality changed at all and will still do the right thing. She just now has an active sex drived.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this demo, outside of the resolution bugs (which have been fixed in a patch that has not yet been uploaded as of the time of this review).

    The story as presented is very promising, the art is excellent, and the options of how you would corrupt people has lots of potential.

    Will be looking forward to more content.
    Likes: Fyo