So I apparently had already found the Thieve's Guild but the door is just saying I need to explore the city, but I've already gone to every single place I can. Also, how do you get questions for the quiz in the Kerning City Party Quest?
If you just arrived you need to head into:
The Weapon Store and talk to the owner
The top of one of the buildings that leads into The Hideout
The Bar and speak to the Owner
Speak to the Large Ninja in the back
Back into the Hideout (Also note, you do need to have Orchid on a Route to progress the story. If you have used a skip, head back to Utah's Farm to give her a Route.)
Once you complete those you can infiltrate The Thieves Guild
Which route (love or Corruption) leads / Will lead to harem? I want to make a choice now even if there is no harem content yet (If it's route corruption, do I have to share girls?)
Lovers is what leads to the Harem. Corruption will lead to Pets, Sluts, Prostitutes, or sharing of women.
is this game have cheat for item?
Not really unless you're a Patron. We give you coins to get stronger equipment early on but even then you still have to actively play the game. We do give you control over how much EXP, Meso, and Spawn Rate of monsters though. Press K will bring up that screen.
I'm not having trouble answering the questions. I'm having trouble getting the questions in the first place.
It's all randomized so you'll get a random question every time you talk to her. Clicking on her directly will also turn in the coupons you currently have to answer the question though.