Wolf RPG - Completed - Knight of Erin [v1.06] [Sugar Star]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Relatively short game to finish. Few costumes, great art, not exactly grindy but has to actually play at moments.

    Take your good RPGM game and double the quality. That's this game. Not a great story but is there, battles are fun, you DON'T HAVE to lose to get scenes. Erin is sexy af. Good wank material.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is very cute. scenes/artwork are decent. lots of outfits with differing functionalities. game has a retro feel. combat stance switching seemed interesting but you become overpowered early. you wouldn't even know there's a story even after two to three hours of playtime. game opens up giving you the illusion of depth but you'll learn quickly after you auto-attack your way through shrines easily that the game is shallow.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    + Good audio
    + Easily accessible scenes
    + Mostly skippable combat
    + Pretty art
    - No real story
    - Scenes don't really have much CG variation
    I enjoyed this game, but skipped through a lot of it. It's better than a lot of RPGM games out there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed my time with this one. Nice art. There's a good handful of situations Erin finds herself in so the main scenes aren't repetitive. Never felt combat was excessively difficult/punishing. The game doesn't overstay its welcome. Thumbs up.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    //Guide tour at the start of the game.
    \\Nighthawk will continue to offer advice throughout the game.
    //Gains exp from fucking.
    \\Cooking/alchemy systems.
    //Teleport locations need to be unlocked manually, seek big statues and interact with them.
    \\Day/night cycle. Day of the week cycle, depending on which day it is, enemies can be weaker or stronger.
    //Crime/vigilance systems, get chased by guards. Defeated them? Good job, now get chased by much stronger guards.
    \\Nighthawk eye/temptation. Able to see what rocks their world and use it to tempt them into sex.

    //23 different monsters, 9 bosses.
    \\Two different combat modes, sword/gun.
    //Very simple gear system.
    \\Semi-turn based combat, requires holding down or mashing enter key to attack, and play a minigame to guard.
    //Hostile/peace mode. Press key to enter combat mode, exiting combat mode may end up being harder though. :sneaky::coffee:
    \\Gun mode lets you hit more times than sword but has no guard, so you can be one-shotted.
    //Can go ahead and mess up the guards or other npc's if they look at you funny. I adore this. :cool::coffee:
    \\When you lose to some monsters because you were too lazy to eat a potion, Nighthawk may restore you. :whistle::coffee:
    //Combat fuck if you use charm. Restore your sp, and get double exp if you manage to fuck them into extinction!
    \\Bikini armor turns combat into full turn-based.

    \\36 sex scenes + hints to get them.
    //Sex stats available.
    \\Variety of outfits.
    //Cute high quality art.
    \\Censored art, and rather badly censored.
    //Ghost dicks, ghost dudes.
    \\Variety of sexual expressions.
    //Active sex camera, but fully automatic. Mostly zooms in and out.
    \\Sex scenes will become short versions when you've seen them once.

    //Sound and other settings will become available in the jail cell after a small event.
    \\Partially voiced.
    //Sex scene music.
    \\Various sex sounds present. Moans, squelches, etc.
    //No sex sound settings, meaning moans and other sex sounds will be loud as fuck.
    \\Just use sound slider for this game in your OS sound settings and forget in-game sound control.
    //Nice background ambient, area variety, low variety.

    *Translation quality.
    Readable: 7/10
    A little sloppy: Found some parts in JP.

    \\Some keys need to be held down, like the Q key that hides text box.
    //F4 to change game window size.
    \\No mouse control.
    //Some non-combatant npc's have stuff like keys on them, knock them out and take everything. :devilish::coffee:
    \\Guide book or "terminology" is accessible from the album, it has all the explanations you'll need.
    //Don't forget to rob your victims after you knocked them out. Interact with their body.
    \\Largest amount of exp you gain during "Lord," and smallest during "Fire."
    //Use left/right arrow keys to activate Nighthawk eye when in dialogue with an npc.
    \\Use shift key when in dialogue with an npc to fuck them.

    Rather small scale game. :whistle::coffee:
    Many things in this game are fun, but some aren't, like combat.
    I don't like how combat works here at all.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played this and returned again cause I haven't finished this but I'll try to share my experience

    Cute characters
    Engaging combat mechanics
    Animated scenes on battle
    Lots of cg
    Big map

    The only downside is that, it really needs animated scenes for this game to be perfect but it's completed and won't have the update it should have

    Still 5 stars

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game with cute/sexy art and alternate costumes which affect CGs.
    I think I missed one scene somehow but everything is otherwise pretty straightforward, I could probablypick it up on a more careful second playthrough.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    v1.06: If you liked the anime, I feel you'll like the game. Even if you haven't seen the anime, Knight of Erin has plenty to offer and doesn't overstay its welcome. It's about 2 hours long with solid combat, plenty of scenes, a couple of outfits, and some good humor. The protagonist generally has a "well, I guess there's no helping it" attitude towards sex, which is a nice change from the more-common naive or turbo slut archetypes.

    Visuals/Lewds/Gallery: Based on my admittedly-limited experience I tend to expect WolfRPG games to have a bit more polish than RPGM games, and Knight of Erin certainly delivers. The gallery is available from the start in the in-game menu and you don't have to trigger sex-combat scenes in order to unlock them in the gallery. All CGs also have hints as to how to unlock them, but none have particularly esoteric unlocking conditions in the first place. You can view the whole scene or just the pictures. Battle-sex is animated and there a few enemy types.

    Combat: Win or lose, combat tends to be quick, typically lasting 1-3 rounds. Instead of equipping gear you equip skills: sword skill, gun skill, and two support skills. There's also an outfit slot, but that usually doesn't effect combat. If Erin has gone too long without sex she gets debuffed, but you can initiate sex with enemies (and even KO them if you're good at timed button presses) to remove the debuff and get a temporary buff. The battle system gives you some options as to how the play the game, though you can also just stack attack and crunch through battles while healing outside of battle if you don't really want to deal with it.

    Anime vs Game: Erin is even sexier here, with a little less up top and even more down below. Many of the core scenes are covered in each version. The anime extends some scenes and shows more of the male characters' bodeis, while the game has more scenes and more monster sex. They're both well worth your time, and if you liked one I think you'll like the other. The plot (what little there is) is clearer in the game and gives Erin a bit more backstory. The game feels sort of like a side quest in a grander adventure, so I hope we get Knight of Erin 2 at some point.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game. The 2 heroines are very charming and I enjoyed having a partner through the adventures. The battle fuck is a very fun and well done mechanic, making combat actually enjoyable. Also loved that you can just go to people to suck them off and they will write things on your app

    Very earned 5 stars
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was fun, even though it was short. Here are some cons in this game.

    1. Short Storyline
    - It was a short journey with Erin, it didn't took me an hour to complete the game.

    2. Lack of Animation
    On CGs, Erin didn't move much, it's like a visual novel.

    (I want to add that the fact she's a loli, but I don't think that's valid ).
    Anyway, not much to say on this game, it was a very good game, fun to play and not too NTR.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.06

    The art style of the both the world and characters is the first thing that caught my attention, its cute and gorgeous and has its own unique feel to it.
    Another thing that i really like is the combat, its pretty basic but allows you to have variety, but thats not the real reason i like it, you need to have reaction time that can change how much damage you deal and get, which keeps me aware in combat.
    The sex scenes are really good, dont got much to say except that its good art.
    The story is very basic, nothing to see in all honesty.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't been playing for long, but I think it's one of the best of its kind. It has really good looking graphics and art, as well as a engaging gameplay. Also, really easy to see sex scenes, so that's a plus if you want that instead of a corruption game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, midbattle fuck, H-events.
    Finally, This game have existed for a long time without english translation. :D
    The art, of course it is good. animated H-scene and you can also choose different outfits in the game. :LOL:
    The gameplay is very easy, and the combat system is interesting too. :cool:
    Too bad that the protagonist is a cum dump, i prefer corruption instead. :p
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    GREAT GAME, seriously after Sugar Stars only other English translated game on F95 (Life is PARADISE) this game is a dream. The art feels EROTIC, the gameplay is about SEX, and there's a VERY healthy amount of CG that the game points you in the direction to get. Honestly the only gripe I have with this game is that there's not enough CG for the outfit changes.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice assets and a decent story, but tedious combat and surface-level roleplay. A little short, too. The translation is well done and I enjoyed the dress-up, but again, I just wish it would have led to deeper roleplay. At least there are costume-related scenes, dialogue, and even surprises.

    A quality game, if shallow.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Although this is a pretty short game, i really enjoy the time playing it. There is a note that this game is focus on art work instead of story so don't expect any deep plot or good story telling from it. Without any further ado, here's the review:

    Story: 6/10 There's no story in this game or at least that's what i feel. The story acts more likely a mechanic to give you some information about this world and what is your mission. Beside that, it serves nothing more.

    Gameplay: 8/10 You will go and explore the world as your own, try to find all dungeons to complete your mission. What make this game so enjoyable is that the ability to explore anyplace you want. Unlike other games, where you have to move to a specific area, this game allow you to explore and choose your dungeon by yourself as you can fight all the dungeons in any order. Another good point is the fresh air in combat system. You can block and one hit almost every enemies, which will save your time a lot. As i mentioned before, this game is more about H-scenes so all the enemies will be kinda easy. As a result, you don't have to farm or spend time leveling up.

    CG: 10/10 White hair + Blue/Purple eyes = Best Match.... Sorry about that. Anyway, this game has a pretty good art style, which you can find in another popular game called Branded Ezel Hunter. However, compare to the other game, this one might be off a little bit, but still it is good enough in my opinion. The corruption tag isn't suit for this game mainly due to the fact that our MC has already ok with sex in the beginning. The game is just showing her journey through it, she has been corrupted since the beginning. Another reason why i love this game is how the game change clothes in every H-scenes depends on what you're wearing. There are many type of clothes, which is nice, in this game and each clothes will unlock its own H-event too.

    Overall, this game is a pretty solid MRPG where H-scenes are everything. You can enjoy the scenes while playing through the game without any effort. Story might be childish but all the scenes is what you're truly looking for. In the end, hope you enjoy the game !!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is a really good game, 100% worth my time (it's short).

    If you're looking for a good story, you won't find it here, but at least it's not full nonsense. The heroine itself feels like being led around by the 'sword', as I believe she only does H stuff because its necessary, and the 'plot' in this game is Nighthawk helping her sister on a whim, fetching some MacGuffins in temples.

    On the other side, the H sprites are well made, and the CGs as well. You can change the heroine clothes and sprites where she have sex with the NPCs will often reflect the clothes she's wearing. In my opinion, the art style is really good.

    The gameplay isn't exactly challenging, as long and you learn how to block, but it's simplicity is good to keep it from being boring. Also, using the Bikini Armor changes the gameplay, although it's still simple.

    Art 10/10
    Gameplay 8/10 (simple, it's an H-game focused on the art)
    Story 5/10 (somewhat irrelevant, but not boring)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game overall. Although the content isn't really that much. Regardless, it is still pretty enjoyable and the animation/art is cute. I hope to see more games like this in the future similar to this.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game. I thoroughly enjoyed it. This game shouldn't have the corruption tag in it though, as the protag is down for anything and everything from the word go. The pact Erin makes with Nighthawk happens before the beginning of the game and has presumably been going on for quite some time by the time the game starts. So if you're looking for a game where some naive virgin slowly works her way to being a sex addict, well that might could be a prequel to this game, but that's not this game. Now on the review.

    The combat is simple, but I wouldn't call it fair and balanced. That's not too much of a problem though as most of the poor balance is in your favor. Once you've got the right skills most battles become pushovers, and the penalty for losing a fight is pretty minimal. There's no rape on loss. In fact you can have sex as a combat move and defeating enemies that way gives you double xp, so fucking your way to victory is actually quite advantageous to you.

    The sex scenes were nice, the art's really good too, but I felt it could have used more variety. There was some variety as far as the scripted scenes with NPCs go, but the monster sex scenes were basically Erin lying there while getting railed. And they very much had a "if you've seen one, then you've seen them all" feel.

    The story was decent, but it didn't feel like it was the focus of the game and was mostly forgettable. The characters were charming and I particularly liked the succubus\human duo that formed the protagonistic pair of the game. They played off each other well and never got in the way of what was going on.

    TL: DR: Nice game for a quick fap that was pretty fun overall. If you've got nothing else going on I'd recommend giving this game a try.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite a good Wolf RPG based game. So far I've found the games based on this engine to be quite good and fun. Looks like devs are usually able to take advantage of the engine to do a few interesting things, compared to RPGMaker games that almost always play the same.

    Knight of Erin has a pretty funny story. Basically the player character finds a Tamagotchi looking thing that's actually a sort of fantasy smart phone. This device allows the heroine to access the game world's version of Fantasy Twitter called TomCatter, which allows her to post about her sexual escapades and access a few sex scenes that look like camgirl streams. It's all quite amusing and the translation is really tongue-in-cheek here, for example the 'stream chat' is filled with what you typically might expect from one in real life.

    For game play, it was quite impressive how streamlined the experience is, almost to a fault. Combat is short but very fulfilling. Monsters will usually do a lot of damage if you don't learn to block, but on the offensive you have a few tactical options available. You can choose to weaken the monster with sex for example, or use a skill to debuff them. If you die you can choose to just teleport back to the spot where you died, saving a lot of time because there is quite a bit of walking and exploration in this game.

    However at the speed at which the game progresses it also spends very little time explaining any of the game's lore and background. Perhaps it's not important to have a 'Fight The Demon King' story because generally the game story is kind of a slice of life. But the only characters to have any kind of personality are practically the two main characters. One of the sex scenes not involving them is literally some random peddler being assaulted outside the starting town with no indication as to why that's relevant. But it's still a good scene though, just that, metaphorically speaking, the foreplay is missing and you'd be lucky to bask in any afterglow.

    Art wise I have no complaints. The sprites are beautiful and really cute and you can dress the main character in some costumes that are unlocked through questing. These include cheerleader uniforms, nun clothes, etc. And these costumes also unlock sex scenes which are then viewable in the gallery. The gallery itself also gives hints on how to unlock the scenes, so it's relatively straightforward, allowing you to enjoy the combat and exploration.

    The whole game is really short. About 2 hours I reckon. Short, but also colourful and explosive. I wouldn't mind a much longer game with this style of art and game play and I'll definitely be keeping tabs on this developer for their future games.