Wolf RPG - Completed - Knight of Erin [v1.06] [Sugar Star]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Tossed back and forth between a 4 or 5, thought a four would be more fair because theres always small nitpicks one can have with a game.

    Really, theres not a lot to say about the game. You get energy from fucking opponents, this gives you an incentive to charm enemies in battle. The monsters are all pretty unique and have some nice little scenes, I do wish they gave a few of the monsters a proper scene however.

    The art is good and I like how you can seduce the people you come across, that mechanic is pretty fun and nice if you want a quick moment of fun.

    As far as gameplays goes, its rather solid. You fight enemies and level up. You have a sword, charm and gun. I stuck to the gun as in the later parts of the game, the shield pretty much nullifies all damage. A lot of the game is spent going to dungeons or towers. Each tower you beat gives you a costume that unlocks more cg encounters. It can get dull but I found it to have enough different enemies and scenes between encounters that I didn't mind.

    Overall, A very solid game that I'll probably come back to occasionally for it's CG
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TBH...it's kinda boring? It's not bad at all. The art quality is all there and everything, but there doesn't really seem to be a point in anything.

    She starts out full slut, there's no driving goal and its honestly just easier to fight monsters for levels than to have sex. I didn't like Treasure Hunter Claire that much but at least that game made sex like an overpowered thing...which gives some motivation to the heroine to do so.