VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Knight of Lust [v0.5] [Magic Mushrooms]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    First of all, I find it admirable to approach the market with a hand drawn 2d game. Creator's heart is at the right place with the genre choices too. But it seems just doing that wasn't enough to redeem the game. This is one of those "a good idea delivered poorly" cases. Art style looks promising but fails to deliver its potential with noodle arms and legs on characters with perfect looking bodies. Not much to see or do in this version (which is v0.4) as sexual encounters go and leaves much to be desired. Story kindled my curiosity a bit even though it was too childish to my liking. English dialogue in this game is broken most of the time. And this is coming from a guy whose English is avarage at best. I can't imagine how a native English speaker would feel about it. There are some points in the game where you can get a chuckle or two if you are in the mood. Other than that, don't expect much from the current state of the game. Stay away from this if your time is valuable and can't handle disappointments on stuff you got for free. If you are bored, curious, have time and got nothing else to do... Well, I'd still say find and play something else but I guess it wouldn't hurt to give this one a spin.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I can see what they are attempting here, and although I am not enthusiastic about the art, I will say that I respect the work it takes to create it. I feel there is an implied idea that this game will lead into more RPG elements, at least I hope that is the case, and although this game is very short for a version 0.4 I would say there is a lot of potential here. Right now it is a pure visual novel but I look forward to what changes will be made to break it out of that shell a little bit.

    All in all I would say its a good game but there is 1 major issue that I had.
    All of the text makes no sense, I am assuming they took it from another language and ran it through a translator, unfortunately that doesn't always work well, they need to but a greater emphasis on making the dialogue coherent, as it stands now it is very difficult to understand.

    I will be following this game for future updates.

    This was a review of Version 0.4
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    The setting and artwork give the game a bit of a 'Fantasy Valley' vibe. However, the fact that the game is both in English and in Russian worried me a little, and unfortunately that worry turned out to be justified.

    • Cool and unique artwork
    • Nice historical setting
    • Incest
    • Very decent gameplay (navigation is smooth, open world with different locations, journal with hints, etc)
    • The English is really really bad, like MTL bad. And that also makes all the dialogue feel flat and empty. It just feels like a bunch of Google Translate robots are talking to each other.
    • The story in general is all over the place (even for a porn game). Your sister gets mad at you for stealing her panties but has no problem with getting naked in front of you. And your mom doesn't even wear any panties for some reason. Simply put, all the women are nudist sluts and that takes away any sense of achievement.
    So in conclusion: the game could've had potential, and it still has if you don't care about the story or the dialogue. But if you do I wouldn't recommend this one.
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    Tested on Linux
    Pretty good! Better than I expected after looking at the screenshots.

    • Map works well and is well drawn
    • Inventory is a huge back with small 6 blocks, but works well enough
    • Journal with next steps
    • Useful notification when map or inventory gets updated.
    "Story" & Game play
    Needs more content - 0.3 is not a third done...
    Pretty linear, not much choice. Do this or that now or you can't progress.
    Game plays fine, no bugs as far as I can tell.

    Protagonist is good, not too much of a bumbling idiot, or a sex crazed loser. Other characters shaping up - but still early.

    I liked it, hope they push on and flesh it out (heh). I would probably have preffered a tad more content, so my suggestion is to wait for 0.4 and give it a go then!