First of all, I find it admirable to approach the market with a hand drawn 2d game. Creator's heart is at the right place with the genre choices too. But it seems just doing that wasn't enough to redeem the game. This is one of those "a good idea delivered poorly" cases. Art style looks promising but fails to deliver its potential with noodle arms and legs on characters with perfect looking bodies. Not much to see or do in this version (which is v0.4) as sexual encounters go and leaves much to be desired. Story kindled my curiosity a bit even though it was too childish to my liking. English dialogue in this game is broken most of the time. And this is coming from a guy whose English is avarage at best. I can't imagine how a native English speaker would feel about it. There are some points in the game where you can get a chuckle or two if you are in the mood. Other than that, don't expect much from the current state of the game. Stay away from this if your time is valuable and can't handle disappointments on stuff you got for free. If you are bored, curious, have time and got nothing else to do... Well, I'd still say find and play something else but I guess it wouldn't hurt to give this one a spin.