Others - Komadori Inn [v0.3.1] [Inlet Pipe Productions]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much of a slow, boring minimum wage simulator, and not enough sex. Additionally, the character moves as fast as a snail with a limp with no way of sprinting. I was relieved when the game crashed because it gave me a chance to reflect on what I was doing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Far too much timegated gameplay. Not enough player agency. You dont reach the first sex scene until several HOURS into the gameplay and several in game days. Which would be fine if there wasnt an insane pointless grind to get there for a reward that is just not worth it. These sex scenes are non repeatable and one time only.

    Came in open minded thinking it would be kind of like Summer memories. Left feeling disgusted realizing this was a patreon scam.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Good animations and erotic content.
    Extremely tedious gameplay. You are errand boy, basically a slave that doing ALL the work there at the inn. And its really FEELS like work.
    And voiceover is pure cringe sometimes, like in worst examples of crappiest hentai.
    This thing NEEDS gallery unlocker. If you don't want to punish yourself of course.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It has lots of potential.

    Can't give it a 5*, because, well, it's still in the early stage of the development.

    Minigames are ok, they aren't too complicated.

    The art of the character are nicely done.

    The system to unlock position, is interesting, and do give point that the progression system will be interesting. Only 1 position, for 1 character is unlocked in the 0.2 version, but the explanation of how to unlock is given in the game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Never in my life have I left a review on a porn game site but this game deserves it. THIS IS TRASH. THE SCREENSHOT ARENT EVEN IN THE GAME. ITS JUST A GRIND MOUSE CLICK GAME..... THIS WAS SO BAD I WANT MY HOUR BACK
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I was extremely bored throughout the demo prologue. The gameplay is tedious, repetetive and you honestly get tired of it pretty quickly and it goes on for too long

    Good cg animation though, theres only one scene right now but it does look good, not worth the boredom you have to go through to get to it
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Has the bones of a good game, but whomever put this up did the game a disservice by posting those screenshots. Game is about 20 minutes long and theres only 1 scene in it. Art is good, gameplay is.. Well, it'll become a chore after doing more than a few shifts.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good - it's just a demo right now and only has one scene but the scene is well made. The gameplay minigames are also well designed: slightly challenging but not unsolvable.

    Depends on how much is added to the game but it does seem very promising right now.