RPGM - Completed - Konpoco Summer Vacation [Final] [Palace Village]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A game that takes half an hour to finish. Nothing but scenes. No puzzles, no combat, no minigames. Even walking around in the game is quite limited. This game is like a scene-viewer game. The story is as simple as possible and has no good sides. The only good thing about the game is its beautiful art and scenes. Check out the preview images and play if you like it. It's a pretty short game anyway.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: art is cool I guess, that's all I cared for. Also, there is at least a scene replay function at MC's bed.

    Your character acts as if he is being forced to have sex, I know some people are into that but if you're not, stay clear. MC is not interested in having sex with the two girls shown, several lines of dialog about him not wanting to give into them. I had assumed going into this that it was going to be a little different, kept hoping MC would grow a pair and just take one of these girls. Maybe he does later, idk, I got tired of him.

    Also I'm not sure why the dev decided to make you able to walk around at all, really. There's tons of text, and then it gives you control, but you only have one option: take 5 steps forwards and select the girl presented (simplified but that's the just). Then more text, rinse repeat.

    If you're into the specific "kink" I described above, you might think this is a 3 to 4 star. Otherwise, 2 stars = "Poor" sounds about right to me.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Funnily enough out of the games ive criticised on here for being not games and just a VN trying to pretend not to be this one is the most baffling.
    for one it seems to have taken that too heart and not bothered padding out the game with pointless grind which usually has you either earning money (or items) to get scenes or making you repeat the same scenes with little variance (if any) but bafflingly has decided to do this on rpgm.
    Its just strange really unless the person making this game is just used to using this software there isn't a reason not make this in renpy or those weird japanese softwares they use to make their VNs.

    TLDR: 3/5 its got good scenes and a passable story strange choice of engine for what basically IS a visual novel.