RPGM - Completed - Kunoichi Kaede [Final] [Studio Neko Kick]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    • Drawings of characters are good
    • sex scenes are ok to watch
    • dialogue between enemies can be comical at times
    • Translation is ok
    • Difficulty can be set at the beginning of your save
    • Puzzles are not bad (3/5)
    • Story is very familiar HMMM
    • Combat is too repetitive
    • Enemies want to grapple you too often
    • Even with the easy mode on (starting at lvl 6), the enemies take a lot to go down
    • "Special" info enemies give out shitty info ("You can change the numbers to put in the code")
    • Ninjutsu is pretty useless, I wish if the special info enemies told me that ninjas are bad with water and samurais with wind
    • I do not get the orgasm meter at all (if she cums, she loses clothes or spawns at a dungeon somewhere)
    • When main character get grappled, at least show who is grappling her man these devs pay no attention to that
    Well, this game had potential but they ruined it. I wish they listened to reviews more. Also, WHY IS THERE NO NEW GAME +
    Final rating: 2.7/5 (Shit)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a decent game. That is how I would put it.

    While it is cool to have an orgasm meter that gradually fills as opponents do sexy attacks against you, it got annoying to constantly pry off your opponent that does a sexual attack.

    The sex scenes were well drawn and while I can't speak Japanese, the voices for the female characters sounded alright to me.

    Though the combat was a little boring. The only time it got mixed up was when you fought a fire spirit and had to use water attacks. Other than that, combat was repetitively straight forward.