Unreal Engine - Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" [v1.3a] [Maiden Gaming]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The combat is completely trash. (You don't know when you can hit them, evne during their attack animation they are blocking)

    The game is glitched, the UI doesn't show after a while. (No enemy health bar nor your own)

    How long has this game been in production by now?
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    The very idea of the game is good and clear. Let's discuss 10 GB of the game. For visual quality, the game is good, but then the mechanics of the game itself. It resembles Dark Souls, the games of the Assassins series, the games of the Skyrim series. For all this, I bet 3 on this game. Terrible combat mechanics, the enemies are very stupid. Somersaults, jumps are not perfect, but what about 18+ here? Very sad. Animations are sluggish, buggy, crooked. Even if you can play Skyrim with mods 18+, and it weighs 5-6 GB, with mods for graphics, it's better to play Skyrim the same. As for me, it's worth redoing the mechanics of combat and animation normally.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It fascinated me, I have a PC with medium resources, it can be played normally, there are no flaws, from the gameplay to the story, all balanced, more than some games, I give it a 10 out of 10

    Me facino tengo una pc de medios recursos, lo pude jugar normal no hay fallas, desde la jugabilidad hasta la historia todos equilibrado mas que algunos juego le doy un 10 de 10
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're wondering if the 10Gb download is worth it the answer is HELL NO!!

    The graphics are decent enough and I am expecting them to also optimize the game considering they have decent experience with their other game.

    The animations are clunky and slow, the enemies are dumber than Homer Simpson and their attacks are very quick. You'll find yourself dead in 3 hits more often than not.
    The missions don't give you much to go by so you're left in the lurch trying to make sense of the game early on. After a bit of playing you kinda figure it out but there is a very clear lack of storytelling so maybe this will be improved.
    When you travel to other areas you will find yourself in a mega-useless mini-game. They call it the "world map". You gotta call your hover-horse (lands from the skies when you summon it) and you have to stick to the path to get to the next level quicker. NOTHING else. When you get to the said area, you're given a 5 line story and a few choices. They don't work, except the ones that make you leave. Meaning you rode the hover-horse for nothing and wasted your time.
    Missions in areas are buggy, combat is clunky the AI can kill you in 3-4 hits. There is not much you can do except git gud, take it slow, chug a ton of health pots, and hope you make it to the end. I didn't.
    I fear this is a new branch of MaidenGaming that is at the beginning of its road. This game cannot hold a candle to their other game, and for a game that announces erotic/porn scenes, the game is not the best when it comes to graphics. Nowhere near other projects that can be found here on F95 that have much better graphics.

    All in all, give it a pass for at least 6 months unless your curiosity kills you.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Pros - Superb Graphics

    As of version 1.0a., there's a horrendous number of bugs within the first 3 steps I took inside the game, whether they are glitched UI, animation bugs after performing assassinations and godforsaken help text in quests.

    And the worst of all, there aren't even any sex animation at the moment. You're better off waiting a couple months before picking this game up.