VN - Others - Completed - Kurukuru Fanatic [Final] [Chien]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Dental Planger

    Good and appropriate soundtrack, both for romantic scenes and dramatic or tense scenes.
    Story was load of fun, especially the early infighting between the girls and all the romantic+yandere dialogue
    Wazuka is a great waifu, and I imagine the other girls are also decent on their routes.
    I do miss some sound effects during the sex scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    except for the true route game is perfect (and even in the true route we get some enjoyable moments)

    Matsuri best waifu btw make sure you go for her
    yanderes are my thing so I enjoyed the game
    Also your love gives buff to the girl you are going for so others may not survive
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This whole game really creative and I can assure you that you have never seen something like this in your life. But you gotta ask yourself first, "Do I really wanna see it?"
    I gotta say, this started off real good but it turned into something really unpleasant. I really wish, I didn't play it. It has its moments but those aren't worth the absolute amount of disgust I felt throughout this game. It's not like a sad story, where you feel bad watching it and all you gain is the emotions or maybe even a message like "Requiem for a Dream" or something like that.
    This game has moments that got me all psyched up and then throws some bullshit in there to ruin the whole mood and then some.
    If you aren't prone to gore stay the fuck away from this. And I don't mean the Saya no Uta gore where there's actual meaning to all the shit that goes down.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    El necrofilo

    OK, this game has the potential of an instant classic! Not for everybody, of course. In fact sometimes i felt i was reading some 4chan greentext. The translation is a great plus with the adition of terms like: normalfag and lol.
    Anyway the game knows how to establish his personality as soon as the main menu shows up. With frenetic screams and a very catchy soundtrack, the characters are a breath of fresh air in what visual novels go, i mean they don't exactly deviat from all pre existing cliches, but they certainly know how to leave a good impression, they were all nutcases, but i never got to dislike any of them, hell! they even make like one of my most hated anime trope (The lazy chilhood friend trope) The characters might be the strongest point of the game, i'm yet to choose a favourite. It doesn't get to be as good as grisaia no kajitsu, but it's damn worth checking out
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a pretty good quality game if you're into it.
    These writers really don't pull many punches.
    My personal reaction to it was that the game makes you feel emotionally and sexually confused. :ROFLMAO:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Kurukuru Fanatic is a Visual Novel starring staring a young man who returns from the dead and must find his killer within five days or else he dies again.

    Unfortunately the signs not only point to Fanuel, the angel who revived him, but also his three friends, all Yandere with their own agenda.