Unity - La Vitalis: Immortal Loss [v0.07.1 Beta] [B-flat]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I've played La Vitalis Immortal Loss [v0.03 Beta] by B-flat. Here's the review.

    I ended up at 3 stars. The game has potential, and it is by no means a bad game. But it's not yet a good game either.

    This should be prefaced by saying that I expect the game to be fleshed out more than it is. At V0.3 it makes sense that it doesn't have that much content yet. I will also add that I didn't see any pregnancy content. The MC only said that she was afraid that she would become pregnant.

    I will touch on:
    • The porn
    • The game play

    At the moment the game doesn't have too much porn content. It has 4 enemies which can be described as variations of tentacles or worms - some are flying... penis worms? The game calls them demons.

    The porn is alright, but it won't blow you away, or make you blow anything else for that matter.

    The Game play
    Side scrollers often have nice graphics as the Unity engine allows that. This game is no exception in that regard, and that is really nice.
    Your cloths will get wrecked when you take damage. It degrades until you finally stand naked.
    The game also has a nice interface which allow you to view the various status effects that you're subjected to. Being covered in demon semen will over time push you to orgasms. This is neat as it means you have to conserve your resources to combat these effects. I hope that this is build upon.

    About the resources you can find different items such as stun, cloth and healing. These resources will be replenished at specific points.

    Side scrollers can also be somewhat confusing. Everything is seen from one perspective, and as such the developer should take steps to always guide the player in the correct direction. I don't find it overly interesting to run through hostile areas over and over because I missed some crucial detail. Neither do I want to backtrack my steps to figure out what I missed. This is something that the game could do better.

    The Good
    • Decent style
    • Nice interface with status effects
    The In-between
    • Kinda weird default controls, but you can change them
    • Could have some better pointers for where to go
    The Bad
    • No pregnancy content (that I noticed)
    • Few enemies
    • Would be interesting with more abilities and options.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I played other games by this author, I liked it, I'm looking forward to the next patches. In general, it was very reminiscent of the previous game, only the engine is better, I hope it will be released on Steam and then I will buy it like the last one, I really want to support the author
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Squirrel

    Good. Can't wait for future updates. Easy combat, good for fapping - cute girl. Recommended.

    Lasagna Recipe:

    1. The first thing that goes on the buttered tray is a layer of red sauce. This is so that nothing sticks to the bottom.
    2. After that, add a smaller layer of white sauce.
    3. Then finally a layer of pasta.
    4. Repeat the process: red sauce, white sauce, pasta.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing it for a few now and I am LOVING it. It's well written in my opinion, the graphics are good, and the effects and pregnancy are just orgasmic ! I highly recommend it if you like pregnancy/impregnation and monsters
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep an eye on this one. Not much to see yet, but what is there shows promise, and the game's predecessor came out quite good. Combat impreg is a rare jewel and this game already has a little sample on offer. As of v.0.01 you can see all the H-content (namely the hugger monsters, which are a personal favorite type of enemy and especially fun in sidescrollers, along with a tentacle CG with very solid writing) in about three minutes including the opening, and there's nothing to really explore beyond that.

    The combat doesn't feel like anything to write home about, but that's probably a WIP. I doubt it will change a ton by later releases but it feels serviceable, doesn't have that awkward fucking problem with hitting enemies that are very close to the floor that some sidescrollers have, and it has a basic combo system. The checkpoint(s, but there's only one I saw) seem like they'll serve for healing, travel, and possibly zone resetting, and there's a "souls" currency from killing things that has no spending purpose yet.

    Also, have you ever heard of the word "vituperative" before? Me neither.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    a nice sidescroller game, and considering the developer, i hope it is going to be good, currently there are only around 6 scenes from 2 monsters (V0.01 Beta), but in the future, i think this game has a large potential as the agnietta.
    my personal recommendations are x-ray scenes like agnietta and make the pregnancy like 50:50 (danger day, safe day, ovulation day, etc), not 100% sure preggo
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Shaping up to be exactly like Agnietta in all the ways that matters, but as a platformer instead.

    Pros: where this game is going
    • Art is amazing. Both CG and animations are beautiful.
    • Pregnancy as an actual mechanic (whether it has relevant gameplay consequences remains to be seen)
    • Wierd alien bug monster things
    Cons: the technical aspects
    • Somewhat clunky control. It's better than 80% of the porn games, but it's pretty bad compared to your typical commertial platformers
    • Unsatisfying combat: no knockback, no flinch animation, no special effects on hit, attack animation looks floppy, etc
    • Menu control is all over the place. Different menus have different cancel, some are C, some are esc, some doesn't even have cancel keys to back up a step and you have to just move your cursor upwards. It's a mess.

    Here's a few tricks to fix the cons:
    • let new inputs interrupt most current actions. i.e. jumping mid-dash, start walking mid-attack, etc. If there's some heavier moves that can't be interrupted, let that be the exception instead of the rule.
    • reduce/remove situations where your character is out of normal control (i.e. climbing up ledges)
    • have the animation stutter for a very very short time when the attack conncets with a valid target. It adds weight to your attacks.
    • Greatly increase acceleration of movement.
    • Some more exaggerated/flashy tell when you take damage, or when the target take damage, i.e. have them flash white a bit, and add a slash effect.
    • Basically, just copy the more iconic games like hollow knihgt/rockman X4~6/little fighter 2 etc.
    • For menu, set a universal "back up a layer" & "cancel selection" key and stick to it.
    Likes: jttth
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0-01

    As expected from B-Flat, the game was really cool and satisfying with the art, enemies, animation and for those details too. one of the best side scroller games i've playing so far and this is still early beta and its outstanding! can't wait for more future content

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Written on the release of 0.0.1 Beta

    Written on the release of 0.0.1 Beta

    it's looking pretty good so far. The graphics are really nice for a game that's just starting out, with lots of attention to the little details. It makes you want to explore every part of the game's world.

    the way the game plays feels pretty smooth and seems like it could be a lot of fun as he keep working on it. It took me a bit to get the hang of it with the default controls tho you can always Customize it yourself.

    There's is also a bit of a story starting to show, and it's interesting enough that I'm curious about what's going to happen next.

    All in all, this game has a lot of potentials and I'm excited to see where it goes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    "Reviewed" on V0.01 Beta

    Since this game is on trial and quite barebone, I'll gonna make this short.

    Gameplay :
    - A metroidvania-like game, You explore the room, get items, progress through a simple puzzle and backtrack a bit to get items. Currently there's no level and skill implemented, but expect those to be added when the game fully released. In this version, there's only 1 area available as the next area is not implemented yet.

    Fetish :
    - Currently only two enemies that appear on this game, but they can stick into your character's body and have their way on her on several parts (Worm sucks both of her breast and the Flying Hugger can fuck her breast, ass and pussy) this will make your combat difficult if left unattended.

    Note : The H-voice are presents in this game, so you can enjoy the moan of your character.

    - You can get pregnant in this game, as a mechanic when the hugger managed to creampie you.

    - There's tentacle scene at the opening.

    Conclusion :
    Potentially a nice h-game with 2d gameplay.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I played Agnietta so I have high hope for this game. Currently it only had one sex scene but the quality is as good as the prequel.

    Should have pregnancy tag, anal sex, those flying worms can get her from behind. Also creampie, because, well, pregnancy.