Tl;dr - Buggy, boring, where the hell is the porn art? Generic low effort slop.
There is a lot that can be said about AI art, but I'll always give it one leg up on regular art. Quantity. With AI, you not only can, but should be pumping out renders for literally every single scene in the game. The hour or two that it will take to do this per scene far and away makes up for taking the easy-way-out of using AI art for your game.
When a game using AI art, however, has nothing but standing images without any porn for its first three available porn scenes, you can immediately see the level of "effort" being exerted. Granted, there is a lot of text to be had in the scenes, but that's increasingly less enjoyable when you're forced to read paragraphs in one of the least text oriented game engines ever forced to hold porn.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why they made this as an RPGM game. It should have been in Twine or something, because the game doesn't commit to art at all. Dangling it like bait is just cringe. I didn't even get to the combat, which people in the comments have said was just terrible. As far as AI porn games go, this is exactly on par with what you'd expect. Over promise, under deliver.
The game is a horrendously buggy mess. Collisions are spotty at best, meaning you can walk out of the map in no less than 3 places that I found in under 5 minutes. You can walk through characters at times, but not at others. Some walls let you go into them but not come out. MANDATORY dialogue options apparently may not appear, forcing you to create an entirely new save. (Flower quest bug. Could not proceed, meaning I couldn't even get out of the starter zone without making a new save). If that happens once, it is prone to happening again at a point that it's more than just an annoying inconvenience.
This is the type of hot trash I'd not waste time reviewing if it weren't for the fact that it's AI trash. Game """"Developers"""" using AI have the opportunity to provide people with more art than they could know what to do with. That's how it should be if we overlook inconsistent character renders and dodgy quality. Yet, in this P O R N G A M E, the first 3 scenes have not a lick of porn in them. Congratulations on making AI bros look even worse than they tend to on their own.