VN - Ren'Py - Landlord & the Tenants [v1.2 Beta] [Nymphs]

  1. 1.00 star(s)




    • Extremely stiff dialogue and writing.
    • Every render has the soulless thousand yard stare in their eyes.
    • Nonsensical choices that doesn't reflect what route/scenes its leading towards.
    • All characters have zero personality or development.
    • Plot goes nowhere and endings happen abruptly.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This is comically awful, i kinda understand people that give it 2 but this borders on satire, if someone told me it's intentionally terrible to flaunt generic bad points in a VN i would consider this thought for a moment.

    Writing in this is what would happen if you asked an AI to write a generic script, fed this result to another AI and ask to make it more robotic, then repeat this process for 8 more times. There is zero literary sensibility, characters never speak beyond most basic responses and yes-no, none of them have personality, life, hobbies or anything you might think of. It's geniunely painful to read and you need to convince yourself to continue. There is no story either.

    All "romance" options look completely lifeless and still, because they don't have anything going for them they are not interesting either, Alexandra spends 85% of her screentime literally staring into space, there is basically no sex talk except a copious amount of "Umph..." which admittedly started to be funny for the wrong reasons by the end.

    MC is also a barely existant lowlife creature. You know how often in VNs we have this really obvious dumb predator character who exist to harass other girls so we could save them from him, cuck him or beat him to get the girl? Well we are this guy this time.

    This is a zero effort, zero enjoyment, zero feelings, zero story, zero writing and zero shits given project that is not worth the space it's taking on the hard drive. Scraped straight from the bottom of the barrel.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinf of a day in the life of a guy who has room mates.
    It isn't really that interesting, in any way.

    Gameplay is just choosing to see content or not see content. Only the last few choices matter to choose an ending. The endings are just "this is this persons ending" with a sex scene.

    I've seen worse... but I really can't recommend this one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    4 abrupt endings that arrive without any kind of story. They are not well connected and the choices are obvious if you want them. Same assets and voices used during sex, which is mechanical and the same three poses. Not fun.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Some of the girls look rather good...

    But the game is boring. Many days pass repetitively with "nothing happens".

    All the interactions are primitive, and the only interesting thing in all the story is some info about MC's childhood.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    One thing I absolutely hate with 3D rendered smut games is lazy modeling.

    Watching characters with blank expressions built on a bunch of stock assets opening and closing their mouths like nutcracker toys is not arousing. It is creepy. The least you can do is trying to vary their facial expressions between stills. It's not that hard, I promise.

    Writing also suffers from the same weakness. It's easy to write a bunch of dry, soulless exposition text like "here is my background, now here is the story" or "Hi, I am new tenant. Hi new tenant, I am new landlord". It's not entertaining. Especially not when coupled with the aforementioned lazy modeling.

    If I wanted to feel unsettled, I would go on creepypasta.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    very nice game with quite silly but different than normal story and graphics were good and plenty of variation on characters (race and type and body).

    if you are looking for game to spend few hrs with interesting characters then can't go wrong with this one.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.3]

    I waffled between 2 and 3 stars, but settled on 2 because while it has a ton of potential, the current experience is lacking.

    Art's average; the girls are appealing, but the settings are a bit sparse. The shots where the male PC is visible suffers from Grey Sausage Dong Syndrome.

    The writing is sparse. The scenario has been done, fluency is alright, dialog is fine. Characterization seems weak, but that may be my stubborn refusal to stoop to creeper behaviors.

    I found the porn dull. I personally don't get much use out of creepy little brother sneaking, and the only other ready source of content at the moment is a blonde who behaves like a twat.

    Lastly, I find the gameplay annoying. The intro blurb on the thread's OP says you can be a jerk, a creep, or a decent human being, but choosing the decent option turns the gameplay into a string of "Nothing happened today." broken by random nonsense events. This was the dealbreaker for me, far moreso than just being an early version with uncommon porn.

    TLDR: Lots of potential, needs work.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    So I mostly agree with Zippity but I wanted to give it 3 stars because I believe there could be a lot of improvement in the future.

    I won't say too much since most of the criticism in Zippitys review is very much on point.
    This feels like someone playing around with rendering, and if it is, it's a good start.
    The most important thing in my mind is the lack of story, it wouldn't even need much more depth to be worth 3 or 4 stars but the writing though grammatically correct doesn't do much to make the renders feel nice. Might as well leave it out if it doesn't get improved. The dev should team up with a writer (the English is not perfect but fine considering some of the things I come across) and they should go over the existing script adding a few renders here and there to make it come together.
    Maybe consider doing this before working to much on the next update because the longer the game gets with this writing the more it feels like looking at pictures with no substance in the text. There are ideas that I like and the backstory seems to hold up and could be fun if formulated out more!

    Good luck to the dev, sadly I can't recommend the game at this point... Hope to see more though if the text makes me feel something for the characters in the next updates :)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3...

    This visual novel is primarily just a meaningless porn fest, depending on the route you take...

    The visuals of the characters are mostly unique but average in quality... The backgrounds are rather plain looking, and some I've seen before... There are no real animations, just a very short series of stills during any erotic content...

    The script is alright, with only a few spelling/grammar errors... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist who is looking after his uncles house, while hosting several female tenants who live there and pay rent... The various female character arcs are devoid of much meaningful or deep content, even though there are 3 distinct paths you can go through for each of the tenant females, and only one for the remaining 2 female characters that do not live with him...

    None of the characters have any depth of personality hardly at all... One is a stereotyped mean girl, one an extreme introvert, and one is a lonely girl with a sick grandmother... The other women consist of a young next door neighbor, and what I believe is the house maid for the uncle... You don't see much of the later two in this content, beyond an erotic themed multiple choice Q & A mini game... Most of the characters feel rather hollow, and pretty much just existing for the male protagonist to perv on in various formats... The male protagonist is a stereotypical immature pervert who is bored most of the time, and doesn't really seem to give two hoots if the girls really like him or not, as long as he eventually gets to do erotic things with them...

    The three path choices consist of either being a pervert, a nice guy, or a mean guy... Depending on how you go with each character in the house, will determine what content you see... Mix and matching is kind of a shot in the dark, as to what will screw you over on one path or another... You could begin mean with a girl, and then if you switch gears you will never see anything of any consequence... So it's really hard to gauge if mixing up choices will end up in little to no content, or not... What I found sad, was at the end of the current content the developer teases you with what each path ends up at, and tells you to play again perhaps using a walk through to see a different outcome... Anytime a developer says you need a walk through, that means poor story/game design, usually...

    The game days fly by as you select how to deal with the various characters in different situations, leading to various outcomes... There are very tiny and short bits of background story for each girl in the house, but in the end this whole VN/Game has no story depth or meaningful plot... It's primarily just a bunch of non-sense leading to a choice, see if you get any outcome, then back to non-sense before the next choice...

    Overall, there is no real attempt to tell a meaningful or deep story at all... You are just reading about, slash playing, a hopeless pervert trying to get his way with the women around him... The characters have no depth of personality, and very little in the way of thought or backstory... They are just pointless targets for a pervert... Which makes this VN/Game a less then average porn fest... But even then, the erotic content primarily consists of perving via hidden cameras, lots of failed attempts at molestation, and perhaps a little bit of actual erotic interaction between characters that is very quick-and-done each time... Yes, it is early in development, but it doesn't seem as though the developers meant any more for this VN then what it currently presents... I will not be revisiting this one, unless for some reason it gets a complete overhaul...