Unreal Engine - Completed - Last Hope [v1.0174] [Poolside Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice Unity game, with an interesting concept that allows you to basically wander around a space ship barely dressed, with some voluptuous women who are also barely dressed. The alien was a bit off putting at first, but some nice scenes there. That's the draw, either get everyone horny enough, used to your touching, or drunk - and get some hot scenes. There are some dreams as well, though wasn't as interested in them.

    It's a Unity moving game, so don't expect to be fapping much unless you are quick with the keyboard and mouse, though movement isn't so much of an issue here. Encountered some clipping in trying to talk to characters, and at times if you come into a room when they are moving, so you can get the scene you want, you need to leave and come back because they stopped partway to where you want.

    Only played the incest version as that seemed the more appealing of the two - it handed the relationships well though some boilerplate text never changed as the relationship did. Not sure if that happens in the regular game but it broke the immersion in some places. Hard to go from a character loving the D in one scene, to not wanting to because they think you haven't done it yet. All you are doing is filling up the "seeder" with your seed, the ladies come to help you out as you go along because they realize its a chore for you and they offer a helping hand, mouth, tits.....

    Mostly this is a find the path in the scene game, to get the checklist to complete - your only way to figure out what to do - repeat scenes and make different choices. Options open up as you advance through the list, and the collector.

    • BBW
    • Lot's of tits!
    • Some hot outfits
    • Good repeatable sex scenes
    • An actual story about why you are there
    • Not really difficult and everything you need is there
    • Aura tells you if there is more to do or not
    • Movement requires keyboard+mouse making it not the most fappable game
    • Some general text doesn't update with the relationship
    • Could use more outfits
    • Hard to know what path to follow to complete scenes
    • Feels like there could be more, though its large and provides a lot of entertainment
    • Faces may not be to everyone's liking
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible !!
    Girls are cute, sexy whatever u wanna call them.
    Its actually quite exciting to play through the story, scenes are awesome and love system isn't tedious like in a lot of games
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean it the best fucking adventure RPG sex game of all time! These guys need our money! GIVE IT TO THEM HARD! (pause)

    The movemant is cool, sex scenes are great. If they continue, maybe they can expand from ship to the planets and cities, other races. We must show them our full support!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really admirable. It really offers a different flavor. The characters are fine, the story is good, there's a lot of content. Sex scenes are enough. The only thing that's not very satisfying about this game is graphics. Congratulations to Dev
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    On a whole new level with the first person free roaming. Really draws you in more with the first person aspect. Like VR without the headset. I really wish there was more games like this but I doubt many have the technical skills.
    Cant wait for Poolsides next project.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an absolutely excellent 3D first person incest game. One of the absolute best!

    Despite my sheer love for this game, I will present a bunch of things that I don't like or bother me, but understand: This is only because of how much I love the game, I just wish the dev had more money / time and maybe a team. I think they could make a real double-A porn game.

    The Good

    • Proper incest, you fuck your mom, your sis, your aunt
    • Proper porn game. You don't pussy foot around the subject for a year of development until the first penetration scene. Which is probably a dream sequence anyway.
    • The aunt is an utter slut. She undresses for your enjoyment, fishes for compliments, and blows u as a quick "thank you".
    • Your sister is the typical tsundere GF. She is annoying and tries to insult you at every occasion, but the first time you shove your dick, forcefully, down her throat - she grabs your but, shoves the cock even deeper and nearly chocks herself on your cum.
    • Your mom is the perfect incest mom. She's nice, wants to help you, is grateful when you help her - and understand the needs of an incest protagonist, and offeres to give you handjobs before bed.
    • You are the perfect incest protagonist. You spy on your family, you manipulate them, you get them to stroke your cock and take your cum in their hair. And, when they don't put up as fast as you'd want to, you rape them in their sleep. PERFECTION!
    • Later you start fucking your mom while your sis is in the room, watching TV. Or almost raping your sister while mom is preparing food. Or have a threesome with your aunt and sis while mom is passed out after a party, right behind you. Amazing.
    • Nothing mind blowing here. Your family are inter-stellar cartographers, and you get stranded in the middle of nowhere, light years away from any help.
    • The ship is fully stocked and you are in no real danger. Just stuck.
    • The only way to unstuck yourself is to fill a cum-rocket. I KID YOU NOT. It's amazing. If you like kitsch. I do. I like porn plots
    If you do not like porn plots though ... well this is all you have. You need to fill that cum rocket. There's no other person who can. You are in the far future and are genetically modified to have a huge cock and virtually infinite cum. But you know, extracting enough quantities require more than a wank *wink wink*

    That's all there is. Event he genetically modified thing is head cannon since no one bothers to explain the cock that is 1/3 of your height and how you can cum 17 times a day.

    • Free roaming sandbox that does not suck. I cannot believe I'm writing this. When I want to find a good game on this site, I filter out sandboxes.
    • You have a map, and a schedule. You always know where to go and when.
    • This is the kind of game where you can repeat events. But the dev is actually a good game developer. Strange, I know. He gives differently colored outlines to tell you if you exhausted all options, have more, or have more but not yet unlocked. It does not waste your time. If you click a red outlined character, is because you wanna fuck them again. And you will. The sex is good. Not great or amazing, but good.
    The bad
    • The character models look RIDICULOUS
    I like porn games made in one of those asian anime porn game engines. Sakura-something I think. You know why? Because they look like extremly attractive HUMAN BEINGS. You know, when a girl has a very large but, she also has thick thighs that extend to said butt. When they have large breasts, they have large breasts. Not a pair of mini nukes under a skin-bra.

    The models here have very bad surgical-mistakes-for-boobs, same for asses.

    It has gotten better, where characters in positions, such as mom and aunt sitting on the tanning beds - they look nice. Their butt is smaller and wider, because gravity is pulling it down ... you know, like it does to humans.

    But when they're walking, those are the vanilla models and animations and they look ... horrible.

    You can see what's new and what's old in the game. Not because it's later in the game. You can access new-ish content fairly early. But you can tell because some things look like a blow-up-doll-alien with pool-balls-for-boobs, staring at u with dead eyes. Then you have your aunt on her knees, sucking your cock like the queen of cock-suckers. Her gianormous breasts actually affected by gravity for the brief time in which she is chocking on your shlong.
    • Progression is unclear
    I meander a lot. The game is not grindy. But I don't want to lose scenes, and it's very unclear if I will.

    If I fill up the cum-rocket ... will I skip some sex scenes? Will the game assume that I left all of them pregnant before I even manage to rape one of them? IDK, so I take it slow, so it feels grindy.

    But it's still the good type of grindy, where I'm masturbating nonstop.


    I love the game. This is the type of game where I can't progress, because I'm cuming too often and have to stop.

    As a side note, I migrated all my games and media to a home server, and changed my PC. This was no problem for renpy games since they save their data in 2 places. Inside %appdata% and inside the game folder. So if %appdata% gets nuked, you loose nothing. This game however does not do that.

    So I had to restart the game from 0, and I'm having a difficult time getting to where I was before, not because it's grindy, but because I keep cuming. I can't progress because I'm climaxing too often.

  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 54422

    Takes a good while to finish. def worth the time though, highly recommended. All the scenes are animated very well and there are plenty of them. The end game scenes with the aliens are good, but i would like to see even more from them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, free roam sandbox is on point, the repetitive nature could be lowered a bit but maybe im just not able to crack the way its intended to be played i do the same thing 2-3 times before making sure all scenes are done

    So i replayed it again and wow,it actually makes a lot of sense having the green, red and yellow halo glows around the scenes. Weird I did not pay too much attention to that in my first go around for some odd reason.

    Now that Im done I only have one request of PoolSide....GIMME MORE!

    Very Well Done! Its probably one of the most underrated games here and should be ranked right at the top!! Wishing you the best of luck and hoping for a lot more content from you in the coming months/years!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, very fun, good performance and models, the quests progression is really addictive improving the relationships with the three girls. Maybe the breasts are oversized in my taste but so bigs are right tho.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great with its free roaming. The only complaint I have so far is the length of the sex scenes. However this can already be ignored with the amount of scenes there are. I can see this game becoming one of the best out there with more scenes and expanded roster of characters.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v12.1

    There are few 3D porn games that we find, usually 3D games do not attract much attention, or are not very attractive, I don't know. Last Hope was one of the games that I ignored to play, I looked at the screenshots and thought, what an ugly rendering, but I didn't really have the idea that it was a 3D game, after all, I think I confused it with another game.
    The story is not bad and it doesn't have to be incest either, but if you want this fetish there must be a patch.
    The gameplay is good, but there are some things that need to be improved. The movement seems like you are sliding across the floor, there are not many interactions with objects, only with the characters, and among others, the game itself is a little empty about it, the gameplay follows that same style. There are some things that are a little useless in the game, but at the same time acceptable, which are the mini-games to get money. There is a store in the game with very little variation of items, you can buy parts to improvise your ship to collect resources or buy clothes for the girls, but this ends up being a little useless or that needs to be improved, but I don't care about that.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The 3D graphics of the rendering of the models of the female characters are not perfect, but they are also not bad. The girls have huge breasts, well, I prefer natural because I think it's more beautiful, but it is another factor that I don't give much importance to. The sexual content is good, the sex scenes and animations are good, you can see it in first person or in third person or choose the angle, which is great. But as far as sexual positions are concerned, there is a moderate content, not a lot and not a little, let's say ok, although it could have a little more fetish.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    The game has some bugs that hinder you from proceeding with the story, or at least with the character, not to mention the black screens and crashes. Other than that, the gameplay is good for a 3D game, although not perfect. The game is also a bit limited as I said, because there is not much to do, just interact with the characters and do one thing, a small task. But you need to grind a little in relation to the characters, as is usual in any game, but the grinding is not so tiring. Anyway, it is a great game despite some defects, but it is something worth playing. I'm waiting for more content, and I hope that some bugs can be fixed, especially the one when we open a door to go to another location and hear a popping noise in the sound.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Interesting interface and overall theme has potential.

    Who the hell decided to render circus hookers as the crew? The body proportions are bad, unattractively bad.
    Weird graphical artifacts in some screens.
    Graphics are meh in spots aside from women.

    This whole dev effort is ruined for me by the poor judgement in the rendering choices of women crew members. When I see other stories that have this type of woman but offer others, I skip the circus boob ladies and go for something else. If you date women from the 4H club (and i'm not talking agriculture) this is for you, the rest of us who prefer non-circus freaks will look elsewhere.

    I skipped over downloading this before based on the preview screenies, out of boredom downloaded it tonight. Based on the first 20 mins of playthrough, initial impression was correct, yikes! :(
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 293064

    This is pretty much up there with some of the best adult games available. Don't be put off by the sight of 3D models as this is not a 3DCG vn. It's a first person game with exploration and dating sim elements. Tons of fully well animated interations, 3 characters that have full schedules that change depending on the day and time, and a lot of overall content and even easter eggs. This goes above and beyond what a lot of games here do.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good. The scenes are good. Gameplay is not really grindy. Lot's of content. Good and sexy models. Everything is real time (no pre-renders). It's good and the maker should earn much, much more than he earns right now.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes, I know I will be disappointed. Hell, i'm browsing the Unreal Engine section of this site, what could go right, isn't it ?

    Wait. What is this almost five star game doing among a shitload of abandoned demos and a few 2 stars completed games ? Well, looks like a rubbish oversized boob fantasy where girls are breasting boobily to the stairs and titting downward. Anyways, I've got a fiber connection and some time to spend. Let's try this !

    [...download... run.. load...]

    Well, big boobs. Sigh. Click click a few dialog boxes. Story makes no sense either. Quit.

    Wait ? An incest patch ? Well let's try this before removing this.

    Oh, there is more than just changing the names. Well, the story makes way more sense that way. By the way, the models are rather well animated despite the oversized boobs. And the assets seem original. I don't remember seeing this layout somewhere else. (Renpy game designer, we all know the cloth store, please stop using it, have mercy!)

    A little shooting game? Well, let's play it. Night invasion? Hell yes!


    An hour later.

    Well, this is really well done. I cannot get stuck as there is a schedule helping getting all the scenes. Which are quite nice for realtime porn animation standards.


    A few hours later: well. Shit. That was great. I really hope there will be more of it.

    It may be the first really enjoyable Unreal Engine porn game. With just the right amount of grind. Well done!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really thorough storyline, and a load of fun to play considering it was done on such a small world-scale. Huge amount of content with no bugs at all. Awesome work on this project, looking forward to future content in this game, and more products from the developer!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing animations and graphics. Lots of sex positions and lots of fun. The game isnt grindy at all. It's very rewarding. A lot of content for the people who never played this game before. Their is more to come.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review written for version 11.2.

    Excellent game.

    I did not expect this to be as enjoyable as it was, but the lewd scenes here are extremely engaging and the developer does a fantastic job of building tension as you slowly unlock more progress with each character.

    Don't be put off by the fact that it isn't completed yet, there is a lot of content here already (more than some completed games I've played, in fact) and you'll likely spend several nights playing before you see it all.

    I'm going to echo what some other recent reviewers said: If you enjoy trainers, dating sims, or slow-burn corruption, then you really owe it to yourself to try this game.

    My only gripe is the unrealistic boobage size, but the lewd scenes are so well crafted that I can overlook that cartoonishness entirely.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply amazing. Great graphics and camera control, probably the best hand job animations I saw in games so far.

    I'm not a fan of sci-fi setups but this one did it good. The scene buildup is amazing, especially sleep harassment and wine involving evenings.

    This game is also near perfect when it comes to interactions during the action scenes. This brings a new dimension to the 'stuck under the sink' interaction.

    You really need to try this title.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    You REALLY need to try this game.

    I don't usually rate games, but this one deserves it. It has actual gameplay, and an interesting one! Its fun to play and has LOTS of content for you to fap.
    The models are top tier (except for the aunt face in some clothes...) But its a trully well made game.

    Has good story, not too grindy and excellent events. Will be looking foward next updates, for sure.