Unreal Engine - Completed - Last Hope [v1.0196] [Poolside Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like and recommend this game.
    It has some grind aspects, yes, but even grinding here is for the most part fun.
    The characters are cliche but nevertheless well implemented including facial expressions fitting the occasion.
    The excellent help system makes sure that the overall progression moves along nicely.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This review shares my thoughts and opinions about Last Hope [v15.1].

    Story and Storytelling [3/5]: Your crewmembers (family) and you are stuck in space. It's now your task to fill a tank with your love juice, to get things going again. If you're nice to the crewmembers, they may help you with that.
    Story is fine and fitting, could be more fleshed out, but doens't need to be.

    Characters[4/5]: The MC is kind of a skeaky boy, that wants the pussy. But who could blame him for that, when you take a look at the crew.
    Adriana has a motherly feel to her and is a little gullible.
    Natasha is hot and knows about her feminine charms.
    Katherineis a little bitchy at first, but complies with the MC in the end. (Kinda like that tsundere-character type)

    Interface [5/5]: Job really well done. I don't think there is any game with Unreal Engine that is as well done as Last Hope. Walking and changing rooms is smooth. Interactions work flamlessly. Inventary is nice and easy to use. Since 0.6 I had never problems unsing my old saves. Really nothing to complain.

    Character Desing [5/5]: MC is nothing special, but has obvisiously a huge dick.
    Girls all have big boobies, but slitely different bodies.
    In some sex-scenes you got small clipping errors, but nothing one wouldn't get over with.

    Gameplay [5/5]: There is nearly no grind and you can't lose relationship points with characters. So there is nothing to be afraid about with testing scenes and chasing the girls around.
    Fill level is mostly easy to get and only a bit annoying early in the game.
    Mini game works flawlessy.

    Sound [5/5]: BGM is fitting and unique.

    Wishful Thinking
    : I wouldn't mind some kind of chapter or episode setting, that updates already played scenes with new dialog. Reading/Over-reading the same text gets boring after the 10th time. Could be added to the fill-level.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Most unreal games tend to be low quality with janky animations and weird/tedious grind, but not this one.

    Pleasantly surprised with the quality of both animations and the gameplay loop. The level of grind is perfect ( almost not at all ) and there's no time pressure or fear of missing out on events since they are repeatable and there is an in-game tool to checklist all the things that are left.

    Quite a decent amount of content in the game and there is also a light story to move the plot forwards. The sex scenes are really well animated and there's a good variety on offer.

    The only negative for me is the amount of big titty, but that's subjective. All in all, a very good game!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing game. There are very few 3D games out there and of those, most are terrible, bug-ridden tech demos at best. Last Hope bucks the trend and lets you explore a full(albeit small) spaceship, with 3 gorgeous women(there are more in a limited capacity but I won't spoil) and gives you a meaningful(albeit silly) quest to fulfill.

    The game has a real-time progression mechanic, meaning you will find the women doing various deeds during the day throughout the ship, like making breakfast in the morning, going poolside or having a workout in the afternoon and then resting in their bedrooms at night. This really adds to the immersion as many VNs get lazy and various NPCs tend to just disappear at various points in the day. You are even provided a map, a schedule and a hint system so keeping track of who is where and how to progress is (usually) easy.

    The pacing is great, I always appreciate it when there is a progression with the women and the story. Exploration is encouraged as there will be hidden items in the ship to find. There are multiple fun minigames as well to shake it up a bit.

    As for the models, they look great, animations are smooth and plentiful. They even have various clothing options, including swimwear, fancy attire and everyday. There are quite a few scenes as well as this dev has been very consistent and a lot of variety. To tease a few, you'll be having "fun" poolside, in the gym, sauna, the command deck, really, everywhere in this ship(and maybe even more places *cough*)

    As for nitpicks, sure the UI isn't the greatest, it's not the prettiest game I've ever seen, there's not a lot of diversity in body types, sometimes figuring out exactly what to do to progress isn't always the easiest but overall, these aren't close to losing a star over.

    In the end, I highly recommend you play this game and support its creator. We need more 3D games!~
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about that game,I wish i could play more like it
    works smooth even without a GPU
    nice Animations
    something better could be done with the dialogues but it's not really important
    Good job for the dev and the team
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    ★ Chef's Kiss: gameplay takes the cake; you explore the small ship, the character dialogues, and the sexy scenarios to unlock scenes in first-person

    + Like I said: POV
    + Animations are great
    + Models are gorgeous
    + A lot of variety in scenes and the option to revisit them
    + Schedule/traits/relationships/special event features
    + Incest tag is optional for those who like it on or off
    + Minigames aren't to tiresome and are toggleable
    + Character dialogues are good

    - Story is a bit bland, plot convenience everywhere but this doesn't really drag down the game's value and the writing keeps realism in scenarios when it can
    - Tip/hint system (the one in the computer) is a bit too vague and not that helpful; it should hold the player's hand somewhat since it's an optional and out-of-way feature
    - A bit buggy sometimes

    Overall, this one is one hell of a game. Hopefully updates are dished out regularly because every build you finish will leave you blueballed and wanting for more. Definitely give this one a play.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean, It has a story, It's 3D, animations are fine and the models are beautiful, what would you expect more? New characters are being added and the story keeps going.

    I just can say clothing is cons.

    TLDR; Good game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome game. It got updated some months ago and now I'm playing it again, but i remember that this game is easy to play but really rewarding. Loads of opportunities, good looking game, and really sexy characters too. It has a little bit of everything, except bad stuff :) 10/10
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honest I think this is one of the best games here. I disagree that there is too much grinding. I have had lots of fun with this game, and the pace is good I think. It gets way more rewarding with more time you put in. And the developers keeps on updating and improving it! The scenes and animations (now most with sounds) keep getting better. Very hot story lines and interactions too. ;)

    My only major complaint as for now is how fast time passes. It forces you to rush around like crazy person to get things done on time. I ask the developers to either add a time speed option or just slow it down a bit. Otherwise this game is great!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the game scenes and characters are very good, the number of characters is a little less, but there are many things that can be done with the characters, and you can change your clothes.İt hink best unreal engine game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A spectacularly interactive first person view porn story. The free camera rotation was the best addition yet! The rework of the facial expression are are a big upgrade and a lot hotter then they were. And of course you got to love the incest patch! I strongly recommend supporting the creator of this game on his Patreon page. :)
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 168318

    This game has lots of potential, 1 star. Models are good looking in sex scenes, 2nd star. Vr option, but not needed, 3rd star.

    for 4th and 5th star this game need 2 things, better vr support, couldnt get it work with oculus and less grinding. Sex scenes are good, but u need waaay to much grinding to get them.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Sex scenes are amazing, real time animation is no joke and most of it is great in this game. Some minor annoyances are doors closing in your face, whacky motion blur and low FOV being on by default, the dreams being a little cringy, and not enough anal sex yet. Overall, amazing game with tons of content, and it's not hard at all to unlock or continue progress if you use the tools at hand.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    Last Hope is your bogstandard milf-family porngame, but distilled to the essence and with production-values up the wazoo. It's kinda what diablo did for dungeon crawlers: The concept was old, but the execution and interface set new standards and made it accessable to a wide audience.

    Last Hope obviously isn't on par with what Diablo did, but what sets it appart is the same thing: There's prolly about a hundred MILF-family VNs out there, but Last Hope distills it to the basics, and presents it in an actual 3D-environment, where you walk around first-person in a spaceship, instead of clicking through still images. Pornscenes likewise are seen from 1st person, although you can switch to external cams during them. And unlike most other 3D-games, the models and especially lighting is actually well done.

    It's also a game that doesn't take itself serious. Starting from the story's premise itself, the game openly mocks its porn nature. It's basically a parody in all but name. Likewise it doesn't put artificual barriers between you and the porn: Don't know what to do next? Just check the hint-section on the computer, and it outrightly tells you what to do next. Want to revisit past scenes? No need to resort to a "gallery": Almost every scene is repeatable at your desire. Hell, it even color-codes everything for your convenience, so you can see at a glance if taking an action would result in a new scene or one you have already seen.

    Last Hope is an example of a game designed to "Just skip the bullshit, and give the players what they want, as easy and comfy as possible". It's a breath of fresh air compared to other games.

    The Bad:
    Well, it's still just the same old format of "do mundane thing and grind stats to unlock new scene". Last Hope simply makes the procedure as comfy as possible, and minimizes the amount of grinding. But it doesn't change the formula.

    Also, while the graphics and models are generally good, the bust-sizes of the women are just short of ridiculous. It doesn't go full-retard, but is almost there.

    The game is 5 gigabytes unpacked. Relative to the amount of content and environments, i'd call it "fat" but not "bloated". On the upside, performance stays at a robust 60 FPS, at 1920x1080 with all settings at maxxed out, even on my low-spec quadcore and GTX 1660. Basically anyone with a dedicated graphics card should be able to run this maxxed out.

    Last Hope is the milf-family VN concept done in perfection. It doesn't break any new grounds. It doesn't fix the shortcomings of the concept (there's nothing else to do, than "Do X to unlock the next scene"). What Last Hope does is, execute this frankly overdone and shallow concept with perfect production, and in an immersive 1st-person perspective.

    And that's why i can't give it a 5/5: No matter how well the concept is executed, the truth is "doing mundane stuff to unlock new scenes" is - well boring and shallow. Last Hope does it better than any other game of this kind, but as said before doesn't change the formula.

    I'd love to rate it 4.5/5, which is what it actually deserves in my opinion. Unfortunally F95 doesn't do half-stars, so i'm stuck with giving it a 4.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice unity game. Gameplay largely simple and pretty straightforward. I really like the game, animations are solid and it's an actual game, which is nice.

    The plot itself is a little silly, but it's porn so you need to suspend disbelief a bit. It works, and you're not playing this game to be moved in an epic plot, it's a game where you work your way up to fucking big titty bitches in space. Some plotlines are pretty eye-rolling however, and the player character is shockingly trusting of everything going on. It also falls in that trope of most lewd games where the key to a devoted sexual relationship with someone is to be a creep and sexually harass them until they love you.

    I'm giving it 5 stars because it's a actual game and not the lazy VN shit we usually get. I want more of it and I look forward to new updates.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice Unity game, with an interesting concept that allows you to basically wander around a space ship barely dressed, with some voluptuous women who are also barely dressed. The alien was a bit off putting at first, but some nice scenes there. That's the draw, either get everyone horny enough, used to your touching, or drunk - and get some hot scenes. There are some dreams as well, though wasn't as interested in them.

    It's a Unity moving game, so don't expect to be fapping much unless you are quick with the keyboard and mouse, though movement isn't so much of an issue here. Encountered some clipping in trying to talk to characters, and at times if you come into a room when they are moving, so you can get the scene you want, you need to leave and come back because they stopped partway to where you want.

    Only played the incest version as that seemed the more appealing of the two - it handed the relationships well though some boilerplate text never changed as the relationship did. Not sure if that happens in the regular game but it broke the immersion in some places. Hard to go from a character loving the D in one scene, to not wanting to because they think you haven't done it yet. All you are doing is filling up the "seeder" with your seed, the ladies come to help you out as you go along because they realize its a chore for you and they offer a helping hand, mouth, tits.....

    Mostly this is a find the path in the scene game, to get the checklist to complete - your only way to figure out what to do - repeat scenes and make different choices. Options open up as you advance through the list, and the collector.

    • BBW
    • Lot's of tits!
    • Some hot outfits
    • Good repeatable sex scenes
    • An actual story about why you are there
    • Not really difficult and everything you need is there
    • Aura tells you if there is more to do or not
    • Movement requires keyboard+mouse making it not the most fappable game
    • Some general text doesn't update with the relationship
    • Could use more outfits
    • Hard to know what path to follow to complete scenes
    • Feels like there could be more, though its large and provides a lot of entertainment
    • Faces may not be to everyone's liking
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredible !!
    Girls are cute, sexy whatever u wanna call them.
    Its actually quite exciting to play through the story, scenes are awesome and love system isn't tedious like in a lot of games
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean it the best fucking adventure RPG sex game of all time! These guys need our money! GIVE IT TO THEM HARD! (pause)

    The movemant is cool, sex scenes are great. If they continue, maybe they can expand from ship to the planets and cities, other races. We must show them our full support!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really admirable. It really offers a different flavor. The characters are fine, the story is good, there's a lot of content. Sex scenes are enough. The only thing that's not very satisfying about this game is graphics. Congratulations to Dev
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    On a whole new level with the first person free roaming. Really draws you in more with the first person aspect. Like VR without the headset. I really wish there was more games like this but I doubt many have the technical skills.
    Cant wait for Poolsides next project.