The Good:
Last Hope is your bogstandard milf-family porngame, but distilled to the essence and with production-values up the wazoo. It's kinda what diablo did for dungeon crawlers: The concept was old, but the execution and interface set new standards and made it accessable to a wide audience.
Last Hope obviously isn't on par with what Diablo did, but what sets it appart is the same thing: There's prolly about a hundred MILF-family VNs out there, but Last Hope distills it to the basics, and presents it in an actual 3D-environment, where you walk around first-person in a spaceship, instead of clicking through still images. Pornscenes likewise are seen from 1st person, although you can switch to external cams during them. And unlike most other 3D-games, the models and especially lighting is actually well done.
It's also a game that doesn't take itself serious. Starting from the story's premise itself, the game openly mocks its porn nature. It's basically a parody in all but name. Likewise it doesn't put artificual barriers between you and the porn: Don't know what to do next? Just check the hint-section on the computer, and it outrightly tells you what to do next. Want to revisit past scenes? No need to resort to a "gallery": Almost every scene is repeatable at your desire. Hell, it even color-codes everything for your convenience, so you can see at a glance if taking an action would result in a new scene or one you have already seen.
Last Hope is an example of a game designed to "Just skip the bullshit, and give the players what they want, as easy and comfy as possible". It's a breath of fresh air compared to other games.
The Bad:
Well, it's still just the same old format of "do mundane thing and grind stats to unlock new scene". Last Hope simply makes the procedure as comfy as possible, and minimizes the amount of grinding. But it doesn't change the formula.
Also, while the graphics and models are generally good, the bust-sizes of the women are just short of ridiculous. It doesn't go full-retard, but is almost there.
The game is 5 gigabytes unpacked. Relative to the amount of content and environments, i'd call it "fat" but not "bloated". On the upside, performance stays at a robust 60 FPS, at 1920x1080 with all settings at maxxed out, even on my low-spec quadcore and GTX 1660. Basically anyone with a dedicated graphics card should be able to run this maxxed out.
Last Hope is the milf-family VN concept done in perfection. It doesn't break any new grounds. It doesn't fix the shortcomings of the concept (there's nothing else to do, than "Do X to unlock the next scene"). What Last Hope does is, execute this frankly overdone and shallow concept with perfect production, and in an immersive 1st-person perspective.
And that's why i can't give it a 5/5: No matter how well the concept is executed, the truth is "doing mundane stuff to unlock new scenes" is - well boring and shallow. Last Hope does it better than any other game of this kind, but as said before doesn't change the formula.
I'd love to rate it 4.5/5, which is what it actually deserves in my opinion. Unfortunally F95 doesn't do half-stars, so i'm stuck with giving it a 4.