Tool RPGM Launch Rpg Maker MV Using Bat


Jul 5, 2018
Using latest NWjs and it seem too big? Here away for u.
Make a copy of default NWjs (or U can just use the default) and Put it somewhere u prefer.

Optional: Download latest NWjs and Paste it in the default NWjs Folder.
Remember to rename the nw.exe

Edit the Game.txt. path it into the NWjs exe location.
Change Game.txt to Game.Bat or whatever name u want

U might need to change folder option and click show hidden file and disable hide extension for known type.

Delete all file in Game folder except www and package.json and left some file u think necessary
Paste the edited bat with package.json(If folder already have no need) if not paste the package.json
and launch that all

The bat seem to hate folder name with spaces(Remove Folder Name space). dunno with symbol but well try to not use name too long
Some of Symbol from game that wont work
Fear & Hunger
& must change to and

Some game sometime doesn't use www folder so dont just delete all the folder
Folder and File like
index.html(must NEVER delete)
U can move those into www
or u can just check other RPGMV game u have and delete the file that outside www

Probaly work with MZ good luck trying.

Some game like
Evil Maiden: The Prideful Knightess and the Devil's Armor
doesn't like latest NWjs (Give Error when try to start or load) so make sure to backup

if u use MTool just use the "inject to running game" using the exe from NWjs folder. it will put it file on game folder no wories.

Please dont ASK me it there problem happen on your. I m just giving u a way.

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