VN - Others - Completed - Leane 2: Leane of Legitimate Crown [v1.51] [Makura Cover Soft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a good game here, but the pacing is utterly abysmal, which brings all the worst aspects of the game straight to the forefront. This is the reason the game has such divisive reviews.

    90% of the game's story and content is front-loaded in the first of three acts, and it is a brutal multi-hour-long campaign that doesn't feature a single-sex scene. If you can somehow get through that to the second act, where the game finally starts giving out content, and you enjoy said content, I can see why you'd like this game. But I wager that most people are going to get bored and confused in the hours before that.
    For me? I'm torn. I actually like the combat, and I like the strategy, and the story certainly has potential. But for 3+ hours without any sex scene or interesting developments with the girls? That's a tough ask for any H-Game. Especially when the game fails to properly develop the heroines, as it frequently introduces a new girl and gets bored of the others - quantity over quality. I barely remember the names of a lot of them, and when it finally came time for the "NTR" scenes, I genuinely didn't know who some of the girls were. "Oh, apparently that's Marion? Who the hell is Marion? - Just a random general that hasn't appeared in a single scene." That's not really NTR, is it? The game is generally a poor example of NTR due to the lack of development in terms of the relationship between the boring protagonist and the poorly developed girls.

    Well, maybe with one exception...

    The game also does something absolutely crazy in the first act. In a blind playthrough, there's no way you're going to understand the loyalty mechanics and their consequences. Essentially, giving items such as heals or equipment to female generals will increase their loyalty. Turns out, your most loyal girl will appear far more frequently in act 1's story. Yes, interestingly enough, the game is secretly playing match maker with your 'favourite'. However, if you don't get her to an arbitrary 100 loyalty before the midpoint, this character will be immediately, unavoidably NTR'd the moment you enter the second act of the game. I think this is a huge mistake. This is a game that had zero sex scenes immediately blowing its load all at once. Sure, in theory it's the perfect NTR, specifically designed to not just NTR the protagonist but NTR the player themselves based on the choices they made. But the problem is, you can only date one girl at a time in this game, and the game immediately took away the main girl first, leaving the random less developed girls left. There's no stakes, no tension, no looming threat. This is technically the most important scene in the game, and you can see why, right? It's the virginity loss of your 'main girl'. I think the game could have really benefitted from drawing this particular scene out a lot more. Rather than immediately lose your main girl, the game should have just made the least loyal girl in your army join the harem to set up the stakes and threat of loss. "If you don't get your act together, your main girl might be next!" - and then pressure the player by having Baroque specifically order the main girl to the harem at one point in the same way Muriel is.

    The fact the protagonist can only date one girl throughout the entire game also really hurts both the pacing and the NTR. I couldn't care less about 80% of my generals, even the ones I technically spent a long time with in the story. The game does this thing where it repeatedly and randomly blue-balls you with the other girls. It'll have these weird scenes where the girl blatantly offers herself, sometimes nude, and the protagonist will just straight up refuse. I'm sorry, but this is a fucking porn game? If there were some non-penetrative scenes here, handjobs, blowjobs and the like, it would have dramatically increased the quality and pacing of the game, while actually strengthening the NTR aspects because you'll have established relationships with a larger amount of the cast.

    But let's rewind a little, because that previous paragraph was mostly talking about a 'perfect case' scenario. Rememer when I said the loyalty mechanics were a little ambiguous? Turns out, if you need to heal a random female general such as Beatrice or Cynthia - quite likely since these two start stronger than a lot of the others - you may accidentally raise her loyalty to the highest and turn her into the main girl even if they're not the girl you're most interested in. Tying affection to such arbitrary requirements can break this important moment and have the big 'NTR' twist fall completely flat, and I checked the other reviews and I can literally see examples of this happening. People getting confused that random girls fell in love with them and then suddenly joined the harem.

    But if you do understand the loyalty system, you can also easily avoid this NTR twist with a single dialogue option that will prevent any female generals from joining the harem. In fact, it's tremendously easy to avoid getting NTR'd even on platinum difficulty. Frustratingly, this is a game you need to lose on purpose in several ways to actually see the content. I have a separate series of save files where I'm specifically going AFK and giving the king no concubines and it takes fucking ages for anything to happen. In fact, it takes so fucking long that I'm running cheat engine at x10 speed. In the playthrough where I played the game normally, I cleared act 2 before the king's convey even moved twice, he never got angry and never requested a single female general before I easily beat act 2 by just sending all my strongest units on the 'intended path' to the big boss and replenishing after every battle. At no point did I ever change skills or learn strategy, and it wasn't until I reloaded a save and started messing around that I even understood how the harem mechanics worked.

    And I haven't even mentioned the 'imprisoned' female generals system because that was so pointless and avoidable that I didn't see it a single time, and I didn't bother experimenting with it in extra saves.

    I will say, where this game is a bad NTR game, it's an excellent corruption game. I don't particularly care about Princess Ophelia, but I think it's kind of hot that a holy princess nun is slowly turning into a slut that gets repeatedly knocked up. I just wish I didn't have to micromanage every moment to make it happen.

    And I have one more general critique regarding the sex scenes and it's the formulaic approach which I think further hurts what this game is trying to do. Every girl has the same thresholds that cause a sex scene, and these are frequently in the same position, or relatively vanilla scenarios. For instance, almost every girl starts with a pretty boring missionary scene, and then have a more active position later on. Almost all the art gets reused at least twice with different dialogue, so that's a bit meh. The girls also all have extremely similar body types. Maybe the art style is just making it a little more boring, but I really feel like some more variation in pose, angles, scenery would have gone a long way.

    I'm going to shoot off some bullet points that could have easily made this game a 5/5 from me:

    - Allow the protagonist to have a relationship with all girls simultaneously, and rather than blue-balling the protagonist, add some non-penetrative scenes early. This'll turn the game into a "harem" vs "harem" situation where all girls matter instead of your 'main' girl.

    - Start the harem system immediately from act 1, instead of waiting through what is effectively 80% of the game for it to start. Also, this is supposed to be a NTR game, right? I don't think it'd be unreasonable for him to be far more aggressive in asking for your generals, essentially forcing you to sacrifice a few of them to get him off your back.

    - Add more obvious and easy ways to interact with the girls. A unique "female general" status menu that lets you talk and interact with them universally would go a long way, and adding some actual gifts that increase loyalty and making those systems more clear would be a huge improvement.

    - Combat system could use some reworks. Magic points could regen when taking damage, MP cost and the attack power of skills should be visible in the battle menu. I don't like how characters will immediately use a new skill, since sometimes they'll learn something completely useless for that turn, like "Escape". I think better pacing overall would naturally smooth this over. Personally, I think each general could have up to three generals working under them, to improve the flow of offensive battles, where currently you have to funnel people in one-by-one. Here, you could party up with your favourite girls, and there could be a system that increases loyalty with the girls you fight with.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though the combat of the game is not very interesting and is slow, I stuck around and had fun. Took a while to learn the game mechanics without a proper guide as I am not a sucker of reading big texts that are easily skipped.

    Here is my review, the NTR is not that interesting as it only starts after you take the diamond city and the king starts to ask for harem or if you let your female genarals get captured. The scenes were ok but nothing special.
    Storywise its ok , nothing special. MC is not well written and he just accepts everything because "He is the HOLY KING." But the twists were good.
    Gameplay was fun, the old mage ragnarok or something carried much of my early battles.
    Music felt like a banger and was stuck looking at the screen like you do in COC.

    Some things I figured out a bit later that effected gameplay:
    I. you can interact with female generals, just mc should be in the same town then you can talk to them. (figured this out after I got the ending as mc dies=game over so I always left him somewhere far) this effects what ending/girl you can get.
    II. giving food items to your generals increases there loyalty which slowly decreases.
    III. save often as a game over makes you want to stop playing as there is no autosave.
    IV. play in bronze difficulty because higher difficulty just makes the battles harder and there is no strategy involved in battle, just spam your best moves.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is mid. The combat is not complicated, it's slow, and it's not very deep. The game is slow and there is no way to speed it up. It is NOT bad. It's functional and the retreat mechanic can actually make for interesting decisions. Everything outside of it is not very compelling.
    The UI deserves mention for being bad and making the game more painful than it could have been. Also constant saving is required as I experienced crashes or game breaking bugs.

    The story is bad, poorly paced, and all over the place. The game can be divided into three arcs and transitions between them poorly. You expect the MC to develop as the story progresses and as his ideology keeps failing in every single arc but no, he persist in being incomprehensibly allergic to power despite constantly wielding it. The story ends up being highly unsatisfying because the MC ends where he begins and nothing changes despite the HOURS of in game efforts and success. Three times he restores a system that keeps failing and doesn't learn his lesson. It's ridiculous.

    I still think the game is average because it is large, it's functional, has a lot of different units, and the gameplay as I said above is not bad.

    The porn is basically absent unless you are purposely losing and cucking yourself. Playing on 'hard' for first playthrough I had very few CGs cause I was trying to win.
    ALSO HOT TAKE: this is not really an NTR game. MC has no relationship with the girls except that they maybe like him and the MC sees them as a friend. The porn is mostly rape/voyeurism. Actual NTR is difficult to get in the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Water Box

    Best NTR game I've played so far.

    The art is top-notch.

    The story is compelling, unless you dislike generic anime waifus.

    The sex scenes are incredibly hot, and voiced. The feeling of loss is quite real.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPGM games I have ever played.

    If you are not interested in a semi-relevant plot which you are required to go through in order to view the real H-game, you won't like this. Others? You'll love it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't want to give this a 2 stars I really didn't but I can't avoid it.

    Gameplay. 4/10
    The tutorial isnt helpful
    Once you figure it out its a basic tactics game with not a lot of depth.
    Enemy AI is weak and only the Mage and Holy cities are of any difficulty.

    Story 1/10

    I wanted to like it. I really did. Ares is without a doubt the worst type of character for this game. His "yes sir" "it is what it is " attitude is frustrating. And the genre this game is the fact im a general 100million times more competent than whose ntr'ing me just makes it even worse. The fact he does Ares so dirty after you reclaim the diamond city and just keeps screwing you over without Ares doing anything is pathetic. Its sad to because this had so much potential. they shouldn't of made me so competent if i was going to be cucked.

    CGs / H Scenes. 7/10
    Art is nice
    i cant comment on the Hscenes tho bc all i saw was the NTR

    Voices 8/10
    not bad ive definitely heard worse.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Im big fan of NTR....not a big fan of this gameplay tho. Idk how anyone have a patient to beat it at gold or platinum difficulty. I started at gold and lower and lower it to the easiest lmao.

    The game is actually real time strategy game(I guess). The game require you to WAIT for each pay check in order to upgrade your shit or pushing best general(in my case leanne) in to enemy over and over again for lvl up. It is painfully slow for no reason while there isnt even many micro, the UI is utterly garbage, the balance is simply WTF bad, basically spam your strongest move over and over again and retreat once you have no mana? why? because you deal no dmg without mana.

    To make it worse there is a grand total of 1 """"""""groping"""""""" scene before you finish the prologue which is like 4 hrs. The biggest blueballs I have ever seen.

    I usually dont care much about gameplay in a hentai game but holy molly this one blue balls me into oblivion. I wanna say just download the saves but holy fuck NTR needs context, but those context came from playing this atrocious of a game.

    Sex scenes: It spread it self very thin because of how big the roster is. Some might like it I guess.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the most underrated games on f95zone, I almost missed it because of the reviews. It is very much a NTR game if you go in knowing that you will probably enjoy it more. There are plenty of scenes with good variety. The corruption of the girls is also well done not to slow or to quick.

    It also has a half decent story and I know that has led to some complaints since it results in longer game play but as far as I'm concerned that's a good thing, it kept me busy and entertained for a few days.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    The NTRtainer

    This is my first review, and I'm writing it because I think this game catches a lot of flak and I think most of it is unjust. As far as lewd games go, this one is actually one of the best I've ever played. Make no mistake, I am not saying the game is perfect, or even close to it. The occasionally buggy game mechanics and excessive length of the story are potential weak points that I will certainly admit could serve as deterrents, but the art style coupled with the story is really top-notch. The characters and their development, too, is very appealing and I really hope to see more games like this being made. One of the key grievances I've encountered with this game is the overwhelmingly heavy NTR component, and certainly it is true that 95% or more of the game's content is NTR, and there is no sugar coating this nor should it be unclear from the get-go. That is why anyone who is bothered in any way by NTR should steer clear of this game, because as far as lewd content goes, you won't find much else in this. And thankfully, it really is that simple to solve all the frustrations and headaches resulting from the reception of this game - if you don't like the most prominent theme, please do not play the game.

    In conclusion, I personally very much enjoyed this title and loved the mechanics, even soundtrack, and I'm completely head-over-heels about the art style and the characters. It is by no means an objectively "great" or "perfect" game, but subjectively, it's a brilliant title as far as my humble opinion goes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Marquis Forneus

    Enjoyable enough gameplay, with a frankly phenomonal system that allows for all your companions to end up betraying you in favour of your enemy, which is just peak NTR. Hell, even if you win, you can still lose lmao, which is half the fun.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont know for u guys, but for me the most important thing in these NTR games are the girls likeability. U know, it wont be NTR if you dont like the girl who will be stolen, it would be just rape or something. So, most this games i didnt like much, its a little hard for me to like a character, its need to have a really good story besides everything, like less cliche or a proper introduction to characters. But i played one game, that just broken this, cuz the gameplay helped with the problem.

    So, even if the story its bad, its not the case of this game, the gameplay make u like the character cuz she could be important for your win. The felling that u can only advance if u have her, or something like that. Well, in this case the gameplay needs to be good and unique/different, so u can have fun using the character while the history progress.

    And thats exactly whats this game make, it does have a really nice background history, an complex and fun gameplay and is completely translated (not MTL). although some cons exists, like a huge introduction (in my opinion its a pro), it is needed a lot of time just for reading the prologue of the game, and other con is as i said the gameplay its really complex in a first sight, but dont fear it, its not that difficulty to understand and when u get how it works its just incredible fun.

    I know i talked a lot, but a had this problem and in leane i found my answer, i really liked this one, its my favorite NTR game. So, if you like to take your time to read the history, thats my recommendation, try to understand the gameplay, its really worth it, and the art its pretty nice too.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    An excellently realized NTR game that emphasizes its kink better than any other, and knows that this kind of kink works best with a lot of setup and build. However, the protagonist is slightly unbelievable in how weak-willed he is. I think a scene of him trying to go against the king and being stopped would have helped. Also, the game is very slow - I recommend downloading the mod on the JP fan wiki to help.

    Regardless, highly recommended to any NTR fans.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Sit through hours and hours of painfully bad unbalanced combat mechanics just to get a handful of weak NTR CGs. The NTR doesn't even make sense as the protagonist is so much more capable than the guy who steals his girls. I didn't pay anything for this and I want a refund.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.51

    God, this game is so painfully slow, this piece of shit cock and ball tortured my patience with painfully slow and long prologue dialogue, that i decided to unfortunately sit through and read. AND once i got into the proper game itself, that shit was so painfully slow to play, doesnt help the fact that most other dialogue was so long that i forgot what the fuck was i doing previously.

    All that for what? For a mediocre strategy game with disappointing gameplay mechanics that i felt no joy going through? All that for average girls and their stories? No, dont waste your time like did, go look elsewhere.

    Never again.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v1.51

    You dont often see grand strategy games on this website and that is understandable, but this game is just that, the problem is that to get see all the sex scenes you need to actively lose battles, in a strategy game... As you can imagine, that is extremely annoying and worse yet, the more you lose, the harder the game gets. This game has made two different conflicting core mechanics that stop you from enjoying and maybe even completing the game. For these reasons i did not finish the game.
    The story is fine, i didnt really care about the overall story and its characters, its just alright.
    But by far the most pathetic thing in the story is the MC, how does a man lead an army to restore a collapsed empire and at the same time have less of a spine then i dried jellyfish washed up on a shore? I understand its an NTR story and im fine with that, but the protagonists personality, abilities and action just conflict with each other so much that it keeps breaking my suspension of belief, all of that just keeps me snapping back to reality.
    The strategy aspect is simple but quite fun, would be nice to enjoy it together with my little man.

    This game just feels so unfocused. When making a game you have to pick one or two core aspects of what the game is, it picked neither.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A solidly average game. Honestly, I might be inclined towards 4/5 if there was better replay value, an option to auto-pause when a new CG event is occurring, and an autosave feature since it occasionally glitches and freezes in combat.

    The overall gameplay is good, but it starts to feel more just grindy than any sort of strategy after 2 or 3 playthroughs. So given the number of available paths and endings, I feel that it's just not good enough gameplay to bother exploring them all. Recommend you playthrough it once or twice, maybe three times for all the starting chains if you are interested in the story, but after that just search for the full save file in the comments.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1249886

    One of my favorite games on this site. It actually works the h-mechanics into the gameplay very smoothly unlike most games in the genre. Several good scenes and character variety, good art, this game has a lot going for it.

    The only minor complaint I have is that I wish there were more "finishing locations" instead of almost 100% creampies. I think facials, etc. would have added to the forced conquest/humiliation themes. However that is a tiny nitpick and not enough for me to lower to 4 stars.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    When you write an incredibly long review, delete it, attempt to write a concise review, delete it, and then settle on writing a practically pointless review.
    - babes
    - strange design choices
    - too much onus placed on the player for h-scene management
    - and yet at the same time the game is too inflexible in regards to babes and managing them
    - protagonist is a weirdo, painfully oblivious and uninterested in women, probably gay
    - the first part has too much narrative
    - the second part is too brief and easy, you get caught up in strategy and win before any of your babes can get ntr raped because arranging the ntr rape is too much of a headache pursuing a babe and then having her be captured so that you can pursue another babe and yada yada it's too easy to just win and then you don't get any erotic content and then what's THE POINT?????? even when you play on platinum difficulty it's just too easy
    - the third part has too little erotic content, I got bored after reaching it because I knew how the rest would go
    I LIKED:
    1) the gameplay
    2) the number of babes
    3) the thought put into it
    and yet it seems NO thought was put into it
    put many hours into this game and got little satisfaction because of poor design
    will be looking forward to the possibility of major improvements in Leane 3.
    Leane 1 was released in 2012, Leane 2 was released in 2017; we might guess that Leane 3 will be released in 2022???? I won't give up hope until 2024.
    Thak u 4 readin my review.
    Likes: ZanyD
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    i would like to give it a 5*, but having one sex scene per game round is knda lame for a h game... atlest they don't make the main character comically small... it's actually not hard to avoid ntr.... just grindy gotta up the "king" to 100 trust and focus the trust on one girl..... you have to get all love cutcenes with her or she will be ntr'd... favorite girl is the red head engineer
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    After the first hour of playing this game i had to look it up to learn more. Thats when I learned this game is 15 years newer game i had estimated from its gameplay, graphics, voice quality and the general flow. The game feels highly dated and I could only bear with it for 2 more hours.

    The game UI is at best passable. Let me share all my frustrations i encountered with combat UI in order.
    1. Theres no descrption for moves beyond name so will have no idea what anything does. Most moves arent included in the special moves section of the help menu either
    2. So you select "attack" then you promptly get hit in the face by the opponent and you return to action select without having performed your action. I have no idea if i missed or if it was turnbased but i presume some version of the latter but they are very strict on speed difference because the enemy also often hit twice for every one of my attacks. UI doesn't tell who gets the next action so have fun guessing that.
    3. Moves have a cost. Have fun figuring out that you went to low for the heal spell you planned to cast all of a sudden and promptly get rekt.
    Beyond combat I'm just gonna say that its way too many clicks to just save your game.

    You can do some strategizing a unit vs unit basis but when combat starts theres strategy has mostly ended and you will just spam attack until you maybe retreat. On a basic level it can be compared to Sengoku Rance but it loses 95% of the complexity of Rance since the combat is just 1v1 fights instead of full teams.

    If this game was out 10 years ago it woulda been inferior to better games even then. I can't believe this game is mearly 4 years old given how unintuitive it is and the dated UI.

    TL;RD: It's may be worth a try but don't expect a lot. Gameplay was decent but I dont feel like reading a wiki on the side to figure out basic concepts like "whos turn is it"