Very impressed with my first helping of Leaving DNA. It just feels like it's going to be a great story to follow.
From what I've seen this is going to be a good one, we already have the plot, there's the mysterious death of Amy Mall that could lead to all the way back to the mystery of the main character's father. Speaking of the main character, he's a pretty well-rounded character. He has poise, confidence, I enjoy his mannerisms, just an all around likable character. Of course, he's not perfect, he has his flaws. He's 35 and can't hold a steady relationship and it's because of his past and him not wanting to let anyone in.
Jamie is a great leading lady, I love her charm and wit, on top of that she's a gorgeous beauty. She clearly cares for the main character and has his back. Aghavni is the ex-girlfriend of the ours. She dumped the MC but it was clear that he was at fault. She's another beautiful woman, who's very determined when it comes to her job and obviously still have feelings for the MC.
This was enough to strike my attention among other things like having a friend like Sean that's not annoying or full of himself. This mystery character is another example, I thought she was a young girl but turns out she's a teacher or at least that's what she said to Sean and the MC. I found it weird that she didn't want to go to the cops about the thugs that could've raped her, there's definitely something she's not telling us.
Well rounded cast , a good balance.
Well done.
Overall, great story to follow, it deserves more attention and notoriety. Best of luck to the Dev and once again thanks for presented something different outside of the standard tropes.