Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Daybreak / Eiyuu Densetsu: Kuro no Kiseki - Suggestions forNSFW Pairings for adult Renne

Jun 18, 2019

sorry for the way overboard long title. ^^;
I'm an amateur NSFW artist and I've been drawing a lot of stuff about the Trails characters in the last 1.5 years.
I need your advice about possible (consensual/vanilla) NSFW pairings for Renne Bright (in der Daybreak age, 18) - I've only drawn her solo multiple times, but I'd love to draw her in a heterosexual artwork.

But I don't know who'd fit well enough story/characterwise. Maybe the protagonist Van from Daybreak, but he seems to be already fixed on someone. xD

I'm open to any suggestions and discussions, thanks for every comment! :D

Attached are one lineart and one fully shaded fanart I made back in the day featuring her: