Ren'Py - Legend of Krystal Parody - The New Adventure [Act 3 v0.03] [ShineSL]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So far been loving it. Call me biased but I have a soft spot for LoK projects, and so far this one is my favorite. Despite it's stiff animations, I am enjoying that progress is actually being made with this project and adds some story to what originally was just a simple Flash game.

    Only complain is that the map design is super confusing and is kinda hard to figure out where you are and where to go. But you get used to it after a while.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    played through all the way just now, the game is rather well made, animations are gorgeous too. As an SL player myself, I can say it's really annoying to line up animations so well, and takes a lot of work at times. The writing is interesting, maybe needs a polish at best, and it hits a lot of my kinks too. I'd love more overt cheating/adultery and impregnation risks~
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll make this a quick review because there's not too much to say about this.

    The writing: Terrible
    Progression: Dreadful
    Lewd Scenes: The Saving Grace

    All of the lewd scenes are made in second life, so there's already a degree of missing polish for everything within, but when compared to most of the 3D "animated" games you'll find in a VN style, this still has far more going on per scene. The camera angle changes relatively frequently, and each scene is far lengthier than I would have expected from something like this. They're not great, but they are passing, and don't end in 5 sentences. The variety relatively lacking though, and the writing to go along with each scene is...painful. Its 'formating' is one of the worst parts, but it still ends up being on par with most of the higher rated 3D VNs I see on here.

    The progression is some of the worst stuff I've seen yet though, consisting of a very messy set of hallways that require you to just jump around between different places and hope that you're in the right spot. There's a map function which makes the entire experience doable, but far from enjoyable.

    Worth looking at if you just want something furry and relatively quick. Currently all scenes I've found are strictly Male on Female.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been a fan of Shines animations for some time and am thrilled shes been working on this game now as well. Theres been previous krystal games before this of course that were abandoned, but nothing on this level.
    Shes not someone who tries to hide everything behind a paywall either, all of these things IMO make her worthy of nothing but praise and encouragement, whats completed so far gives a glimpse of what WILL be.. and it be GLORIOUS! <3
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty much right up my alley. As of 0.8, its got some great corruption content, with the main character getting coerced or even forced (this is avoidable for those who don't like non-con) into some very hardcore scenes, and doesn't run its wheels on slow build-up. For me personally, it's a 5/5, but objectivity dictates I acknowledge some of the game's shortcomings.

    The game has its assets sourced from Second Life, which has its benefits and downfalls. It allows a single developer to make the entire thing complete with lengthy animations. The downside is that the content is limited by Second Life's engine, with pre-made assets and animations and characters whos eyes don't really focus on what's happening. I'm willing to overlook some of the clipping in animations, but others may find it slapdash. Nonetheless animation is out of the scope of possibilities for most single developers, so I don't think it's a bad choice.

    The next issue is the writing. The creator is not a native English speaker and it sometimes shows. It's less of a problem in a game like this that relies heavily on visuals, and I never felt it made the game difficult to navigate, but I know this might be a turn-off for some. The story so far is definitely a little contrived, but nothing beyond what one expects in a porn game.

    All in all I think this is a pretty impressive game for something made by a single developer who isn't able to focus on the game 24/7. Progress and updates, while not monthly, are rolling out at a consistent pace and have expanded the game pretty well. The creator is now adding RPG elements and expanding the scope slowly. I haven't tried these yet (though 0.9 is released) but I'm confident the game will continue to grow in a positive direction.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Different characters with different sex positions avalaible, enticing sounds that suit good the theme of the game.
    There are a few options to make like in visual novels and some sort of dungeon/laberynth map to sort out.
    Graphics are 3D models from Second Life so they decent enough.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    barely even a game, just an excuse for a series of secondlife screenshots/clips in a renpy engine.
    maybe in the far future might be a decent game but don't bother downloading it just now. massive download for about 10 minutes at the very max of content, bad UI, and the 3dcg models are pretty janky and didn't look great at all
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit: Act 2 V 0.04

    Gameplay: this is basically a visual novel so no gameplay element, apart from the infuriating navigation, and the boring combat. Not knowing where to go half the time is not fun, especially when the same damn (skipable, but still...) 5 secondes animation plays each time you chose a path.
    Art: not that bad for 3D, Ive seen way worse. Environment is pretty good, and characters are... ok I guess? Not my style but that's personnal preference.
    Animations: standard average loops as seing in many games, but with some clipping issues between characters (for example dick going through the cheek during a blowjob loop).
    Story/dialogues: pretty poor in general, and some situations are nonsense. I know it's meant to be a parody, but lots of situations were over the top, for me at least.
    Overall, I can't say I've enjoyed playing it. I know the dev is new to coding and game development in general, so I have hope some of the problems I mentionned will be solved once he/she learns more and is less limited, and more content is added. For now though, I can't put more than 2 stars.