RPGM - Legend of Queen Opala: Origin [v3.25] [SweGabe]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Similar to many RPG maker games with lots of running around and very few short sex scenes in between. The game is made well and the art is fairly good. However the lack of sex scenes makes the game very poor in terms of erotic content. There simply isn't enough material compared to all the walking around that you are required to do.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    LoQO: Origins is another SweGabe hit. As an RPG it hits all the marks adequately. The engine and scripts all function beautifully for a smooth gameplay experience. One thing I wish would get incorporated more is "active" NSFW content. I feel like the story-line CGs are spaced pretty far apart. The collecting of the cards and dice and such doesn't hold as much appeal as combat bad-endings or (hopefully) combat seduction would. Still, solid work and an enjoyable play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice illustrations. Very nice indeed. Over 50 hours now, awesome. You might wanna be a bad guy in this game, that way you can see more scenes. I hope I'm doing this right... Please tell me it's two hundred characters now. Love this game, keep up the good work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is surely Skyrim like with Adult Content which is The Best thing i could hope for an RPG with Bunch of Female Companion...
    And this is what i hoped on the previous series...
    Matting whenever you want, get used what you must do in the series...
    I surely love this game.
    If i need to buy this game, i would surely buy this game, and i really hope for any advance for the game
    Sory for the bad english, thou
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Long grind, horrible RPG maker features. If you like long grinds with little to no reward this is your game. The only reason I'm giving it two stars is because he's making over $5000.00 on patreon. That gets respect. Go look at the CG's via a CG rip and you'll see there is very little content. It's not worth it to go through the pain of RPG maker to unlock those cgs.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    (Based on v.2.10)

    The newest LoQO installment. Hmm... where can i begin... it's kinda hard, because there are reasons i like the games, but there are even more reasons why i hate them. But still, i can't stop playing.

    - Story and Characters.
    Since i still didn't manage to figure out most of the mysteries in it and how they are involved with the previous games, it manages to keep me interested, and that is something i don't expect from the majority of porn games. So it's at least interesting for now, even if a bit strange.
    The characters are amusing. We have the main girls returning (some in different roles), with better artwork and portraits, and some new characters, AND more depravity (yay). One more plus for the main villain being interesting as well.

    - Gameplay and Engine
    Awful. It is plagued by the same bad habits of the previous games (grinding, slow walking speed, unskippable text and other annoyances i can't remember anymore due to heavy frustration at the dev's decisions).
    And worse, the grinding is somewhat necessary to obtain advantage with some juicy rewards for iddle tasks (e.g. kill an insane amount of monsters to obtain this, yada, yada... NO, instead kill me, pls).
    Some good things though are the protagonist customization (It is nice to finally be able to play as beastman.), artstyle choice, relationship system (nothing new about it, but still nice again) and moral paths and choices (if it's like the previous games, it will probably have impacts, with multiple endings as well).
    Game also has new game plus option. Very thoughtful addition for a wip game.
    The engine used is RPGM XP again. Very few save slots, no load button inside the game, unskipabble text, lack of settings. Very annoying.

    - Artwork and H-content.
    Wow, it's pretty good to be able to choose the artstyle, yeah, you also could do that in the second game, but there are more options here.
    The way the artwork is used though... lame, it suffers the same thing as the previous games, it has plenty of collectibles and so few h-scenes for such a long game. I know the artists who do the h-scenes don't necessary draw the collectibles, but it's still lame, h-scenes should be the meat of a h-game, not freaking collectibles.
    The fetishes are something i still enjoy. Plenty of bestiality. And the protagonist is getting more h-scenes than the previous games now (with even sprite sex), even though that it's still in need of improvement.

    - Final thoughts
    LoQO:O is a game i'm enjoying, but i can't in my sane mind call it good, because it inherited the same bad traits of the previous games. So, even if i enjoy the characters, the world, the story and the H... i still have to struggle through the hideous jrpg gameplay and the flawed way the sexual content is handled. Thus, i just can't call a GAME good if the GAMEplay needs cheats to be enjoyed.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best h-game i've played so far, this episode is clearly the best of the serie with charismatics characters, beautiful artworks, a captivating plot and a good amount of humor. Ths episode only the prime position of the LOQO serie in the h-game universe and we can only bow and admire all the hardwork Gabe poured into this piece of art. Chapeau bas l'artiste ;)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Need to say first hand i'm still only a little bit into the game!
    What i have seen so far is really good from the story and art.
    I do have a issue with the screen size and a little to much walking around an yes i know it is a RPGM game.

    Sex 6.5/10 still have not played that far in
    Characters 8/10
    Story 8.5/10
    Art 8.5/10
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Queen of the Dolls

    It is bugged, grindy, uses really old game mechanics and for some odd reason, it also uses real girls for fap content as well as the drawn ones. Average looking real girls ... no offence, i like average, but not in a game.
    The whole reason i play any kind of games is to "escape" from my own average life, not to be reminded of it.

    However ... on the plus side, it has some really cute characters, decent cg, in both quality and quantity, and some really good writing, eg. some one liners that make you laugh so hard you forget the fact you just spend an hour searching for more crap you should not really need in a game of this genre.

    All in all, i like it
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a fan of the games even since loqo1, though the combat is really grindy and not as fun the story is interesting and most of the companions are hilarious (Ra'fiki has some great one liners in particular)
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game suffers from the same thing that a lot of RPGM games do. There is much more outdated useless gameplay mechanics, that stopped being used 20 years ago, instead of actual porn content. I came here to fap, not play a game that plays like a Final Fantasy clone from early 1990's . Also, why doing so much collectable things, that are actually pretty pointless, since you don't get anything for that? You can rip the pictures, if you want to see them, anyway. And in case of LOQO games there is also the issue, that there is so few sex scenes and they are so short, especially with the main character fucking some females, but so much useless filler. You can't really fap, because the scene ends too soon and there is too much time between any kinky shit. AND there is a bunch of female characters (even more in the previous games), that you can't even fuck. Talk about blueballs. :D Especially if I compare it for example to Roundscape.
    It's also too linear to my liking.

    I like that you can choose the artstyle and that you can choose between various player races. That's something really good and which gives you connection to the PC. I also like the design of the characters, because I like brown women, but that's a personal preference, not something that makes the game good or bad.

    Well, they could have improved so much things, but instead they still focus on boring outdated stuff.

    That's why it's average for me. I still get some value from it thanks to some really good, maybe even excellent pictures, but I am not having fun playing it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game evolved from LoQO 1 so that the focus is now more on the fetishes as part of the story rather than by-the way events. The game is pretty big and the number of varied artists involved as well as the different styles and content is bound to please even the most eccentric fapper. It also helps a lot that there is an actually good game here - old school JRPG fighting, collecting and leveling up. Easy reccomendation
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Updated 01/16/19]

    The game has a fairly deep story about a Beldorian Crusader called Devon that was sent on a mission to retrieve a certain piece of jewelry called the Hikari Artifact.
    Altough there's not too much detail on this 'mission', other than the location where it took place, and the goal of it; there's no real need to give an excessive amount of details about it since it's just a backstory for our protagonist.

    After this, he is sent in an expedition along with his commander Crayden, to investigate a near village that had been attacked. Upon return, our protagonist is framed by Crayden for the murder of the king of the Beldorian Empire.

    Feeling betrayed by the people he once trusted and pledged loyalty to, our protagonist manages to escape prison and seek revenge agaisnt his former commander.

    This is a story that encourages the player to explore the vast world this game has to offer, and find a way to defeat the Beldorian Empire. Not being too focused in the sexual part, this would make of a good story for a SFW game; but Swegabe has find a way to include adult content without doing major changes to the main story, and this makes the NSFW content feel like a side-story to the actual game, since your goal still is defeating the Beldorian Empire.

    I'll give it a 4/5. And maybe a 5/5 if it wasn't an adult game.

    There's not too much to say about graphics design, since this games makes a heavy use of the RTP graphics of RPG Maker XP. However, this fits perfectly the game and gives it a medieval ambientation that makes a good harmony with the story.

    About the CGs, the player gets multiple choices about different artists. The player can choose between a 'Western Edition', 'Eastern Edition', 'Beastman Mode', 'Alternate Beastman Mode', and an 'International Edition'.
    This gives a really nice choice about the kinks you want to see in the game, since some of the artists draw bigger breasts that others, or give different emphasis to certain scenes. Of course, all of the art is top-notch and sometimes have more than two CG sets per scene.

    I'll give this a big 5/5.

    This game is really intensive on exploration, and can bring up to 100+ hours of gameplay if you want to complete the whole thing. There's a lot of collectionables and achievements, that can entertain you while you're not focused in the main quest-line.

    You got minigames like DareDevil's Dice, Illusion and the recently added Strip O' Die that can be really fun once you get the hang of them.

    I'll give this a 5/5, since I really like games that are a challenge for completionists.

    Legend of Queen Opala: Origin has its own soundtrack, and it complements really good with the level design as well as the medieval atmosphere, and helps to transmit certain emotions during the game.

    Another 5/5.

    Overall, this is a game perfect for completionists or lovers of long RPGs like Final Fantasy, that require more than 100+ hours to be completed. This game can also get kind of grindy, but this is not too much of a problem since grinding can help you achieve the 'Vanquisher' titles for each monster you fight.

    As of v2.15b, I'll give this a 4.75 of 5.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the most frustrating porn game I've ever played, with weird story telling, an unbearable ammount of grinding and so much art wasted on story-unrelated collectables that I feel like crying.

    And yet, a staple of the genre that I firmly believe everyone should experience first hand. Everything about this game, its creator and its development is fantastic in its own special way, to the point I would call it "The Room" of porn games.

    10/10, would rage at it again and again.