ok, the way update 2.20 is formulated is a bit crappy:
objects have been added in previous areas, but we don't now what areas are the ones that have new stuff so now old players are forced to, yet again, search around the world in massive areas that may have nothing on them. Some areas can be completed now, but again they don't say which, so we have to, again, search ALL of them, even the ones that don't have anything new and cannot be completed so you may have to travel through ALL the world again to be sure.
and even worse: you cannot trust the journal: some areas are 100% empty and yet it will say that you have not completed them and some are NOT completed and have new things yet the journal WILL tell you you have completed them: i had the northern creek marked as completed, yet, hold and behold, by sheer luck i encounter a dimensional shard... so it WASN'T completed.
i have hope for this game but god damn, i don't want to have to search for the over 30 areas wasting 4-5 hours yet again for new object that may just be potions. AT LEAST have the courtesy to tell us WHICH areas can be completed now and have new objects, otherwise you are just playing with my paranoia.