The state of this game saddens me, I suppose I should feel grateful for a product that I get to enjoy for free, but all the missed potential this game has is astounding. It could be one of the greatest games here rivaling summertime saga, (even if that game has a glacial development speed). Some design decisions simple leave me baffled.
Really what is the point of all those illustrations and cards? I mean some pretty talented artist made those, some I even recognize from the style (Ganassa) and I doubt that they made that art for free, especially when considering that most of the sex scenes the mc gets are sprite animations. REALLY?
Even some of the sex scenes the mc does get animated are lackluster. The first time Laguidia gives you a blowjob? Pretty funny. The second time? Boring. Despite that you are forced to go through two well animated gang bangs of her and minotaurs, while at the point the mc actually has the opportunity to bang her, he gets sprite animations with his dialogue even being recycled. Why?
This is compounded by the lack of features, not being able to set volumes, disable voice (if those voiced lines were paid for, that is another example of money that could have been better spent on getting some extra scenes for the mc's sex scenes) The inability to fast forward scenes or skip them enirely, (No I don't want to watch zoophilia scene number 100). If the dev limited the scope slightly this could have been so much better, alas....