I posed the question, What do people use to keep track of their adventure?
Like, who has what armor, where on the map do we need to go to get that "thingy", Or "I need to come back here"...
One person replied that they use notepad... (And I did to before I wroth this program)
This program is an aid to keep track of where to go, what monsters are where, what the legendary is and where it is, (I even added a kill count to keep track of the group kills)
It uses all the available game maps, you need to download then, and you can make notes on the map as to where everything is. (I did include the walkthrough, but it was requested that it was removed.)
It should be generic enough that any similar game can be aided with this program.
And, no, it does not use any configuration files from a selected game.
Want it? use it, Abuse it... ignore it... Your choice.
(or, short answer... It is a super, magical notepad with maps...)