Really hoping that someday Gabe decides to make the Renegade and Heroic choices actually change some interactions. One I want is when you capture Laquadia if you went full Renegade you can rape Laquadia until she becomes a mindbroken loyal slut, or if you go Heroic she actually falls in love with you and stops being such a bitch. That's one of my top things on my wishlist for this game that will never happen but I hope it does. Also replace the pixel animation for her scenes with a scene drawn by SethXZoe.
yep, that i something to bring up in this game: the renegade and hero paths are virtually the same and don't affect the story or characters at all, so the player feels unrewarded in their choices (that brings the question "why having choices at all then?").
-If you want to be a Hero you'll find that not only you get less erotic scenes (since the renegade has some exclusive scenes, but the heroic path does not), but you are left playing a character that is perfectly fine with allowing other characters rape in front of him and that has some scenes with rather harsh actions and language, and you'll allow punishments that go too far (a hero would not allow a villain to be raped... to allow that to happen is a renegade choice)... which doesn't reflect at all the type of character you chose to play as.
-If you choose renegade you are never allowed to go "too far", only being an asshole to asshole characters, you are pretty much forced to be a sweetheart to good characters and everyone treats you as a goody two shoes with basically no impact on how ANY character sees you, the villains, like Laquidia, don't take you seriously and are not scared of you at all... so it doesn't reflect at all the type of character you want to play as either.
Having different choices of dialogue is fine, having a heroic and renegade path is cool... but make it have some repercussion, no matter how minor, and make BOTH have similar repercussions beyond a picture on the journal looking like an angel or a demon; maybe have some scenes trigger only when you have enough renegade points and some other trigger only when you have enough hero points (instead of individual choices, make the overall have repercussion)... maybe being a renegade gives you more attack and destructive abilities, while being a hero raises defense and gives you support options for your party... i don't know, something.
Maybe we get two-three different endings at the end based on this but i doubt it a lot. It seems it's only minor flavor at this point.