Twizted Anatomical Details Morphs G8F is what you definitely want to check out, might be all you need to fix the issue.
Eroticalist's "Juicy Wet Cameltoe For Genesis 8 And 3 Females" has got a couple of genital region morphs:
- Crotch Gap
- Genital Open (Daz original gens I think)
- Genital Shape legs spread (bending/curving corrections)
- Genital Shape standing 1 (semi-useful)
- Genital Shape standing 2 (semi-useful)
- Groin Tendons 1 (VERY useful
- Groin Tendons 2 (VERY useful
- Inner Thigh Curve (good round-up corrections in addition to the above)
- Mons Pubis 1
- Mons Pubis 2
Gen Gap For Genesis 8 Female(s) by Zev0 is SUPER helpful whenever the in between is supposed to go further appart, but can also be used to help reduce and correct a gap.