Others - Completed - Lesbian Sex Knights "Lolis One" [Final] [leimonZ]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    A real generic SRPG game made with no kind of love or care. The gameplay is just a boring and simple clone of better titles, the MTL poetry doesn't really help much (it's not even edited). All sex scenes are events that you get by leving up your characters and going to the "events" section, so no scenes during gameplay. For some weird reason, games in this engine let's you redo any mission, including story missions, with makes possible for you to grind, not a good idea for a SRPG game in my opnion. Also no perma death included, so you really don't need to make your characters alive, just make sure one of them is to win the chapter.

    I honestly can't stand to finish the game to make a longer review. If you're looking for SRPG games with lesbians on it, stay away from this one.