Others - Completed - Lesbian Vampiress Lover [v1.1.0.2] [Sicco]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    This "game" has no reviews and no warning to people that it is a waste of time so here have one,not writen by me its by a dude in the comments,credit to him,didnt want to lose time writting an essay.
    So this game...is abysmal.In fact, calling it a game is far too generous. I suggest that we instead create a new title for these sorts of things and would thus submit my own designation - "virtual exercise in utter boredom and total fucking pointlessness."

    So here's a brief overview:

    • The art is either acceptable or exasperatingly bad. To the degree that one begins to wonder whether the shit art was included as some sort of contractual or familial obligation. Their child drew it and they wanted to show the world, I suppose.
    • The "story" can be described as "painfully generic." It's so utterly insipid that you will - and indeed, I did - find excuses for yourself to do something else. I made a sandwich, two cups of tea, and did my laundry. Your own mileage may vary.
    • The "character development" is one wherein "development" is the exemplary change of face we exhibit when we put on our hat to go outside. Fucking hell, even Disney puts talking snowmen or has the Polynesian dude's tattoos talk to him as a way to make characters less uninteresting.
    • The whole choice progression system conveys roughly the same raw emotional power we do when we break open a hard-boiled egg. You could achieve greater intensity with a plate of steak and chips, simply because you could use the chips to simulate eyebrows as they raised in anger and consternation at you playing this shit.
    • The writing is atrocious. As a writer by trade, this probably hurts me more than you. But I suspect the writer isn't native English so I won't beat them too much for this. That said, you could at least run it through spell and grammar checking.
    • The game font is one of the Sans, i.e. the default font. This may not sound like much, but it really highlights the minimal amount of effort that went into actually creating this...thing. Changing the font type is one of the simplest things you could do to make your game not look like a generic pile of shit and the creator - I refuse to call them a "developer" because that would imply they developed something - couldn't even be assed to do that.

    TLDR: Hard pass. If you wanted to bore the shit out of yourself with insipid characters in a walking simulator, play Until Dawn or something. It, at least, looks alright.
    This thing doesn't even belong in a museum as an artifact of "how not to do it" - it can't even muster the effort to be alarmingly/amusingly bad.