Ren'Py - Lessons in Love [v0.44.0] [Selebus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Lessons In Love does not belong on this site. This game is special, and it should be talked about is hushed tones and respected as one of the best told stories to every grace the halls of pornographic video games, not lumped in as another thumbnail alongside an assortment of hundreds of trashy model-swapped jerkfests.

    There are 30+ girls in the game currently, all of them are absurdly cute and very well written, such that even with such a massive cast every single one of them feels unique and none of them can be easily summed up with a simplistic archetype. Some of them are wildly fun to be around, some of them are awkward and tough to get through to, some of them have shockingly dark backstories and some of them are so painfully relatable that I wind up questioning if this is an H-game or some sort of experimental therapy. Most importantly, every girl has a level of depth that may not be apparent from the beginning but becomes more apparent whenever you spend time with them and see them deal with new situations and interact with other characters. Even if a girl doesn't seem up your alley initially, I can almost guarantee that they will win you over once you get to know them.

    Visually, the game is phenomenal - yes, it is using Koikatsu models but the things the developer does with lighting and camera tricks makes the production value absolutely dwarf any other game of the type. This isn't necessarily super apparent early on, but as the game progresses it is genuinely pretty mindblowing what can be done with such a well trodden posing tool.

    Audio wise, the game is absolutely loaded with fantastic music. Yes, you absolutely should have your volume up while playing this porn game. If you live with others, get some headphones. You won't regret it.

    Finally, there's the story, and by God is it a story. At risk of spoiling someone's first experience with the game, I won't give any specifics about the plot itself. All I'll say is that the writing in LiL is unbelievably good; the game can go from ridiculous and wacky teenage hijinks to seriously heartfelt to surprisingly disturbing and at no point does it feel tonally out-of-place. The entire story is a balancing act of keeping this massive cast of characters interesting and relevant while also progressing each and every one of their personal stories and driving the main plot forward. It's a herculean task and I would say it's impossible for such a plot to work but after a year of development and over 600,000 words the game has only gotten better. Playing Lessons In Love is absolutely a commitment and it shouldn't be for the faint of heart, but if you allow yourself to get caught up in it there is an completely absurd amount worth jumping diving into here.

    If I were to make one criticism of the game currently, it's that the introduction and tutorial period is a little slow. It is not bad by any means and it does a decent job of introducing the initial cast of characters and the world itself, but it does take a few weeks of in-game time for things to really open up and for you to begin to properly get to know the characters beyond the basics. If you decide to play the game but don't initially see what all the fuss is about, I'd strongly recommend that you stick with it at least Day 25 or 30 at the minimum. It's absolutely worth the effort, and once you get past the initial hump the quality of the game continues upwards, getting exponentially better with every new update.

    If you're potentially interested, then stop reading reviews right now and go download the game. I promise it's worth your time.

    Still don't get it? Don't want to wait for a 4GB download just for another stinkin' Renpy porn VN? Continue at your own risk (mild spoilers ahead, although no specifics).
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  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, Selebus couldn't have made a more beautiful game. It's a game full of raw emotion, and that's the real horrifying part of this game. The game is well wrote, the characters are to die for and literally some of the most lovable characters out of any game I've ever played. The real horror lies in just how real some of the situations these characters are really going through. The world going to shit is just an added bonus. The writing is hands down 10/10, surpassing even titles like "The Letter", "Doki Doki Literature Club" among other triple A horror visual novel titles. Not to mention the amazing community he has on discord where you can spend hours and hours discussing the intricacies of the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Selebus, if you are reading this, thank you. This game has made my boring life a lot more fun. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
    This game... I don't even know where to start. The porn is the least interesting thing in this game, and I love the porn in this game.

    Just... there is no other game like this and there will never be. I truly think this is one of my favorite games I have played in a long while, not just porn game but a real game. The last time I was this addicted to a story was God of War. I love the story, the horror elements, how the characters feel almost too real, it's almost creepy how alive they feel when you speak to them.

    You start the game for the ass, but after an hour all you want to do is learn more about the characters, their problems, and the world. 11/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This games has some incredible upside:
    • The story is really interesting, some characters have some pretty emotional story that blends well with this harem theme
    • The humor is incredible, the fusion between memes and 4th wall break make this game one of a kind
    • There is also a really good amount of H content with almost every characters.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    LooLoo Baloo

    It's always tragic when I've got to change my review. Especially when it was a 5*, and it transforms into a 1*

    I guess one of the worst parts about this game, are the 'puzzles'. They are not clever, they are purposefully as dumb as possible to make the player annoyed with the game. And Selebus admits that. I'm not going to watch a 'happy scene', which is a cringefest, for mystical clues about what could be the answer to something on a sex game. This is a sex game. And yet it wants you to consider your own life, write down pages of useless notes, and be a sad emo kid. This game is for people that hate themselves and can't accept it. It would be fine if the puzzles tested your intelligence, speed, or anything else. It tests how bored you are

    The gameplay is basically a repeating loop of you watching the same boring scenes over and over again. Unless you play update to update, you will get lost for 90% of the time that you play. Luckily I was never that far behind, but to any new player without a guide, you're pretty fucked. Not to mention that it's currently 100 hours and you can do nothing with over 75% of the characters. All you can do is watch the fun filller events and bore yourself to death. If you want to do anything with your favourite character, you've only got 10 updates and a tsunami of snooze fest storylines to go

    I think the inner monologues are a meme of this game. People don't like them, because this is a sex game. And the main character switches between a goth and a sex offender every five minutes. Pretty much every event will mention the fact that he wants to fuck the girl he's talking to, her mother, or her friends, and yet a minute later he's reflecting on how bad life is. How worthless it is, and other sad emo kid thoughts. It's strange. Nearly as strange as the cult that follows the game so closely

    I found the following of summertime saga to be cult-like, but this if off the charts. His patrons are beta's that worship him. It's all very cringe. Again, this is a sex game. You aren't going to find the purpose of your life playing this game. I think some people didn't get the memo. He has said that he has made this game as long as possible, so that he can maximise his profits. Which would be a normal thing to do. Except he's making you waste 100 hours of your life (It'll be over 500)to get anywhere with it. The best part about this game, the length of it, is only there for greed. Not for passion. It says it all

    But I digress. The game itself is boring. It started off well, and turned into a depressed emo child's diary. One that is a future sex offender when he grows up. I can't look at this game anymore without cringing
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I never put any reviews for any games in this sites

    Even I already download and played more than 50+ games

    First time I use search function for School settings dating sim game, it recommend me Lessons in love, and all the tags interest me. But after playing the game I don't give a single shit about the ecchi content and instead engaged by the story

    I far more interested in learning each of my students background story, and try to fix their problem instead of fuck their brains out.

    The feel, the sass in the writing, the 4th wall breaker, and the dark side of the story also pull me to keep playing it

    Hoping for continuous update from the game in the future!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really surprised me. Mostly because it's genuinely well written - definitely one of the best-written games I've yet seen on F95. The characters are exceptional - all of them are believable, have distinct and interesting personalities/issues, and are easy to care about.

    The game also strikes an excellent balance between humour (YMMV, but I enjoyed it and more than a few times actually laughed out loud), sex scenes, psychological horror & intrigue, reflections on the main character and his impact on the people around him, and an occasional winking meta-humour, which again YMMV on but I quite enjoy.

    It also addresses some unusually serious issues in some of the character arcs for this type of game, such as
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    and does so in a grounded and sympathetic way. Putting themes like that in a porn game is risky - it would be very easy to mishandle them in dozens of ways and make the whole game worse for having them in, but LiL manages to avoid that through strong writing and a good understanding of how those themes should be paced throughout the game.

    Really, the only issues I've had with LiL is occasionally not knowing how to progress, either in a specific route or to the next main event, because of a lack of in-game signposting or hint system as to what the next requirement actually is.
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    Even that gripe is rendered somewhat trivial though, as the game does provide a link in the menu to its wiki, and a tracker of which events you haven't yet unlocked, so I was always able to look up the next requirement once I gave up on figuring it out in-game.

    Overall, an excellent game, and surprising in the best ways. Brilliant work Selebus , and I very much look forward to future updates!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has superb writing. It has drawn me in to the point where I've become legitimately attached to certain characters. I actually care about their emotional states and I'm hooked into waiting for the next patch.

    But wait! This is a porn website, so is the hentai good at least? Yea, it damn well is. It's animated well, and at good framerate. The characters have different physiques, and limits to how far they'll go with you.

    It's a great example of what hentai games should be, and I hope you all support the developer for putting forth this effort. The only negative that I would have, is that the developer seems to prioritize character development over mindless sex and porn scenes. That's fine by me, as I enjoy reading about the characters. However, some people might be turned off by this, and skip through the story. I implore you to give it a chance and really read the story. It's well worth it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A year... a year of greatness in one of the shitiest years ever.
    A year of development of one of the best written and designed games in the VN universe. It's hard to believe that Selebus is alone behind the machine that Lessons In Love has become. The consistency and quality of each update is enough to make just about any game company jealous. Congratulations Selebus, I may not be your biggest backer on Patreon, but I am proud to support your project since your first update.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Lessons in Love is a game that makes you feel things. Not always good things, but the experience is richer for the variety.

    The pillar of this game is its writing. The writing is sharp and clever and ruthless towards both its characters and its audience in the best way possible.

    This is not a game that coddles its players with banal fantasies. It is a game that picks away at the edges of such fantasies and digs into them to find the existential horror underneath. If you have ever been playing or reading an adult game and felt a vague unease because you realized that you liked a character too much to want to jerk off to them (probably right after having jerked off to them), this game will rip off that scab and dig its fingers into the wound. It will hold up a mirror and show you things about yourself you are deeply uncomfortable with and make you think about things you would rather forget.

    There are characters and story arcs and even just individual lines that will take up space in your head rent free.

    Lessons in Love is a story about fucking high school girls what it means to be happy.

    I get it, you may have reservations. You may not like the art style. You might find the gameplay a little repetitive. This game isn't perfect. But it is brilliant and engrossing and there is nothing else like it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review as of v0.13.0 Part2)

    I actually dropped this game a long time ago because I was still new to the adult VN scene and didn't find a quick fap here. However, as time passed, I wanted something with more depth, so I decided to give it another shot.

    I could sit here and type out an extensively detailed review about how spectacular this VN is, but I truly believe that would spoil the journey you go through that really makes this game stand out.

    So I'll say if you are looking for:
    • Naturally built character development for an extensive amount of characters, including the MC
    • Well written dialogue that, coupled with the first point, allow each character to feel like they have their own unique personality
    • A story that builds slowly but surely, where it's not all sunshine and smiles
    then give this one a chance.

    UPDATE (December 5, 2021): After reading some of the less positive reviews, I will admit there were some cons that I bypassed early on:
    - Yes, it was difficult to tell how/when certain events are triggered. I actually don't know if this has been addressed in the vanilla game, but I use the mod that tells you when and how a certain event is ready to be triggered.
    - Yes, there was a grind with affection and days. I used a save editor to update those to values that aren't blockers for me for story progression.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolutely amazing game. Great renders and plenty of scenes, huge variety of girls and they all feel incredibly unique. Story is actually very interesting as well, don't always expect to be playing this with dick in hand (though there are also plenty of opportunities for that as well).

    Tack on the fact that Selebus posts on a schedule, with plenty of content each update - this is the first game here where I 100% had no problems supporting on Patreon after I found this game here.

    It is absolutely a must play and if you can afford it, a must support as well.

    Edit after v0.21.0 Part 1 - 5 stars remains at 5 stars - I still think this is an excellently written game, but I really, really do worry about it getting too drawn out. There are a shit ton of characters, and while it's nice to see that Selebus wants the story to go on for years and years... I don't think I can really play this game for that long, just with life and everything. So it kinda sucks that I may never really see a resolution to this story. Can't help but worry about it just becoming too big for itself, in a way. Bigger doesn't always necessarily mean better (no pun intended.)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is horrible. And by that, I mean it is absolutely brilliant – so much so, that I am afraid I will never come across something that good ever again.

    There is, in my opinion, one problem with this game – it is not what many people expect it to be. It is not a simple eroge with lewd graphics lightly sprinkled with some background story. Approaching it with this assumption is akin to going to the movies only for the purpose of eating popcorn.

    In actuality this game is a top-quality work of fiction with erotic material being an integral part of its structure. The narrative is its main asset – both the main story and the character plots. Despite being a work in progress the plot is very well developed and emotionally engaging – it will make you laugh, make you cry, make you angry, make you sad, it will make you question your actions, your perception, your reality.

    In the beginning of the game several girls were my favorites while others I viewed as a nice background. Now I refuse to chose which of the m I like more – there is no second place I my heart for any of them. This, in my opinion, shows how well the characters are developed and how emotionally involving the story gets. I very nearly had a heart attack during the “colored-bird” event – it is now in the list of top-5 things that are guaranteed to make me cry when I think about them.

    Some people have mentioned it their reviews the poorer quality of graphics during the “horror” scenes compared to the otherwise high standard of games graphics. Personally, I view this discrepancy as a necessity – they will be less disturbing if they were the same as those during normal scenes. Think of these scenes as the underside of the fabric of the reality, and just as in ordinary fabrics, the underside’s colors are all bleak and the patterns are all blurred, and if you have to happen to look at the underside of the embroidery - it looks like something that crawled out of the abyss.

    There is a slight matter of “grind” that is necessary for the progression of the events, but I found it easier to deal with if I look at it as not only the girls gaining affection points from my actions, but also as myself developing more affection for them – just as it would be the case in real life relationships – the more you do things together the closer you get.

    Overall I must say that it is a shame that due to the hypocrisy and subjective morality of our society the work of such caliber is destined not to be widely known – it deserves to be a lot more than just some niche-audience product. I am very glad to have found it and will await further updates with great anticipation.

    P.S.: I know it appears to be highly unlikely, but I just have to say this (and hope) – I really want to build the castle for all of them.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    You ever heard a great song and then looked up the band and they had 20 similar songs and listened to them all and eventually got sick of the same sound? That's basically this game.

    It's very well written but extremely repetitive. Every character has some flavor of depression, the MC will go into a monologue about how awful he is without changing anything, a horror segment will weird you out until you start skipping it since you've seen 5 of them already.

    That extends to the gameplay too. A simple system where you choose who to hang out with. However, it's just overwhelmed eventually. There are about 20 characters who have multiple hang out spots, love/lust to grind and no idea how to progress events. Do you need points? Visit them somewhere else? Do a main event first? How do you start that? Don't know, just do random things until it clicks.

    In the end, the game itself is pretty good but also a fantastic lesson that moderation is sorely needed.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of the version v0.13.0 Part2

    Lessons of Love is a harem game where you get isekai'd and become the sensei of an all female class. The world seems to be in a war and nearly all men have been drafted. Seems like a blatant excuse but I'd rather have no men than the horrible big kids that the koikatsu engine makes men look like.

    The story is mostly about focusing on the different girls, but there are different parts wanting to be horrorlike or disturbing in between. These ones tend to be more annoying than anything and can be quite annoying when you get random flashing images while u play.

    Each girl has their own stereotypes and story to follow. Some are better than others, but there are no girls that feel like an afterthought. Some girls progress faster than others in the lewd department, which feels it ruins the pace. Worst offender for me was the beach vacation, first major event yet it feels bland for how far you are in the story Being jerked off a few times and having a 3some with ayane and the twin girl and most stuff you get are walls of text.

    Which takes me to how lenghty is this game for the amount of actual lewd stuff and interesting events in comparison to the grindfest and the great amounts of reading. Like I get it, many girls, need many time to develop, but it feels that i can spend entire weeks on fast forward clicking menus to grind the points needed for the next event. Which btw i ended up needing to use the wiki to find out what to do a few times.

    Finally, the graphics and lewd shit... Well, its koikatsu, so it can be polarising. Some characters look way better than other, and the MC looks like an obese 10 year old while clothed. Kudos for at least not making the repeatable sex scens a carbon copy of the first time you do it.

    Finally, its a eh game imo. Started great, but declined. I can look over some stuff but the bad outweights the good more and more as the story progresses.

    Also I hoped for more girl on girl stuff lol
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Lessons in Love is my favorite game on this site, by far. It's not hugely interactive, more of a visual novel, but what makes it stand out is the writing. The writing is leagues better than any other adult game I've ever seen, and is honestly better than a lot of non-adult games. All of the characters are really well thought-out and extremely engaging, I never want this game to end and will fund it on Patreon for as long as it's updated.

    The only downside is that it can be tedious to find the remaining unviewed content sometimes, but it's a small price to pay for everything good about the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of if not THE best game ive ever played. Just trust me when i say the game just gets better and better with phenomenal character development and crazy hot dialogue its a must play for any harem game lover. I got a few lessons in love myself playing and cannot wait for future updates. Donate to the patreon if you get a chance as well.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Lessons in Love is a psychological horror visual novel by Selebus. So pay some attention attention to the words that coomers may find offensive. I'll provide a proper "review" after these forewords. Though I don't promise it'll be well articulated or thought through.

    Stop fapping and start reading. I'm serious, this guy's writing is phenomenal. Instead of focusing on getting to the next h-scene to get your rocks off, maybe pay attention and enjoy every little piece. I'm not above any of you when we consider that I found this game because of a desire to fap, but Jesus fucking Christ there is something much more here than that. The characters are great, the story is good when you really look into it, the writing is fantastic, Niki Nakayama is probably my favorite newest addition for reasons I'm not going to even begin to get into. So get your hand away from your genitals, sit up straight or recline and just experience this, please, it is good.

    You have arguably been isekai'd into the adult body of a teacher who will be referred to from this point forward as Sensei. Why is he Sensei? I don't know bro. This world was made for you, so have sex with these girls because they were made for you and you alone, Sensei.

    You, the player, will point Sensei in directions and watch as he does things. What are these things you ask? Oh, you're not asking? Too fucking bad, I'm in a great mood. Sensei will meet all sorts of girls ranging from
    • His tsundere student
    • His niece
    • His niece's friend who loves him
    • His niece's best friend who happens to be a shrine maiden
    • His moe magnet of a student
    • His homie
    • Futaba
    • And more!
    He will speak to cute teenage girls, he will groom develop healthy student & teacher relationships with said teenage girls while serving as their guidance counselor and homeroom teacher, helping them learn how to sex become better people as they grow! Truly a happy and inspiring setting where absolutely nothing can go wrong, don't you agree?

    I can not stress enough how much I currently adore these characters and also how much I'll grow to hate them because of who they seemingly are. But seriously, he's written them very well and the way he's done dorm room compositions is brilliant. I'm not going to explain what I mean, because he knows and you'll find out.

    This is important. Some of you like to play without sound, I strongly suggest you do NOT do that, you'll miss some important bits. If it really bothers you that much you can lower the volume because it is insanely loud at its highest, but if you drop it to a good level you're in for a treat from bops such as Sweet Vermouth, Yumiska.mp3 and more. Seriously though, play with sound on.

    The game is rendered in Koikatsu's charastudio. I personally think it looks nice because I do like the style of Koi, but some people may not like it and you may very well be one of them. Admittedly his shot compositions aren't absolutely amazing at the start, and I'm not much of a photographer so I honestly wouldn't know what said absolutely amazing would look like, but I think it gets better as it goes and is not god-awful at the beginning.

    Yeah I like it. The writing is good and I have been traumatized blessed with nothing but happy things. Go in with the mindset of "This is a visual novel with adult elements that do not take away from the strong emphasis on writing" and you'll be happy. Praise be.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I played to this day and I'm a $100 patron without any regrets.
    Started out with me playing this thinking it was a simple fap I was wrong, so much good content than I could ever imagine. This game is story rich, well executed, good rendering, no half ass job as other games. If you are in for the lewds you will stay for the story ;)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v13.0 Part2

    Honestly one of my favorite Koikatsu based games on the site. Characters are well-developed and are unique in their own ways. Story seems to flowing along very well. Game itself is pretty clean with hardly any bug.

    I will agree with other reviewers that the horror aspects and the "happy" scenes are a bit lower quality but it adds to the cheesiness of the game.

    Not really much left to say, great game that I look forward to playing when new versions release publicly.