I'd like to say something like "Praise be 5/5" in this review, but that would defeat the purpose of writing one in the first place, so I'll refrain. To begin with, I find the quality of the game, the events, the characters, the art, etc. brutal. and it's ironic because despite the fact that the game already has a lot of content, I still have the same doubts as when it started, I feel stuck and for some strange reason I don't dislike it, only the sensations that this game provokes in me makes me feel satisfied. The characters mostly base their personality on classic anime stereotypes, which however are put in interesting situations that make you want to know more about them, as for the mc he is something special, frankly at first I hated him, really, that man I should visit a psychologist, his constant monologues about any random stupidity and his way of seeing life are disconcerting at first, I literally couldn't feel further from the character, of course, with time I got used to it and today I could say that it's He is the most interesting character. Now, as much as I would like to say that everything is perfect, what a pity it gives me, no, it is not, and on that we go with the next point and it is the gameplay, if it is a sandbox, one of the annoying ones I have to say , I had to load my game many times because certain events that I had to do at the indicated times or with certain statistics escaped me, otherwise I could not see them again at that save point, It is also worth mentioning that every time you reach a certain amount of events with a character, these are blocked since you have to do all the events of the other characters to be able to advance, I had to have the guide in hand many times, but leaving Apart from these disadvantages, I consider that its history , art and characters are enough for 5 stars: Since the end of the game is not even close, I recommend using cheats to increase stats and/or change certain events at your convenience, this doesn't mess up your save file at the moment.