Unity - Completed - Let's Take a Bath With Purin 2 [v1.01b2] [Parabolica]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    If it was not for uniqueness and pretty attractive woman woman would be 2/5.

    poor reward (the sex is very very meh - very little if any control or options, she does not talk, does some the starting stuff a bit too long, then made way worse with the next
    your guy is the worst censor/invisible I think I have seen including the most important part the D .. would even take just being the blue ghost many games do over this.. it even gets in way of a couple of the 3rd person view sexes if you want to make it seem like 1st person you can't really since its in the way)
    clunky controls and movement capability, decent and props for uniqueness, but its really annoying if playing this fair especially and if you just want to see some the more unique things you can do.

    (also why do you have to go to scene and select it and click it and not be able to have it after you win the mini game and she says what you want me to do).

    Enjoy the mini game and cuteness of it then really just quit and move on. (as 1 said look up your save in game folder and edit with notepad if really want to just see the sex scenes).
    Likes: nebtop
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Would be a really fun and interesting game if the actual interactions were less opaque. Have to unlock sex scenes by repeatedly completing a round to earn more points, and then these sex scenes end up being conditional based on whether you can get your and her crotch stickers to be peeled off. It's very difficult to get her crotch sticker peeled off because the hand tends to target the thighs, breasts, arms, stomach, and toys. There's no way to eject the toys out of the bathtub if you don't need them.

    Options don't really work (I can't tweak the time or number of stickers for a match set, despite it being obviously changed in the menu and internal collision toggle doesn't seem to have any effect). I've already played 10 rounds in 2 hours and I've seen no improvement in how I can even achieve the sex scenes.

    Really cute and the game itself is fun, but there's no reason for the sex part to be so insanely difficult to achieve for what it is. Just not worth the irritation.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    All right boys nostalgia is back! If you remember playing the first game back in the day, you'll know what you're getting into for this one, albeit updated. Shout out to PewDiePie for introducing the first one to younger me.

    The game is very simple, peel off the bandages off of Purin before she can peel off yours. While straightforward it can be a bit tough due to the janky controls, a problem the first game had, though it does have a charm to it.

    The H-content can be a bit tedious to unlock as you have to buy it from the store using points gained from the bathtub game. You can H Purin mid-game but that takes removing her crotch bandage which is a damn obstacle in itself. Thankfully with the power of Notepad, one can very easily edit the saved data to get the points to buy the H content. If you want to play legit it will take a while.

    The 3D graphics are rather nice while also being complimented with cute voice acting. This time it looks and sounds like Purin is having fun rather than getting the absolute life beaten out of her like from the first game (Don't worry you can still do that here, just no killing Purin for you this time).

    Overall if you played the first game, I recommend you check this out just to see how far Purin has come in the past 10 years (good god I've gotten old). If you haven't played one and got some time to kill, then this game would still not be a bad choice, as its simple concept makes it a rather quick experience.

    Warning: As of writing this, for some reason booting up the game makes it take up a whole bunch of memory causing my laptop to turn into a space heater for my legs. It all goes back to normal in the end, but this may present a problem for people with lower-end computers.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good game, better than heaps of other 3D titles out there. Slightly confusing UI but the general gameflow is fun enough to be replayable, and I do enjoy POV nsfw games a lot when they're done right. So what is the gameflow exactly? Wrestle with girl, try to remove her stickers while protecting yours, unlock nsfw content.

    I really like the level of interactivity the hands have with her body while staying on the wholesome/slight bullying side of things. You can pinch her nose, cup her cheek, grab her shoulder, arm, leg, boobs, foot and more. You can hold her hands or fail to do any of this and slap her, making her hide in the corner of the bathtub like an abused animal. It's still better and less ridiculous than the first game though, where you both fistfight in the bathtub and you can even knock her out.

    The nsfw meshes with the gameplay well, there's a gallery so you don't have to mess with the very specific conditions to have sex with her. And from what I can tell, at least with the steam version, is that there's no censorship. Give it a try if the niche setting is up your alley.
    Likes: Arabi1