Ah yes, the game where if you have sex, you level up. One day, she might even be stronger than Saitama.

But even this game have some flaws.
1. Short Story
- The game is short, I completed it in one-day (On Normal-mode). It took me 2 hours to complete the story.
- You can easily beat the boss without Quick-Mode (should've name it speedrun-mode tbh.)
2. Lack of Contents
- The H-scene was various, don't get me wrong. But it's just like, something's missing. The scenes felt like the other ones, it's like it's not that special anymore.
- The items in this game.. SUCKS. Well, there's around 12 items in total (Including equipment).
- You can't change her clothes and hat (I forgot the other one beside clothes.)
- There's a charm skill for Meryl to use, yet everytime I use it, nothing happened. (Except for bosses.) That's a missed oppurnity to add more H-Scenes.
3. Tanky Enemies, Boring Fights
- Quick reminder that I played this on Normal Mode, even though now it's not easy to lose, it's boring.
- Also, I remember that the enemies have low resolutions.
- Combat-wise, the game makes you too powerful.
These flaws is a big "no-no". Although, I like the art on the game. Reminds me of some good hentais with ahegaos in it. I wonder what would be Meryl's voice.. Is it an "ara-ara"? We'll never know. Well, time to dive to other H-Games now, bye.