[As of v0.04]
Artwork/art style is great and I like the addition of characters outside of the Gravity Falls roster. Animations are pretty good and some of them will be getting upgrades according to the in-game narration, which were still of good quality in my opinion.
General gameplay is more than passable, keep in mind that many issues like pathing when using mouse is an issue with the engine and not the developer themselves. I appreciate that the map is small enough that even when changing screens, the most relevant options are pretty close by to reduce the amount of needless running around.
Combat is only an issue if you don't take the opportunity to upgrade your weapon when given the chance. After that, you have a good chance of being able to make it through the second dungeon provided you choose your battles and have proper recovery items to keep you and your ally in good standing.
H-Scenes are quite enjoyable and will surely increase in quantity (and quality with some apparently slated for upgrades) as further updates release. I personally really enjoy the Mabel scenes and both versions of her model, but I also quite like the other characters and their scenes as well. Just, you know, I like my thicc sis character who is too innocent for her own good.
Also worth noting that I'd made a couple comments in the forum prior to making a starred review and the developer, Nyopan, took time to reply and help address my criticism. I had some issues that they helped clear up for me and it turned out that I had missed an obvious chance to make the game easier by upgrading weapons. Them taking the time to engage and ensure that they understand where potential issues lie tells me that they care about their community and the quality of the game that they're working to continually produce.
All said and done, I like the direction it's going and I'm excited to see where the dev takes it from here. Many games on here are a work in progress, but I see very positive things from the content and the developer coming in the future with this one. Cheers and I hope others enjoy this game as it develops.