VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Lewd Island [S2 Day 13 v1.00] [xRed Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I put 5 stars instead of 4.5 because a lot of people rated this game before the day 6 patch. I follow from afar this game since the day 2 or 3 and at this time it was a forgettable game with a lack of good dialogues, choices, good pictures, etc. And there was some bugs. But this major updates who comes out of the blue is awesome. It forced me to play from the beginning and what a great surprise to see the new pictures which are now beautiful with a perfect render. The dialogues are now interesting, sometimes funny and we can really feel the "lewd" of this island. And how this F and D will begin to fall for each others. Their attraction for each other seems now really credible (in the circumstances of the lewd island). However like all the erotic games everything doesn't happen like I wanted but that's a personal opinion (I'm not a fan of sex scenes with people who don't remember what they did haha but I guess this must have happenned to make a great story!)

    Anyway this game is now great. I'm looking forward the next updates. Great work from the author for this update which prove that any games can improve increasigly its quality.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, I've only just started to patronize it but have been a fan since it's earlier gestation, although the rebuild has improved it massively.
    I know it gets quite a bit of flack for the game play and lack of other characters, but the lighting and the renders should give this gem 4 stars at least and the sound of the sea as you play renders you back to halcyon days of holiday trysts.

    Also loving the almost Jungian plot, I agree there could have been tighter writing earlier on, the starting a fire a standout, but X-Red seems to be improving as the series progresses.
    Another aspect which I believe gets overlooked and that other Devs may benefit is the update notices I received as a follower on Patreon.
    Well set out with artwork for the coming update with a friendly note of what to expect whet my appetite and reading the emails as a non patron was appreciated. A little bit of self promotion can open wallets...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The girl is one of the hottest of all games, really good facial expressions and some funny dialogues.
    The game go so slow but i hope that dev can dedicate more time at this project.
    Updates are short but dev releas 2 update per month (not ever)
    Renders: 10/10
    Animations: 11/10
    Story: 9/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn this game improved after the rework!

    As a game developer all I can say is great job DEV!

    There are a ton of choices you can make in game that really make a difference when playing the game multiple times. The main female character is smoking hot! Keep up the great work!

    Renders: 10/10
    Animations: 11/10
    Story: 9/10

    Definitively give this one a go!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game a few days ago and i had to write a review!

    I don't get it why it has such a low score. The game is great! I don't know how it was before but now its just amazing. You can take multiple paths witch make a difference a few days later. The story is crisp and gripping. And i really like the sanity system. It has a ton of potential.

    I highly recommend you play this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Since the remake... Really a excellent game. It deserves five stars! People giving it one star should play it again and update their review.

    The game has absolutely amazing animations!
    Top notch renders!
    And a great different story.

    I recommend you play this game and support the creator he really deserves it. Considering he is working on this game alone it truly is an amazing accomplishment!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations in this game are hands down the best. The sequencing and actions that make up the animations are on point. Many other highly rated and highly supported comparable games simply aren't as good where it matters. They either have great animat-ors (people making them), but boring animat-ions (no imagination), or great imagination but poor delivery. This game gets it right.

    The game is very linear, and may as well be a VN since you shouldn't stray too far from saying the nice things, but there are occasionally surprise routes. But there are tons of VNs that are in the Games section anyways. No points lost there.

    This should be one of the highest rated games.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    So i am replying the game and i like it so much better.
    Yes she's based on DMD and the game has a same feel to DMD but so what? That style of story works.
    This model is super hot and I can look at her all day long.
    The Renders are really good and the dev is not shy in creating multiple renders to act out a scene.
    There is a nice tension building as both parties are getting aroused by the other so it's a nice pace for me.
    Overall i like it, good work dev...
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good graphics, interesting story and concept with the sanity thing. I could live without the sound. I am looking forward how it will develop in the future.
    Graphics 5/5
    Story 4/5 (as far as we can see at this stage)
    Game mechanis 4/5
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the concept of the game, I am not much on the build up type of game but this one has pretty good pacing so far. I am looking forward to more. Though I would say the animations might need to be a little longer if possible.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Five (game) days in and barely a budge in Daughter’s behavior. Dad (MC) is a clueless dolt who can’t figure this out anything. The Developer has done almost nothing to make us care about the characters or be invested in their story. Most games have at least some progression day by day. The two stars are for 1. Overall concept and 2. Quality of renders.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Hi Ya'll, Just thought I'd squeeze in a quick preview of another game you should be keeping an eye on. It's Lewd Island by XRed Games It's still in early development with only 5 days made (quick days) but I'm telling you, I think this game has potential. Obviously it's staring our favorite model made famous from Dating My Daughter by Mr.Dots but I'm super okay with her appearing in more games! To be honest I think she looks better in this game, i know it's hard to believe but she does to me.

    Lewd Island is a simple game at the momment with only a few branching choices and a fire building mini game which I thought I was cool. I actually broke out my old S.A.S. Survival book and thought I was doing something wrong, I was not. There's one sex scene so far and it has different positions depending on what choices you make. It's a really good sex scene and I was surprised over how much I liked it, to be honest it might be better than Dating My Daughter's sex scene so good job on that!

    I like how you can change the clothing but I don't see that lasting in future installments as now you've just introduced multiple renders into your game. Let your Patrons on Patreon vote for the Bikini they like and loose the others in a Hurricane. You can use your Patrons to vote on a lot of stuff that either ends up on the island or gets blown away in a Hurricane.. Someone let this dude know that idea, that's a good idea. That's a real good idea to keep your patrons engaged in the development.

    Not much else to say about this game, the graphics are good, I like how he customized everything (Customize People!) He made the game his own by changing around the default stuff so you'll get a cumshot for the UI for sure. Like I said the sex scene was real good and I can't wait for more, I like the story so far and I'm curious as to where it goes. I'll Definitely be keeping my spyglass on this island for sure. Ohhh dude, you can have pirates invade the island! lol Lots you can do XRed Games, keep making this game.

    I'll tell you what this game needs to make it even more immersive, and XRed Games you better do this bro. Lewd Island needs ambient sounds in the background. Waves crashing on the beach, maybe seagulls squawking overhead or some song birds singing in the distance. Put some audio in this game dude. I'll tell you what, go play Assassins Creed Black Flag, swim out to an island and record the sound, done. lol

    Good job, I like the potential this game has, don't stop.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game just needs to be renamed to Island Simulator there is no lewd content the only good thing this game has going for it is the eye candy besides that the game just teases you with possible content that the game dev doesn't take advantage of 5 or 6 updates and nothing just pathetic
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The game got a nice start the first time it came out. a nice idea. i want to say that in general, this game is not THAT bad at base.
    but his realisation, progression and story turn quickly on dissapointing way.
    game was pretty good, and quickly .. update by update.. turn into an extremly boring game where theyare no progress.
    it feel more and more like a shitty scam-cow milking patreon game honestly. even if its not his main point.
    but the slowly progression of the story, wich, in same time turn into a big pile of ..shit ( yeah i can say it) , made this game become a very bad one.
    i dont know wtf the dev have in mind . but it smell like if the dev have no idea about what he just do and what the story is. its like a kid who become famous on youtube with joke, but in fact, he justs ay the joke he find on the candies wrappers.

    you better wake up dev ! and quickly ! because peoples not gonna support a game that progres that slowly and that bad.

    it seems to me that this game go straigth in a wall, in where he gonna be stuck and need 2 way to go out.

    1 - turning around and re-use old story fact as "progress" for the game.
    2 - do some trick-shit McGyver shit stuff to climb that wall.

    as big as D head and tits are, she not gonna broke the wall with it.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is meh. The female lead is not interesting enough to carry the fact that this game is based on two characters alone. Going into day 4 nothing hot really happens between the characters so its kinda underwhelming.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Game touts decisions that impact the storyline, but as of v0.4, the only thing you decide is D's outfit and your name. There's an impossible to win fire task/minigame, and no plot to speak of whatsoever. The H scenes are non-existent.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It has potential but nothing really concrete. Give it 4 to 5 more updates and it'll probably be a killer game but as it is right now, average at best. The pacing's very weird the girl will go from "I need to devote all my time and resources into getting this fire light or finding an escape" to Put sunscreen on my back so i can sun bathe like this is a vacation.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Concept is good but execution of it is at least questionable. It is damn unreal to not come up with few solutions to fire problem. How her dad is such a clutz or why does she care so much how she look before her dad like they are on some kind of vacations... unreal.

    For now we have almost nothing to see and nothing to choose.

    v 0.5 is bullshit material,

    doughter is in denial about the whole accident and looks like she is still on vacations
    Dad find laptop and what he does? Watch erotic images , like it is a damn priority at that time.

    Start fire with a damn battery by destroying it.. which will make laptop useless... well, it might work but seriously look at any film about living on uninhibited island and redo the whole game. Yes you can use already made renders but it keeps getting worse..

    Erotic dream about fucking doughter, like I give a damn about fucking my relatives if we cannot be safe.. get a brain dad.

    Her brain is rotten too, vacation and teasing dad like it is damn game.. oh, it is. Sorry guys for that

    Start fire with urine.. bullshit, yes you can focus light with bottle with piss but it would be better to use clear water or even one from the sea. I hope it is not a cheap way to make an erotic situation out of it and hope that she will know that is bullshit and he will need to use his.. then she will peep on him and have a laugh out of it..

    How to Make Fire with a Bow Drill.. dev, watch it and learn

    Spear... looks like a fucking log in her hands

    Plus for nicely done sharpening of this log.. looks convincing enough

    Still far from perfect, I expected from this game more than two retarded people from which is one is more retarded than the other..

    I wanted to see a pair of people fighting for their survival and desperate enough that some embarrassment between family members would be the least of their worries.

    That after some hardships they will open up to each other and get sexually closer.. what I got? Cheap game without any tense moments.. well, there was one but lame and not convincing.

    Still hope for dev to make it more realistic, dramatic and less pornish and brain dead
    Likes: DMCA
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.2...

    Originally Reviewed on 01/10/2018

    This visual novel/game shows some promise, even though it is yet another overused Family Sex motif...

    The visuals of the protagonist are nice, but the daughter looks like a slightly modified version of an overused Model from lots of other VN/Games, such as DMD and others... The backdrops look unique and creative... May want to give a more decrepit look to the roof of the hut to fall more in line with the story... As right now it looks practically brand new...

    The script is good so far with no spelling/grammar errors that I noticed... The font choice goes well with the scenery theme... The plot is new and creative, and I've not seen it used in any of these types of games/VN's before... The male protagonist, along with his daughter, survive a passenger plane crash and wake up on a small abandoned island in the middle of the ocean... The daughter was found not breathing, and the protagonist has to revive her, which was a nice touch to the story... Now they just need to survive, even though the daughter is sort of living in denial, while the protagonist is playing things pretty smart...

    Overall, I like what I've read and seen thus far... The second game day went by extremely quick, which has me a bit worried because the version numbers seem to be following the day number, and being 0.2 does that mean this will only last 10 total days? Most likely not, but I just thought I'ld throw that out there... I like the balance of the story and visuals, and hope it continues to keep that balance in the future... So, thus far it shows promise... Just wish the daughters face model was more unique... I'll check this one out again, later into it's development...