Ren'Py - Completed - Lewd Town Adventures [v1.0 - FINAL] [Jamleng Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello, this is a review for version 0.9 I am not going to pretend I am some fancy review writer so I will keep it simple and keep it down to four categories and try not sound stupid while I do it.

    Characters - there is literally a character for everybody and and multiple characters at that. I personally LOVE Mia, Tanya, Sophie, Lily, Sarah, I could go.

    Story - The story doesn't take itself to seriously which I like, but at the same time depending on which side of the story you decide to take things can get dark. Jamleng and XoMo give you plenty of warning before every choice that can lead down that path!

    Interface - I played at the tail-end of 0.8 and just played 0.9 and the upgrade to the ui is really nice, the fact they are willing to put time into quality of life updates as well is pretty big for me.

    Sex scenes/erotic content - There are some very nice new scenes in this addition. I personally like how the goofy main character stumbles into all of these random erotic situations by perving around.

    Well that's it all in all great game and I hope Jamleng and XoMo keep it up!

    I plan to update my review after each major update drops!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Good animation
    History ok/good
    Gameplays is well made
    Lots of places to go and content, that's a plus
    I just didn't like the models, something is wrong with their color/lightning/render, I couldn't get used to it at all, if he decided to use standard model and change just a bit would be ok but this "dead color" don't know how to say it.. wasn't good for me.
    You should try the game though, look the images preview..if you think is good enough for you, try the game, if you get used to it, good for you, I couldn't, is just a matter of if it's your piece of cake or not.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game with lots of different dirty kinks.
    you can witness a transformation from bitchboi to a Chad. (MC is not there yet unfortunately but...)
    The scenes are good.
    The characters are good.
    I don't really care about these stories cuz im just here for a wank but what little i caught its nothing extra special but its decent and its there if you care.
    Over all ill give it a respectable 8.1 / 10 but with work and polish (and more spice) it can go up to even 9.4
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a funny story and is even right from the start honest, that if you do not watch out, disturbing shit is going to happen.
    It has two routes where in one route it is little bit darker then the nice route in Corrupted Kingdoms where on the dark route it becomes something between Corruption and the Black Lilith games from dark shit.
    Additionally this game memefied like Haramase Simulator and building a crossover with Pokémon.
    The only problems are that sometimes the walkthrough is a little unspecific but this happen in nearly all games and that the maincharacter is looking like you want to throw up at the start which at least can be skiped if his look alone want you to bleach your eyes.

    Fazit: A sandbox corruption game that while not trying to reinvent the wheel at least trying to shake things up and make something different and given the player control about how deep he want to sink.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't want to read a long review? It's good, try it. Yes you'll eventually not be super ugly, just tough it out.

    For those who want some more depth, the game has a rough start and continues to be a point of contention amongst people attempting to get into it. I'll fully agree with this, you spend an uncomfortable amount of time as "paper-bag-man", to the point where you're wondering if this is going to be an ugly bastard game. Fortunately, you do eventually escape this prison and become....well he's not great, but not unbearable and certainly a big step above the previous model. It's at this point the game really begins.

    From here, it become a standard open-world hentai game, you wander around, meet girls, and try to smash. There's no cumbersome grinding with them which I consider a huge plus and that is explained away with the plot of the game. This combined with an accurate tips section on each character's porfolio leads to steady progress and rarely any wasted days unless you're intentionally avoiding some characters (which isn't entirely possible as some are tied to the plot, but I don't see a reason to miss content as you can just skip through stuff you don't like).

    As of this post, the game has finally reached the deciding point; the long promised chance to either be the hero of harams, of the bastard of bimbos. I can only comment about the light path because I'm not sharing any of my girls in a hentai game, but if you're into that, NTR, drugs, and all that crap, the game has a path for you. Up until this point, you were kind of on a rail, with your choices not mattering too much as certain events need to happen to drive the plot. As a minor spoiler, I'll mention that there are two characters (Lily and Sophia) for whom your decisions will actually change things before the divergence, so be careful with them.

    It sounds like I'm complaining so far, and that's because I do have a few grips with the game, yet I'm giving it five-stars. That's because of the diversity of characters, scenes, and writing which all culminate in a truly exceptional experience make this game stand out amongst more average entries in this genre. The plot is weird yet very engaging, with there rarely being downtime. Without anything to really grind, your focus isn't broken, and you aren't given a chance to leave the headspace the game puts you in, which I consider factor of utmost importance in a successful game. I can't speak for everyone, but when the flow is broken, I can easily lose interest (and my boner).

    All of this is to say: I wrote a review because Jamleng requested people who like the game to post a one so the game can gain attention. And I did. Hopefully more community interest will keep this game developing for some time to come.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks for this game its a great game, the history have light and darks moment, the lewd escenes are awesome im all ways. I recomment this game to everyone. Its a great option to pass the time if you know whats a mean. I waiting fornthe next update
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    great game been playing since first release and the game has come a long way in terms of story and quality since the first release.

    you can see that dev is is getting better at what he is doing every update.

    the game can be played by both ntr lovers and haters since the choice is yours to make
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Raki Kajiya

    Excellent game. This is the kind of thing i hope to find when i look for a porn VN. I wont talk anything about NTR (a common thing to read among people who left a review) or any porn genre but the thing that caught (and commonly catches) my attention, the story.

    Character development is a key thing for me as the porn scenes later on have infinite times more meaning, and this game nails it!. Just the right amount of everything. If you are a guy like me that likes getting to know the girl intimately before banging, this game is for you! (except from the nurse, just enjoy that one).

    LTA story is definitely catchy and good enough to justify everything that is happening around the MC, with some funny touches here and there like Chad (they were not necessarily my thing but i can understand that people could like it), tension and really anything you could ask for.

    The only complain i would make is the menu designs, icons and small stuff like that. They work completely fine and it amazes me how well done it is but it needs serious visual polishing. Things like the hint menu are used so often that i think is important to work on it.

    Besides from what i mentioned, the game is amazing and you clearly see the amount of quality work that has been put in it. I loved the game and i will sure support it!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game! The choice paths are lengthy and fulfilling. The development that's put into this game is mind-blowing at times...Oh ya, updated quite frequently with a decent amount of content; not a complete game, yet..which would bring the rating down to a 4/5...if I hadn't given this game a 6/5 in my opinion already anyway.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall this game is off to a solid start with compelling characters and lots of personality. My biggest complaint is that the pacing is off, and so all the lewd content suffers as a result. There’s not really enough build up or teasing to make a truly great game here. The prologue has a good amount of this, but then it just goes away when the main game starts, and your sisters, plus everyone else, want to have sex with you at the drop of a hat.

    I think it’s okay to corrupt the peripheral characters quickly, but for the core cast of mom, sisters, neighbor, and eventually aunt, it should be more gradual than it currently is. I think the game could use a lot more random sexiness among this core cast, like beach trips, sexy outfits around the house, people going brakes/pantyless, stuff like that. Maybe progression of swimsuits to be more sexy during beach trips could be an example (please include more thong swimsuits in this game!) And then some slow-burn romance stuff would help too, like kissing first, exploring feelings before jumping into things, going on dates, etc.

    I think if you revamped the design philosophy to incorporate these two elements, this game would be one of the greats. If not, it’ll still be pretty decent. Keep up the good work!

    ***7-month edit after my previous 4-star review. Changing to two stars because of the decision to split into two distinct pathways. This has never ever worked even remotely well for ANY game, and this game will be no exception. After 7 months of waiting, there was about 20 minutes of content added to the route I played. This is what happens when development resources are cut in half. Rather than sticking with the game's original premise of a harem game with sharing elements, which has never really been done before, the devs want to have their cake and eat it too by attracting both vanilla and NTR fans. Well, I believe they made a poor decision and now will be making two mediocre games instead of one great one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, definitely top notch.
    Various kinks (just look at the numerous tags) and a very serious team, you can hardly go wrong with that, plus it has a mobile port, perfect to play in bed if you don't have a laptop.
    I got frustrated in the prologue because of the rather pitiful main character (sorry not sorry) but it gets better with time ;)
    The koikatsu animation are well done.

    End of review, the next part is optional:

    By the way never stick to patr*on, search for more fair websites.
    Seeing a company/website taking control is disgusting.
    Aside from that the game is free so it's not right to complain about it, post clear reviews so that people know what they are getting into. If you don't like move on, I do that all the time lol.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game!

    Sandbox element of this game is what kills it. Its not unplayable and on a technical aspect, no bugs. The hint system for this game is a life saver otherwise it would be probably be a 1. You still have to perform certain actions at a specific time of day to trigger certain scenes which is an absolute chore. Its not the worst Ive ever seen but its definitely annoying. The grind doesnt take too much away from the action as the Dev sprinkles just enough throughout the grind to keep you hooked. I had given this game several tries and deleted it at least two times before I finally figured out the strategy or game mechanics. Simply put, the girls stories are reliant on each other, meaning you'll be stuck on one character until you advance another character. While that's not a dealbreaker, I never understood why devs who use this method wont just make the game a VN. The story is still linear and linear games should be VNs. Saves time.

    What finally got my attention were the "Dark Routes" in this game. I LOVE debauchery and mayhem in my porn games. Romance is cool too but in porn Im here for the hardcore sex and exhibitionism. Not only did this game nail it, it went above and beyond my expectations. One instance reminded me of a H-Manga by Shindol, it was that dark. While Im not turned on by the extremities, I am definitely impressed that a dev has the BALLS to be different in this day and age. Go for the jugular and not be so politically correct. The group scene on a particular dark route I watched was one of the hottest scenes Ive ever witnessed on this site. The premise behind it is very screwed up and not cool but the fetish and mindbreak was fantastic.

    The scenes are the reason this engine grew on me so long ago, nice fast and smooth action with multiple facial expressions. Sandbox is why this isnt a 5. Also, it suffers from the same fate many games with too many characters does...even with loads of content it still feels very short.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Worth playing just for the comedy lol, Story is great and the lewd scenes are nice too. :)

    I'm not that far into the game, played through the pre-lude and got a bit into the story and so far it's awesome. Dev seems to update pretty regular too so def would recommend giving it a try
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I need to update this review and remove 1 star.
    The game tipped the scales of what I think is OK in terms of controversy content. Murder and abuse bordering on being psychopathic!
    Be warned!

    I actually wanted to lower it by 2 but this game has pregnancy sex scenes so I can't.

    Also the irregular game flow really go to me this time.
    Speak with x at day nn.
    Day nn comes.
    Not able to speak with x as said at previous step
    Continue with content which unlocks a character at day 40
    Now I can speak with x at the beginning.
    This make no sense to me.

    Rated: 4/5
    Based on: v0.10
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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I freaking loved this update, The hype and wait was worth it, the scenes were good and You leave us on a cliffhanger. OOOF I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE
    The lab is certainly a big move to the story
    @XoMo @Jamleng you guys are definitely really good. The writing was spot on,
    the inside jokes and connections were all good.
    I wanted to go full on dark but as I started to read the lines i started to think twice i was feeling what the MC was feeling.

    Bringing @XoMo to writing the game was perfect he has definitely done some super good lines. The life to the characters and the new scenes written by him was lit.

    The best part of this game is the developer who keeps trying real hard to please all his patrons. The game is out of patreon which really good means the game can have a lot more content in it without any patch or stupid shit

    Jamleng has already started his work on the next update by the time people finish this game and find all the scenes he would be done with it
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont like this style of drawing/art/ modeling cause feels to me more loli'sh.. which usually hard to reflect the ehm ehem "nastiness" I like, but surprisinly it didnt fail to do so on either animation and osts and writing, besides I liked that you can pick your path .. good or bad.. and even so there is levels of each path .. for me i explored bad first and i was given the choice to either go darker route trough and trough or just stick to normal level of h-game stories.. other than that I liked that the story is really immersive and hooking with real stakes and consequences .. which made me question my morals as a player.. like at some point if you keep ging down ..things gets outa hand..I'm looking forward to what it might give and its worth investing for (still that kind of art /models not my favorite stuff as a personnal taste)
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Opinionated onion

    Good game with lots of content and fetishes. So far good story as well. Has good character development and tons of cast members. Can't wait to see future development and deserves support and recognition!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    GAME RATING: 5/5
    AMAZING story(and amazing patch too ;)
    You can avoid anything you don't want to see/it warns you with decisions
    Really clean animations
    A lot of content already
    Fast updates
    Great variety of characters
    Nice subtle humor
    Not a grind heavy game(takes a while to play through but there is no 'busy work' since it is constant story and scenes so it's nice and full of juicy content)

    not many games i look forward to seeing updates from nowadays but this is def one of my favorites at the moment, please support this guy.
    he has gotten a lot of mixed emotions due from people not understanding how to click the 'Developers Notes' and just cry over tags before reading into things but he is seriously working hard to make everyone happy and changed the story and name of the game to do so. along with all the confusion from the earlier builds, he never responded in a bad manner once to anyone(doesnt really matter much to the game but being a long time member here it's surprising to see considering how nasty people can be), he is single handedly one of the nicest and most dedicated developers ive seen here in a while(for the genre's i play at least) he deserves more exposure. if u don't believe any of my words just scroll through all the pages in discussion, i literally commented talking about how i refused to try this game at first but by 0.2 i had a change of heart and indulged because i love the art style and was swiftly blown away with the actual game. i meant to make a review way sooner but after enjoying 0.6 i felt inclined to do so now

    definitely do urself a favor and give this game a try
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    The Radio Demon

    I wanted to rate the game 5 * within the first minute of the prologue. But since it wouldn’t be a review i waited until more :).

    Prologue was very enjoyable, comical, socially awkward and sympathetic.

    For the Main game I would have liked an ugly bastard MC option, but going vanilla MC (good looking, big dick, earning good money) is ok. At least the MC can be ugly inside.
    There are plenty of warnings that the story can get rough and unethical. But before the story of Sophia most of those were just text based.

    Needless to say, I haven’t tried mild options so far.

    Warnings for extreme content are mostly fair. But not always on point. Sophia’s story junction Warning “Sharing” would have been rather NTR in my point of view.
    That’s about the worst thing I could say about the game. So far i haven’t encountered any bugs.

    The game has plenty of content with different kinks, nice animations and decent enough renders. I’m happy to see that the developer is aiming to create the lewdest porn game there is, but doesn’t cut down at the story! The Story fits to incorporate all the kinks without stretching it. It looks like the developer planed the story ahead or at least has a better talent for story telling then others. The indication of foreshadowing and using comical features is perfect.

    I started the game for the advertised lewd content, but I’m playing it to finish the story. Not sure if the story will unfold how its indicated, nevertheless I’m certain it will be entertaining even beyond the lewd part.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential here
    Animation is decent, art isnt bad. The story line is a little poorly put together but ultimately not bad. The Wild options are awesome - a lot of games shy away from dirty talk but this one embraces it and delivers it well. I give it a solid 4 because of the adventurism of the opening character to the transition of what he becomes. Again a lot of potential here - dont waste it!