Was an absolutely great update, of which I had no doubt it would be, having experienced and loving the initial release a while back. On top of working full-time job and going to school, with the limited time at hand the dev still finds time to work on the project too, if that's not a sign of passion, love and dedication for the project, then I don't know what is.
And you can tell that dev aims for high quality and it really is that, the renders and models and assets all are beautiful and as far as I can see, quite original too, I know I've never seen them before. And the story is really really good.
Maybe the ladies are a bit TOO good, I mean, how am I supposed to choose which one to go for and which not, they're all just so yummy and they all have their own distinctive personality, haha. Well, right now it's Chelsea and Lexi that I'm most interested in but that doesn't mean I don't like Kaylee, she's quite feisty and naughty that one, I like that, haha
The dynamics between different characters feels and flows naturally, I quite like the playful banters between MC and the sisters, haha
But my priority is reuniting the little girl with her daddy though, she's like the cutest thing I've ever seen in VNs. Seeing her run to her daddy all happy when MC came home made me go "Awwww!" and then it broke my heart seeing her cry when mommy said daddy has to leave "No! I don't want daddy to go!", that scene made me think "Dev, what are you doing to me, and why? This scene right here already set my priority in the entire story permanently!" haha
Chloe really is the cutest thing ever, I must reunite her with MC, the little girl needs her daddy!
Yeah, I've absolutely been a fan since initial release, and now even more so, it truly is some top notch work the dev team is doing here, and while I can't support financially, what I can do is try spread word of this VN.
Keep up the magnificent work dev, take your time with the updates, no need to rush content out, just ensure that the quality stays the same, if not even improve (if that's even possible, it's already so high quality, haha), we'll gladly wait for quality content! :heartcoveredeyes: