So I played it now for about 5 hours or more with the model job.
Here and there are some sex scenes but for all the work I put into getting to this point, I had hoped that there will be more then just a few lines and 2 pics in a scene. The most of them start out of nothing, like "hey you bus girl, wanna fuck or suck for 30/20 bugs?" Ehm yes? Ok, fuck fuck, over. In a mostly text based game you could have written a little more into them, how the MC feels while being watched some more Dirty Talk or just something else.
Why do I have the phone numbers of people like Raul, Bibi, Rosi or Henry if I cannot talk to them?
Is there any chance to get to some scenes that developed over time? Like with Henry? There are a lot of clips in his file, but I have no chance at all to trigger them. I tried in not paying the rent, what just leads to an end.
All in all the game has it charmes, but it would be awesome if there were some storylines with other characters and the MC, so that you can look forward for the things to come. And the most important thing is, that it would be nice to see the progress in a reasonable time. To grind for hours and hours just to see some out of nowhere sex scenes with no build up at all, is some big kind of frustrating.
I do not want to troll here just for the complaining. I do appreciate your work here and the quick answers a lot. It is just how I see it at the moment.