Hi all,
My apologies for the long period without replying to your posts. Please see below my post on my Patreon page from a few minutes ago, which should explain the hiatus.
Hi all,
I've been absent for a while and for that I apologize. I've been ill the last three to four months and still am. I've had several doctors appointments and been to the hospital numerous times and have a few more appointments in the near future.
I'm almost constantly dizzy every day, often have a (very) hot head but no fever, lots of headaches and the occasional nausea. So far they have not been able to pinpoint whatever it is I have, so I can't work on my recovery at the moment.
Mainly due to the dizziness, I've been unable to stare at text on screens for more then 1 minute on most days.
Dude, what about my moneh!?
I know this sucks for you as I am sure you are all eagerly awaiting the release of the wardrobe version of the game. I'm truly sorry for the delay and because I've not been able to work on the game during the month of March at all, I will refund you all in the beginning of April for the month of March; so whoever gets charged, will get a refund.
But what does it mean for the game man?
Well, the release is so close. The last few days have been a bit better for me and I've been able to look at the status of the current BETA and what needs to be fixed to release it finally. I just need to fix a few minor things and then I will release the new version. I'm fairly certain this will happen in the next two weeks.
Anyway, I hope that the above makes you understand why I've not been around a lot lately and I'll try and get back to you with another update on my health and/or the game in the next two weeks.
Take care all and stay healthy!