BurningSun Many thanks and a great game! Some suggestions after playing loads:
1. A part-time job at the bar - customers could also offer to buy her a drink.
2. An office job would open up the option to include office parties, dating co-workers and after work drinks etc.
3. Ability to date someone nice (a tenant or from the club, bar or at work (photographer in the flower shop scenario); male or female).
4. Take the pill, abortion etc.
5. Pregnancy (noted this is in hand), children, live together, marriage etc.
Many thanks.
Thank you for your suggestions!
1) This already exists! Be at the pub at 15:00 on Wednesday I believe and you can speak to the owner. I admit, way to hard to get this job. Will be adjusted in the next update I think/I hope.
2) Yea I would like to add a real office job receptionist -> office assistant -> personal assistant -> everyone's assistnat

But that is not in the planning atm as it is too much work and I want other things to be finished first.
3) YES I agree. I'm working on this -- see a hint of what exactly is in one of the other answers in this post.
4 & 5) This are basically the same kind of thing and yes this is coming. I know it takes forever, but it will come.
make it so that the more liberal and the less dignity pc has, enables pc to do things at higher Intellect than normal -- ex: max liberal and very low dignity = will do pretty much anything a bimbo pc with min Intellect would do while being super smart -- after all not all bimbos are stupid and not all geniuses are chaste, sometimes a genius may be a slut and sometimes a bimbo is really a genius who likes playing dumb
add new areas, and ability to go to other cities on vacation if your money is enough (for small events and more variety) perhaps the pc wishes to have sex in a different city each day or perhaps your sluty pc wishes to take a break from sex but everyone in main city knows pc is a slut. (Berlin, Paris, and Bangkok are listed as not in game yet, so will these ever show up?)
custom difficulties -- ability to toggle options at start for a different difficulty experience -- for example, I like the hard mode stuff but I would prefer keeping the job icons, and sometimes I would like to have higher risks in bad events and sex but do not want to deal with money troubles.
Ability to move to a new rent location or straight up buy a house perhaps in a new location area -- removing rent but adding taxes and perhaps ability to bribe tax collectors with your body -- and adding ability to do more things in house like having a sex dungeon and a full gym in house -- having a house could open up options like marriage, more stable lifestyle, keeping a baby or several (and hiring a nanny female or male to take care of the kids, and maybe some 'banging the nanny' sex), etc
adding more kinks would be great
Thank you very much for your suggestions.
Basically at this time in the game a high liberal + low dignity will make most things available as if someone with very low intellect. Certain choices are different, but the outcome, though the text and images may be different, is the same.
Other cities are coming for sure. Paris is the first one and if not for my health issues may have been previewed already earlier this year as part of it is finished, albeit a small part. I'm constantly working on more locations and once I get characters working, it will open up a lot more.
Hmm not sure if custom difficulties is something I can add anymore at this time as a lot of stuff is behind the $Diff variable and chaning that would mean changing a lot of code. Will think about it though.
This last one sounds fun, but is too big to handle. Complete new housing location would be an immense job and will not happen sorry!
I think this was planned for patch 8.9, to be released in the summer of 2018.
Shtradha, haha. I don't think it was ever planned for 2018, but 2020 for sure. Stuff happens, other stuff is more fun to do, etc etc. It will come eventually.
I just begin to play your game, and I wonder if there are some lesbian contents in the v0.8.8.22.
In November 2020 you reply this.
But it was some months ago now, so is there a lesbian route now ?
I asked for more lesbian content a long time ago. BurningSun said he was gonna add more, but its not really happened.
There are a few lesbian events, but no real paths. The job that has the most lesbian stuff is the photo job where you have sex with another model.
damnedfrog &
Yea I have promised it and I have been working on something. Hopefully the next release after the wardrobe one will include something the two of you will like. It involves a beach, a 'Summer' and more.