I'm on Day 24 and with the exception of a guy in the shower...is there any sex content in this game?
I've done photoshoots with Donny, gotten drunk off my ass and picked up at the bar but they never take you home...nothing happens in a sauna with men or mixed sauna, naked in the park or on the beach...
I don't see any club or anywhere else to go, and surprisingly there's nothing to do in the Red Light district.
The page refresh button on your browser can be very helpful as in most places it reloads a new random event.
Many of the items below are rare. You might not see them in in-game months. Some can only occur on certain days.
On the street there is a chance of you getting lost, with multiple options to pick from. If you pick the guy standing near an alley there is a high chance you will be raped.
On the street you can encounter a bad neighborhood. There are three options here, all of which involve you getting molested briefly.
At the beach if you lie down while topless and sleep there is a chance of getting an invite to a beach party. If you get drunk there is a chance you can get raped if you go dancing.
Randomly raped walking around at night.
I believe you can gain access to the club by either seeing a flyer on Henry's board, or by just having a random discovery of it while walking around. In the club there are numerous possible sexual encounters.
1) Club - Get drunk and get molested, which you can either accept or shrug away from.
2) Club - Pick up a man or woman and go home with them for sex by flirting. Being drunk can change the outcome.
3) Club - Be picked up by a couple for a whirlwind night you barely remember.
4) Club - Drunkenly accept a drink for sex.
5) Club - Be randomly raped.
6) Club - Gloryhole content, but I can't remember what unlocks it.
7) Club - If drunk there is a chance that someone might "help" you home, which results in rape and theft of your money and clothes. (I always recommend saving before you start clubbing due to this event)
There are several routes to becoming a street walker, which probably has the largest variety of images.
- You can get this through the flowershop route in several ways
- The loan shark may force you into this depending on your stats if you can't pay.
- I think one of the photoshoot routes also enables this.
I think there is a rare scene involving clowns in the park at night, but I have never seen it.
If you have a high enough reputation, you can get propositioned for sex on the bus.
Anyone feel free to correct me if I misstated some of the events above.