This is my first twine project, so the best I can say is that I'll try. It would be nice to have some kind of escape for when things go wrong.Thank You! Any chance you could enable the back/forward buttons for this?
Okay if that is all, pls pm me a save file and I'll look at it for you."have you used any cheats at all? The rent stuff has stayed untouched for many versions. The only way I get any errors is when I use cheats; skip time or something like that/
Please let me know. If not, a savegame would be great!"
I edited the html to give me 99999999 cash right at the beginning, on any difficulty. But other than that no, i didn't cheat.
No. Thanks for pointing it out. I've fixed it now for the next version to be that 1st message.Hey, BurningSun, I was looking up in HTML for every possible way for Lizzy to lose virginity...
Should it be like this?
When you at the point he come to the Shop to take you to the Fields with Flowers to Fuck you.Dont go with him and don't talk with him after Work ignore him and go direct Home.Okay sooo.. How to get that Mo property ending? I think i already tried everything in flowershoop route and still cant get it..
Thanks!When you at the point he come to the Shop to take you to the Fields with Flowers to Fuck you.Dont go with him and don't talk with him after Work ignore him and go direct Home.
Camp Counselor, Could you tell me which scene? Any snippet of text would do.Hey Burning Sun, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but triggering the beach scene on Sunday mornings as a virgin isn't displaying a virginity message in the character menu. It just displays "On $," everything following that is blank. I don't really know html so I'm looking for it in the code, I'll let you know if I find it
It's the R-scene while walking on the beach Sunday morning. It starts with:Camp Counselor, Could you tell me which scene? Any snippet of text would do.
Thanks a lot!
According to the road map there's like 2 updates before Paris opens up. BurningSun any news about the progress?Wenn kann man entlich Paris oder Berlin spielen? Nur Amsterdam ist auf der dauer Langweilig.
Bitte, können Sie mal English reden/typen? Ich hoffe das Sie das nächste verstehen kann (wow broken German, but I triedWenn kann man entlich Paris oder Berlin spielen? Nur Amsterdam ist auf der dauer Langweilig.
Camp Counselor, Yeah found it. Many thanks.It's the R-scene while walking on the beach Sunday morning. It starts with:
'You are enjoying your walk along the beach. It is pretty quiet this early on a Sunday, but you don’t mind, you kinda like it as it helps you clear you mind. You stroll along the shore and love how the small waves occasionally spit some water up your calves when suddenly someone says: "A slut lingering along, hoping to get groped no doubt. Am I right?"
You turn around and see some bald guy standing about 1 meter away from you. He is completely naked!'
In the character screen, it just says (copy/pasted from my save): "On Sun the 4 of Sep, "
I hope this helps, I haven't found anything in the code yet but I'll let you know if I do
There are a few more updateas before Paris opens up. I'm currently working on V0.8.8.0. After that comes V0.8.9.0, Then the knocked up version in V0.9.0.0. Between that version and V0.10.0.0 are many updates as well.According to the road map there's like 2 updates before Paris opens up. BurningSun any news about the progress?
Day 4 and you got almost 3k euro? Someone's cheating.Hey all,
Due to the current circumstances I don't have a lot of free uninterrupted time to work on the game, but still progress is being made. I hope you all stay safe and Covid-free!
I hope to release the next version (V0.8.8.0) at the end of May latest. I'm having trouble finding the creativity to finish the stripper job at the moment. Which happens, but I really want to finish it and leave it behind me this time. No more delays! Grrrrr
Anyway, as usual I'm working on several different areas at the same time and attached there is a small mini teaser on one of those things I'm working on at the moment.
Speak soon!
Sorry my mistake. Thank for the update BurningSunBitte, können Sie mal English reden/typen? Ich hoffe das Sie das nächste verstehen kann (wow broken German, but I tried)
Anyway, please see my answer below. Paris will open up this year. That is the plan.
Camp Counselor, Yeah found it. Many thanks.
Corrected the virginity stuff as well as all the yellow text for the next version.
There are a few more updateas before Paris opens up. I'm currently working on V0.8.8.0. After that comes V0.8.9.0, Then the knocked up version in V0.9.0.0. Between that version and V0.10.0.0 are many updates as well.
Having said that, Paris will open up this year. It will not be finished... duhIt will be at 20% or so I'm guessing. Not sure how big it will become. I think a little smaller than Amsterdam, but that is pure guessing at this time.
Hope that helps