Yeah purpose is needed in order to play the game I agree. Though you could argue that the purpose could be to find all the smut right? Take for example one of the games that is generally regarded as pretty damn good; GGGB. Great game with a ton of options and 'hidden' stuff, requiring I dunno how many play-through's. But does it really have a purpose, other than finding the smut? I don't think so, and I believe most games here have 1 main purpose; find the smut. And do so by either be good, bad, submissive etc etc.Oookay, to carry over from what I started on the Girl's Journey page, the reason I mentioned it over there, but not over here is because I feel like saying "the game seems purposeless after awhile" is a dumb thing to say about a game that's still in development (especially to the dev), but it could be useful information to someone interested in playing the game. I know you were joking, but it wasn't really meant as a criticism.
As far as potential suggestions, or discussions, centered around what I said, I've got plenty of ideas that I'd be happy to share but really they hinge on what direction, specifically what end, you want to take this. Based on what you've said about this game on the first post here and also on your Patreon page, we (those playing) will have the ability to shape her narrative, but my experiences have shown that all roads lead to prostitution. Which I'm fine with, but maybe would prefer it if it were only a couple of roads, not all of them. Bear in mind that whatever I'm saying or suggesting is purely based on how my experiences have played out and I haven't tried different approaches to see if I got a different outcome, yet, so I could be uninformed about certain things.
Looking at your road map it seems like 08.8 and 08.9 could provide a needed sense of balance and create different opportunities and possibilities for her, but that's just conjecture since some of the things that I think would help may or may not be a part of those updates.
That being said, I am planning and working on purpose, a goal in my game. So far two out of the four jobs have a good path (read: where you can evade the pitfalls). My goal is to finish those paths and make them viable storyends. But not just a simple end. For example my idea for the Library is:
- Lizzy is on the good path, avoided Zack and Willem and continues to work there. At a certain point Patricia will tell her that in order for her to keep paying her and not to get into trouble paying someone on a daily basis in cash, Lizzy will need to actually start to work there; get a contract. But she can only do that if she has a Social security number which she must get at the local municipality. She will need to pay for a few things in order to get that. Once all that is there, She can get the job. With the job a steady income and with the steady income she will be able to find a proper place to stay in and live happily ever after.
Now a few issues with the above obviously are:
1) WTF where is the fun part?! Where is my smut dear developer!?
2) Grind sucks! BOOOOOOHHH we want smut
3) etc
Anyway, when Amsterdam is finished, my goal is to have several of these good paths. Some will lead to her own place, some maybe a relationship or a sugardaddy or something like that. Actual goals to end the game if people so desire to do so. Obviously another goal is to make the game big enough for people to simply keep on playing without ever ending it and starting over.
Hopefully the above is a proper reply to your post!
For the record:
1) I think GGGB is an awesome game so nothing bad about that game from my side at all!
2) I know it wasn't meant as criticism. I was just replying as a joke as I happened to spot your post by chance.
3) I don't think there is anything bad about the purpose 'finding the smut'. I was just using it as an argument.
Edit: I guess that even if I finish those good paths and get them working the goal of the game would never be; Guide Lizzy from her first arrival in Amsterdam to her happily ever after life and avoid all smut. It probably still be 'find the smut' haha