This seems to be a very contagious issue with adult game developers. Maybe they never learned how to actually read a calendar or worse never meant to actually do what they say.
to be fair, multi million dollar game making companies can't really get their shit together and have, ah, a little too generous of goals, with hundreds of people on the payroll.
not really that surprised some indie dev making a porn game as a hobby can't either. really, the bigger thing to me is they bother with the announcements - dates, even. just a "this is the next stage of the project" would've sufficed, without putting a time frame to it.
shit happens. they looked at a calendar and claimed they could do a thing in a timeframe, presumably, and it just didn't work out that way, rather than "can't read a calendar" or never meant to do that thing. more likely they meant to do it at the time, meant to get it out in time, and... didn't.